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the Corners of it. The Ambaffador was preceded by all his Equipage, in which there was Half a Dozen of Waggons, cover'd with ragged Tilts, and drawn each by Four fcrubbed Horfes, that were led by Carters, whofe Cloaths were in a very bad Pickle. After this Equipage came the Ambaffador's Officers, and then Twelve Horfes, of which the Sultan made a Prefent to the Emperor. Behind the Ambaffador there march'd a Company of Spabis, that carry'd Pikes, with fmall Standards at the End of them of various Colours. Thefe were follow'd by a Company of Janizaries, who, tho' but meanly clad, made a very warlike Appearance, their Arms and Legs being both naked: The March was clofed by a Regiment of Huffars.

This Train pafs'd before the Palace call'd la Favorita, in View of the Emperor and Empress, and then went thro' the City, paffing the Bridge over the Danube, into the Suburb of Leopoldftat, where a Houfe was prepar'd for him, according to antient Custom, which is, that no Turkish Ambaffador muft ever lodge in the City of Vi


The Ambaffador feem'd to be very fcrupulous in his Obfervation of the Ceremonial: He was loth to confent, that the Janizaries fhould carry their Muskets on their Shoulders, when they pafs'd before the Emperor at his Palace la Favorita; and pleaded in Excufe, that the Janizaries did not march fo even in Prefence of the Sultan. He stood alfo upon his Punctilio in fome other Trifles, to which however he was oblig❜d to fubmit, or he was threaten'd that he fhould not make his Entry. The Ambaffador on his Part to fhew his Refentment, caus'd only Two HorfeTails to be carry'd erect, and the Third down


wards; but feeing that no body car'd for his being out of Humour, he foon came to himself again, and then was treated with Civility. He feem'd to be very fond of good Order, and caus'd fome of his Domeftics, who had conmitted certain Enormities, to be feverely pu nish'd.

While the Ambaffador ftay'd at Leopoldftat, Vienna fwarm'd with Turks, moft of whom having never been out of their own Country, ftar'd with fo much Surprise at every thing they faw, that it afforded daily Diverfion to the Public. One Day I obferv'd a Turk entring St. Stephen's Church at the Time when there was no Service, nor fo much as a Soul in the Church. I was fo curious as to follow him at a Distance, and to obferve all his Motions, which made me very merry: The Place at which he discover'd the greatest Astonishment was the Choir, the Form of the Clergy's Stalls there, the Conftruction of the High Altar; in a Word, every thing was to him a perfect Novelty: But the Thing which feem'd to puzzle him most of all was, a noble Lamp burning in the midst of the Choir: He turn'd round and round it again, and view'd it on every Side for a long while, but feem'd as much confounded as at firft, wondring to be fure how they did to kindle it. Mean time, after a little Paufe, he obferv'd a String underneath it, which he took into his Head to pull, and finding that all came towards him, he brought the Lamp down to the Ground. I obferv'd that he was mightily pleas'd that he had found out the Meaning of the Difficulty which had fo much perplex'd him; and when the Fire was fo near him, he pull'd a long Pipe out of his Pocket with fo much Gravity, that I could not help fmiling VOL, IV.



fmiling; and after he had lighted it at the Lamp, he hoisted it to the Place it was in before, and then went out.

Not many Days after the Entry of the Turkish Ambaffador was the Ceremony of the Marriage of the Archduchefs Maria-Jofepha to the Electoral Prince of Saxony. The Marriage had been projected a long time, and 'tis even said, that the Emperor Jofeph had promis'd the King of Poland in Writing to give his Eldest Daughter to the Electoral Prince, on Condition that he would turn to the Catholic Religion. Meantime, while this Match hung in Sufpence, the Electoral Prince of Bavaria enter'd the Lift, which very much embarrafs'd the Court of Vienna, who did not know for which Match to determine. The Perfon employ'd in this Negotiation by the Saxon Court was the Count de Wackerbarth. Soon after him the Electoral Prince in Perfon came to the Court of Vienna, and when he was oblig'd to return, he left the Count de Lagnafco there to take Care of his Intereft; who at length obtain'd the Emperor's Confent, and the Count de F came with the

Character of Ambaffador to demand the Princess of the Emperor, which was done with very great Solemnity. As I was curious to know the Ceremonies ufual upon fuch Occafions, I went to the Count de F, on the Day that he was to go to the Emperor for his Audience. Who fhould I fee arrive but the Count D'Oropesa, a Grandee of Spain, Knight of the Golden Fleece, and one of the Emperor's Chamberlains, in a Coach drawn by Six Horfes, follow'd by a fecond Coach and Six, with the Emperor's Arms and Liveries: His Imperial Majefty's Footmen and the Count's Lackeys walk'd on each Side of


receiv'd the

the firft Coach. The Count de F Count D'Oropesa as he alighted out of his Coach, and conducted him into a Room, where Two Chairs of State were plac'd under a Canopy of Crimson Velvet, inrich'd with Embroidery and Gold Fringe; and over the Chairs was plac'd the Picture of the King of Poland. The Two Counts feated themfelves in the Chairs of State, the Ambaffador giving the Right Hand to the Count. They were both cover'd, talk'd for about a Quarter of an Hour, and then went out, The Ambaffador stepp'd firft into the Emperor's Coach, and then the Count D'Oropesa, the former riding forwards, and the latter backwards over-against him. Four of the principal Saxon Gentlemen in the Ambaffador's Retinue went into the fecond Coach. Then the March began, when one of the Coaches of the Court led the Way, follow'd by one of the Ambaffador's Officers, at the Head of Twenty-four of his Excellency's Lackeys; the Coach wherein the Two Counts rode follow'd next; the Emperor's Footmen and the Count D'Oropefa's Lackeys walking on each Side Then came Eight of the Ambaffador's Pages, Four of whom were in the Ger man, and Four in the Polish Drefs; their Coats were of blue Velvet lac'd with Gold: Four Pages of the Back-ftairs clad in blue Cloth lac'd with Gold follow'd the other Pages, and Three of the Ambaffador's Coaches with Six Horfes each clos'd the March: In this Order did the Train arrive at the Palace; the Ambaffador's first Coach enter'd alone into the Inner Court, the Two others ftay'd in the Outer Court. The Ambaffador found the Emperor under a Canopy, and in the Name of the King his Mafter demanded the Archduchefs of him in Marriage for

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the Electoral Prince: The Emperor made him Anfwer, that he was very willing, on condition that the Empress, Mother to the Archduchefs, and the Archduchefs herfelf gave their Confent. After this Audience the Ambaffador was conducted to the Emprefs Regent, and to the Emprefs Mother, of whom he made the fame Demand, almoft in the fame Terms. The Princeffes anfwer'd, That if the Emperor was willing, and the Emprefs Amelia and the Archduchefs confented to it, they fhould fee the Marriage concluded with Pleafure: Then the Ambaffador was conducted to an Audience of the Emprefs Amelia, of whom he made the fame Demand, telling her too of the Anfwer he had receiv'd from the Emperor and the Empreffes. This Empress made Anfwer, That the Emperor's Will was always Her's, that the Electoral Prince was a Match that the lik'd, and that fhe hop'd the Archduchefs her Daughter would not be against it; and that fhe would go that Inftant, and let her know what he came about: At the fame time fhe turn'd to the Countess of Caraffa, her Lady of Honour, and bad her fend for the Archduchefs: This Princefs, being in an adjacent Room, came that Moment, drefs'd most richly: And the Emprefs told her what the Ambaffador had juft declar'd to her on the Part of the King of Poland, relating to her Marriage with his Son the Electoral Prince: She added, that the Emperor, the Empreffes and Herfelf had agreed to the Match; that nevertheless fhe was left abfolutely to her own Difpofal, and that the Emperor did not mean to constrain her: The Archduchefs made Anfwer, That fhe had no Objection to the Marriage, and that the obey'd their Imperial Majefties Orders with Refpect.


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