The Pupils of St. John the Divine, Issue 82

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Macmillan, 1885 - 320 pages
This little book has been composed on the principle of following as far as may be the life of the Apostle himself, then those of his immediate disciples, and beyond them of the persons who had been instructed by their teaching; then of showing how the churches thus formed met trial and persecution, and, as far as possible, sketching the vicissitudes of their history to the present time. - Preface.

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Page 31 - The Fairy Book; the Best Popular Fairy Stories. Selected and rendered anew by the Author of "JOHN HALIFAX, GENTLEMAN.
Page 27 - Stephen (CE)— THE SERVICE OF THE POOR; Being an Inquiry into the Reasons for and against the Establishment of Religious Sisterhoods for Charitable Purposes. By CAROLINE EMILIA STEPHEN. Crown 8vo. 6s. 6d. "The ablest advocate of a better line of work in this direction that we have ever seen.
Page 17 - Macmillan (Rev. Hugh). — For other Works by same Author, see THEOLOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC CATALOGUES. HOLIDAYS ON HIGH LANDS ; or, Rambles and Incidents in search of Alpine Plants. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. Globe 8vo.
Page 294 - And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations : and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
Page 29 - Ye shall indeed drink of the cup that I drink of; and with the baptism that I am baptized withal shall ye be baptized...
Page 58 - It is a faithful saying: For if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him: if we suffer, we shall also reign with him...
Page 279 - The Oracles are dumb ; No voice or hideous hum Runs through the arched roof in words deceiving. Apollo from his shrine Can no more divine, With hollow shriek the steep of Delphos leaving : No nightly trance or breathed spell Inspires the pale-eyed priest from the prophetic cell.
Page 31 - Guesses at Truth. By Two BROTHERS. New Edition. The Cavalier and his Lady. Selections from the Works of the First Duke and Duchess of Newcastle. With an Introductory Essay by EDWARD JENKINS, Author of "Ginx's Baby,
Page 20 - Palgrave (Sir F.) — HISTORY OF NORMANDY AND OF ENGLAND. By Sir FRANCIS PALGRAVE, Deputy Keeper of Her Majesty's Public Records. Completing the History to the Death of William Rufus.
Page 30 - Messrs. Macmillan have, in their Golden Treasury Series, especially provided editions of standard works, volumes of selected poetry, and original compositions, which entitle this series to be called classical. Nothing can be better than the literary execution, nothing more elegant than the material workmanship"—BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEW.

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