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APRIL 1904.

XXXVII. On Double Refraction in Matter moving through the Ether. By D. B. BRACE *.


HE FitzGerald-Lorentz † "Contraction" Hypothesis to explain the negative results of the Michelson-Morley experiment of interference between two rays, at right angles and parallel to the earth's motion, has been tested by Rayleigh & in his experiments on the double refraction of liquids and of glass. He assumes the contraction to be (10-4), and also the excess of the index above unity to be proportional to the density. The first assumption is apparently in error by a half and should be 0.5 x 10-8. The second assumption does not seem to be entirely valid for glass, at least, when compared with the double refraction produced by a given strain. The first correction reduces his margin down to 50 times for a liquid and 15 times for glass. The second will reduce the margin to considerably less than unity for glass, which would thus leave us only the observations on liquids upon which to base our conclusion.

While the method of Rayleigh cannot be regarded by any means as a conclusive test of the hypothesis, it is the only experimental one attempted and can be extended so as to give a safe margin for a solid like glass.

This suggestion of the "contraction" hypothesis by Lorentz, from considerations in regard to intermolecular forces analogous to the interaction, through the mediation. * Communicated by the Author.

† Versuch einer theorie, Leiden, 1895.

Amer. Journ. of Sci. (3) xxxiv. p. 333 (1887). § Phil. Mag. Dec. 1902.

Phil. Mag. S. 6. Vol. 7. No. 40. April 1904.

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of the æther, of electric and magnetic forces, is certainly plausible enough to warrant further examinations and extension experimentally. That the intermolecular forces are not altered by factors many times less than those obtained by Rayleigh, is found to be the case in the media used.

Experiments with Water.

Two arrangements suggest themselves: the one, a system rotating about a vertical axis, the other a similar system rotating about a horizontal axis so as to shift the plane of polarization from a position at 45° to the earth's orbital motion through an angle of 90°. In the matter of simplicity, sensibility, and stability the latter method would be preferable. However, the first arrangement was selected for the purpose of utilizing the same mounting for other experiments. A heavy beam was pivoted between the floor and ceiling so as to carry a trough with its horizontal axis intersecting the pivotal axis. This system could be rotated continuously so as to bring it into any desired position. This trough was 413 cms. long, 15 cms. wide, and 27 cms. deep on the inside, and built up of 5 cms. planking in order to give sufficient stability to the polarizing and mirror systems which it carried.

In order to obtain sufficient intensity through the total column, the 2856 cms. of water used, sunlight was so thrown into the trough as to keep its path the same whatever its position. The lens 1 (fig. 1) of about 2 m. focus converged the sun's rays, from a carefully adjusted heliostat, within the nicol 4, after reflexion from 2 and 3. The diverging beam was then successively reflected from mirrors 5, 6, and 7 upon the concave mirror 8. The radius of curvature of this latter was about 15 m., and it was mounted, as were the other mirrors, upon brass plates containing adjusting-screws fastened to the ends of the trough. The axis of the reflected cone was displaced in a horizontal plane, so that the return ray passed through the analysing system 9-11 placed to one side of the polarizer. The lens 12 converged the light, which would otherwise have come to a focus at a distance of about 2 m. beyond, to the eye 15 at a distance of 25 cms. from 9. Thus the eye could observe 9 directly or by means of the telescope 14. Both the heliostat-mirror and the lens 1 were diaphragmed down so that the aperture of the cone of rays was slightly less than that of the mirror 8 whose aperture was about 15 cms. This prevented diffused light from the mirror and the water reaching the nicol 11 to any serious extent, and also aided in the adjustments of the mirrors so as to keep the rays fixed when the trough was rotated.

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The total-reflecting prism 2 was carried by a universal mounting passing through a rod forming the prolongation of the axis about which the system rotated. By properly shifting 1 and 2 the ray 2-3 could be brought exactly in the axis of rotation, so that when the trough was rotated the return ray at 9 remained at a definite point in the field of view. 3 and 4 were then shifted until the ray passed through them symmetrically. Any change in the direction of the incident ray at 1 would of course cause a shift, but by properly regulating the heliostat this could be avoided. However, with such a long optical lever slight irregularities might occur after a rotation, but these were always compensated for before observing the field of view by adjusting 2 until the beam of light occupied the exact position it did previous to rotation.

The polarizing nicol was either one with ends normal to the ray, or, if of the ordinary type, mounted in a cell with thin cover-glass ends so as not to affect the ray when the system was under water. The analysing nicol was a GlanThompson of 15 mms. aperture. The analysing and polarizing systems together with the prisms and lens were mounted within tubes to prevent access of the water and upon a common cross-piece fastened to the trough. By adjusting 8 the cone of rays could be sent into the analyser symmetrically so as to fill completely the field of view. The principal planes of the nicols were crossed and at 45° to the vertical plane. A metal diaphragm was placed lengthwise between the entering and the emerging rays and between the mirror 5 and the polarizing system so as to prevent scattered light reaching the analyser.

The following delicate method, a detailed description of which I give elsewhere, was used for observing the slightest trace of double refraction. 9 was a thin strip of mica which I will designate as the "sensitive strip" of order o or 0.0012 mm. thick, cemented with Canada balsam between two thin cover-glasses without double refraction, the latter being cemented to a brass ring carried by an arm extending from a collar slipping over the brass containing-tube of the nicol. This collar carried an arm with the scale divided into

some 60 divisions representing half degrees. 10 was a similar thin section of mica of order, approx., cemented similarly and covering nearly the entire aperture of the nicol 11. This system, which I will designate as the "compensator," was mounted on a collar slipping over the nicol between the collar and the strip of the first system. This Phys. Rev. Feb. 1904.

had an arm for rotating and also a pointer passing over the scale referred to.

In the adjustments 2 was moved until, when the trough was turned completely round, the ray as seen on a white mark did not shift. Water which had been heated to drive out air and prevent minute bubbles forming in it and upon the mirrors and thus causing diffused light was then flowed into the trough until it covered the analysing and polarizing systems. This usually caused a shift of the rays, and 2 was again adjusted until the spot of light remained fixed when the trough was rotated. 8 was then adjusted until the return rays passed through the analyser so as to give a uniform field of view when examined directly with the eye through a small circular aperture or by means of the telescope 14. The light after its passage through this 30 metres of water appeared of a beautiful light-green tint. With the mica sections removed the nicols were adjusted for extinction, which was fairly complete. The sensitive strip 9 was then thrown in and rotated to extinction, and then turned through 45° so as to bring its principal axes at 45° to the principal plane of the analyser. 10 was then placed in position and turned until the field on each side was of the same intensity as that of the sensitive strip. The eye thus saw the field of view illuminated uniformly with green light in the neighbourhood of this strip. The slightest trace of double refraction in the direction desired would at once make itself evident in the relative increase or diminution of the light from the strip.

The conditions of maximum sensibility in photometric comparisons, namely a vanishing line and a uniform field, were thus attained. A small piece of glass compressed vertically to the slightest degree with the fingers placed after the polarizer 4 showed a sharp change of intensity at this bounding line. A match could be immediately obtained by rotating the compensator 10. By noting the position of the pointer for a match and then shifting the same until such a change could just be detected, a measure of the sensibility of the system could be obtained. This angle was found to be 0°.2 under favourable conditions. At each observation the sensibility was determined. A match was obtained with, say, the trough in the meridian at noon, this was then turned through 90° into the direction of the earth's orbital motion. The position of the return image at the polarizer was noted, and if it had shifted in any way it was brought back by the adjustment of 2 into its initial position and then the field of view examined. In no case could a change be observed, i. e.

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