The Greatest Demon Lord Is Reborn as a Typical Nobody, Vol. 1 (light novel): The Myth-Killing Honor StudentWhen being mediocre is the best-case scenarioAs the most powerful entity of all time, the Demon Lord Varvatos thinks life is a big fat snore. When he takes matters into his own hands and decides to reincarnate, he calibrates his magical strength to be perfectly average. But there is no way he could have predicted that everyone in the modern world would be weak as hell, which means he is totally overpowered once again! Reborn under the name Ard, he has ladies fawning over him, the royal family begging him to become the next king, and an ex-minion insisting on killing him?! But Ard has a one-track mind, and he won’t stop at anything to achieve his ultimate goal! |
The ExDemon Lord and His Mission to Make | |
The ExDemon Lord Reunited with Trouble | |
The ExDemon Lord Versus the Child of the Gods | |
The ExDemon Lord in HighKey Danger | |
The ExDemon Lord and His Plans to Support a | |
The ExDemon Lords Lessons on Magic Part I | |
The ExDemon Lord in Pursuit | |
The ExDemon Lord and a Confrontation with the Demons | |
The ExDemon Lord and Girl Trouble Part I | |
The ExDemon Lord and Girl Trouble Part II | |
The ExDemon Lord a Battle Event and Absolute Mayhem | |
The ExDemon Lord Absent | |
The ExDemon Lord and a Plan to Attack | |
The ExDemon Lord Versus the Frenzied King of Dragons Elzard | |
The ExDemon Lords Day in Review | |
The ExDemon Lord and an Invitation | |
The ExDemon Lord and His First Date Ever | |
The ExDemon Lord and a Change in Scenery | |
Afterword Yen Newsletter | |
Common terms and phrases
A-Ard absolutely academy Ard Meteor attack spell battle event cast chant chest completely continued Demon Lord dungeon Elrado Elzard enemy entire body Evil Gods Ex-Demon Lord eyes face fear feel finger Four Heavenly Kings front Geez Giga Flare Gimme a break Ginny's girl glared Golde gonna grin guess guys Ha-ha hair hand head heart Hee-hee-hee Heh-heh-heh Heroic Baron instructor Ireena and Ginny it'd Jessica Jessica Lange kids King of Dragons knew look Lydia Mages magic circle magical energy mean meant Minotaur Miss Ireena Monster Hunter N-no never nodded Olivia Orphan of Chaos potion queen reincarnated Rivelg scream seemed smile someone stared started stop succubus sure surprise sweat talk target tell thanks There's thing thought totally true turned unleashing voice Weiss What's who'd Yeah Yen Press