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XXVII. Proceedings of Learned Societies.


[Continued from p. 151.]

June 18, 1874.-Joseph Dalton Hooker, C.B., President, in the Chair.

THE following communication was read:

"On Coniferine, and its Conversion into the Aromatic Principle of Vanilla." By Ferd. Tiemann and Wilh. Haarmann.

The sap of the cambium of coniferous trees contains a beautiful crystalline glucoside, coniferine, which was discovered by Hartig and examined some years ago by Kubel, who arrived at the formula C11 H32 012 + 3aq.

A minute study of this compound leads us to represent the molecule of coniferine by the expression

[blocks in formation]

the percentages of which nearly coincide with the theoretical values of Kubel's formula.

Submitted to fermentation with emulsine, coniferine splits into sugar and a splendid compound, crystallizing in prisms which fuse at 73°. This body is easily soluble in ether, less so in alcohol, almost insoluble in water; its composition is represented by the formula

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Under the influence of oxidizing agents the product of fermentation undergoes a remarkable metamorphosis. On boiling it with a mixture of potassium bichromate and sulphuric acid, there passes with the vapour of water, in the first place ethylic aldehyde, and subsequently an acid compound soluble in water, from which it may be removed by ether. On evaporating the ethereal solution, crystals in stellar groups are left behind, which fuse at 81°. These crystals have the taste and odour of vanilla. An accurate comparative examination has proved them to be identical with the crystalline substance which constitutes the aroma of vanilla, and which is often seen covering the surface of vanilla-rods.

On analysis, the crystals we obtained were found to contain

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This is exactly the composition which recent researches of Carles have established for the aromatic principle of vanilla. The transformation of the crystalline product of fermentation into vanilline is represented by the following equation:

C12 H12 0, + 0 = C, H2O + C, H, O,.

12 3


To remove all doubt regarding the identity of artificial vanilline with the natural compound, we have transformed the former into

[blocks in formation]

both of which had previously been prepared by Carles from the natural compound.

In order further to elucidate the nature of vanilline, we have submitted this body to fusion with alkali. The product of this action is a well-known acid discovered by Strecker, and described by him as protocatechuic acid,

which is thus formed

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O,+ O

C, H,0, +40 = C, H, 0, + H, O + CO,.

8 3

We have identified this substance by analysis, by the study of its reactions, and also by transforming it into pyrocatechine, C. H2O2

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The transformation into protocatechuic acid fixes the constitution of vanilline. This compound is the methylated aldehyde of protocatechuic acid; its composition referred to benzol is represented by the formula




Indeed, submitted under pressure to the action of hydrochloric acid, vanilline splits into chloride of methyl and protocatechuic aldehyde,

[blocks in formation]

CH-OH + HCl = CH, Cl + C, H,




A corresponding action takes place with hydriodic acid; but in this case the aldehyde is destroyed.

An additional proof of the correctness of our view regarding the constitution of vanilline is obtained by treating this substance with acetic anhydride and benzoyl chloride.

The action does not go beyond the formation of the compounds

[blocks in formation]

showing that vanilline does not contain more than one hydroxylic group.

The constitution of vanilline being thus made out, there could be no doubt regarding the structure of the product of fermentation from which vanilline arises. This compound is the ethylic ether of vanilline,

CH, OC, H,

That such is the constitution of the body is proved by the simultaneous formation of ethylic aldehyde when vanilline is formed. We obtained, however, an additional confirmation of this conception by submitting the product of fermentation to the action of hydriodic acid under pressure, when an alcohol iodide was formed, which we succeeded in separating into the iodides of methyl and ethyl,






The experiments we have described in this note were performed in the laboratory of Professor A. W. Hofmann, to whom we are deeply indebted for the advice and assistance he has given us in the course of these researches.

June 11, 1874.—The following communications were read :— "On the alleged Expansion in Volume of various Substances in passing by Refrigeration from the state of Liquid Fusion to that of Solidification." By Robert Mallet, C.E., F.R.S.

Since the time of Réaumur it has been stated, with very various degrees of evidence, that certain metals expand in volume at or near their points of consolidation from fusion. Bismuth, cast iron, antimony, silver, copper, and gold are amongst the number, and to these have recently been added certain iron furnace-slags. Considerable physical interest attaches to this subject from the analogy of the alleged facts to the well-known one that water expands between 39° F. and 32°, at which it becomes ice; and a more extended interest has been given to it quite recently by Messrs. Nasmyth and Carpenter having made the supposed facts, more especially those relative to cast iron and to slags, the foundation of their peculiar theory of lunar volcanic action as developed in their work, The Moon as a Planet, as a World, and a Satellite' (4to, London, 1874). There is considerable ground for believing that bismuth does expand in volume at or near consolidation; but with respect to all the other substances supposed to do likewise, it is the object of this paper to show that the evidence is insufficient, and that with respect to cast iron and to the basic silicates constituting iron slags, the allegation of their expansion in volume, and therefore that their density when molten is greater than when solid, is wholly erroneous. The determination of the specific gra

[blocks in formation]

both of which had previously been prepared by Carles from the natural compound.

In order further to elucidate the nature of vanilline, we have submitted this body to fusion with alkali. The product of this action is a well-known acid discovered by Strecker, and described by him as protocatechuic acid,

which is thus formed

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C, H, 0, +40 = C,H, 0, + H, O + CO,.

We have identified this substance by analysis, by the study of its reactions, and also by transforming it into pyrocatechine, C. H. O2


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The transformation into protocatechuic acid fixes the constitution of vanilline. This compound is the methylated aldehyde of protocatechuic acid; its composition referred to benzol is represented by the formula



Indeed, submitted under pressure to the action of hydrochloric acid, vanilline splits into chloride of methyl and protocatechuic aldehyde,



CH-OH + HCl = CH, Cl + C, H, OH


A corresponding action takes place with hydriodic acid; but in this case the aldehyde is destroyed.

An additional proof of the correctness of our view regarding the constitution of vanilline is obtained by treating this substance with acetic anhydride and benzoyl chloride.

The action does not go beyond the formation of the compounds






CH, OC,H,0

showing that vanilline does not contain more than one hydroxylic group.

The constitution of vanilline being thus made out, there could be no doubt regarding the structure of the product of fermentation from which vanilline arises. This compound is the ethylic ether of vanilline,

CH, OC, H,


That such is the constitution of the body is proved by the simultaneous formation of ethylic aldehyde when vanilline is formed. We obtained, however, an additional confirmation of this conception by submitting the product of fermentation to the action of hydriodic acid under pressure, when an alcohol iodide was formed, which we succeeded in separating into the iodides of methyl and ethyl,



CHOCH, + 2HI= CH2I+ C, H, I + C, H, OH



The experiments we have described in this note were performed in the laboratory of Professor A. W. Hofmann, to whom we are deeply indebted for the advice and assistance he has given us in the course of these researches.

June 11, 1874.—The following communications were read :— "On the alleged Expansion in Volume of various Substances in passing by Refrigeration from the state of Liquid Fusion to that of Solidification." By Robert Mallet, C.E., F.R.S.

Since the time of Réaumur it has been stated, with very various degrees of evidence, that certain metals expand in volume at or near their points of consolidation from fusion. Bismuth, cast iron, antimony, silver, copper, and gold are amongst the number, and to these have recently been added certain iron furnace-slags. Considerable physical interest attaches to this subject from the analogy of the alleged facts to the well-known one that water expands between 39° F. and 32°, at which it becomes ice; and a more extended interest has been given to it quite recently by Messrs. Nasmyth and Carpenter having made the supposed facts, more especially those relative to cast iron and to slags, the foundation of their peculiar theory of lunar volcanic action as developed in their work, The Moon as a Planet, as a World, and a Satellite' (4to, London, 1874). There is considerable ground for believing that bismuth does expand in volume at or near consolidation; but with respect to all the other substances supposed to do likewise, it is the object of this paper to show that the evidence is insufficient, and that with respect to cast iron and to the basic silicates constituting iron slags, the allegation of their expansion in volume, and therefore that their density when molten is greater than when solid, is wholly erroneous. The determination of the specific gra

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