After this Declaration the Ambaffador advanc'd, and addreffing himself to the Archduchefs, prefented her with the Electoral Prince's Picture adorn'd with Diamonds, which this Princefs accepted, and without looking on it gave it to the Empress her Mother: The Emprefs, after having diligently view'd it, went to faften it to the Body of the Archduchefs's Gown, but the Ambaffador defir'd her Imperial Majefty to grant him that Honour; and after this Ceremony he return'd to his Palace as he came. The Emperor, the Emprefs Regent and the Emprefs Mother went to the Apartment of the Emprefs Dowager, where, after mutual Com. pliments of Congratulation, their Majefties din'd together. In the Evening the Emperor and the Empreffes went to pay a Vifit to the Archduchefs, that was to be marry'd, where the whole Court was prefent, and there was great Play, after which their Imperial Majefties and the Archduchefs went and fupp'd with the Emprefs Amelia. Some Days after this, the Ambaffador of Poland went again in Ceremony, but with his own Coaches, to the Palace la Favorita, where, in the Prefence of all the Imperial Family, all the Minifters and Privy Counfellors, and the Knights of the Golden Fleece, he folemnly renounc'd the Right of Succeffion in the Name of the King his Mafter, and of the Electoral Prince of Saxony, in cafe it pleas'd God that the Emperor fhould dye without Male Iffue. The Count de Sinzendorf, Chancellor of the Court, read the Act of Renunciation to all prefent, after which the Emperor demanded the Confent of the Archduchefs, and the Princefs giving her faid Confent, the Emperor order'd an Oath thereupon to be adminifter'd to her, which fhe took accordingly before the Archbishop of Valencia. This Frelate being drefs'd in his Pontificalibus before an Altar that had been erected in the Chamber, gave the Book of the Gofpels to the Princefs, who laying her Hands thereon, nounc'd the Rights of Succeffion. fador fwore the fame Thing in the Name of the King his Mafter, and the Electoral Prince of Saxony. folemnly reThe Ambaf In a few Days after this was done, the Electoral Prince fet out from Drefden, and came to a House made ready for him Two Leagues from Vienna. Having fent Notice of his Arrival to the Emperor, the Empreffes and the Archducheffes, the Emperor difpatch'd the Count de Molard the chief Steward of his Kitchen to him, as the Empreffes and the Archducheffes did the Gentlemen of their Houfholds, to compliment him thereupon: Next Day the Prince came incognito to the Convent of Nuns founded by the Emprefs Amelia, who alfo repair'd thither with the Two Archducheffes her Daughters. After an Interview of about Half an Hour, the Archduchefs, that was to be marry'd, and the Electoral Prince of Saxony, went to the Church, and there confefs'd; which done, the Prince return'd to his Houfe, which, as I have had the Honour to obferve to you, was Two Leagues from Vienna. He came again from thence next Day at Six in the Evening, and alighted at the Palace la Favorita, where being conducted into the great Chamberlain's Apartment, he there chang'd his Cloaths, and was then introduc'd by the great Chamberlain to the Emperor, and his Imperial Majefty led him to the Emprefs's Apartment, where were the Two Emprefs Dowagers and all the the Archducheffes. The Emperor prefented the Prince to them, and then they went to the Chapel in the following Order: The March was begun by all the Lords and Ladies of the Court; then came the Electoral Prince, with one of his Gentlemen, bearing a Wax Candleftick before him. The Emperor immediately follow'd the Prince, and then came the Three Empreffes and the Archduchefs, who was fupported by the Two Emprefs Dowagers, the Emprefs Regent walking foremost, as fhe always did where ever they went The latter had on a Straw-colour'd Gown of Silver Tiffue, adorn'd with Diamonds, and her Head Drefs was adorn'd all over with Pearls like Pears. The Archduchefs, whom I fhali hereafter call the Electoral Princess, was alfo very richly drefs'd; fhe wore a Fardingale, and her Gown was of Silver Brocade adorn'd with Diamonds: Next to the Princefs the Three Archducheffes walk'd one after another, led each by their Equerries: Thefe Princeffes were follow'd by their Ladies, whofe Dreffes were of extraordinary Magnificence. As foon as the Electoral Prince and Princefs were arriv'd in the Chapel, they receiv'd the nuptial Benediction from the Archbishop of Vienna. When the Ceremony was ended, the Imperial Family return'd to the Emprefs's Clofet, where they ftay'd near Two Hours, and then repair'd to the Table, in the fame Order as they obferv'd when they went to the Church. The Hall of the Feftival was fet off in an extraordinary manner; the Table was plac'd upon a Floor rais'd Three Steps, which form'd an oblong Square. The Emperor and the Three Empreffes fate at one End; the Electoral Princefs fate on the Right Side of the Table, and at the Right Hand of the Empress Mother the Electoral Prince, who had the fecond Place on the Right Hand of the Princefs, had a Chair with only a Back to it, and was ferv'd by one of his own Chamberlains; whereas the Princess and the Archducheffes fate in Arm-chairs, and were attended by the Emperor's Chamberlains: Overagainst the Princefs, on the Left Hand of the Emprefs Amelia, fate the Archduchefs her Daughter, and the Two Archducheffes the Emperor's Sifters: The Court Ladies ftood all round the Table till their Imperial Majefties had each drank once, and then they went to fit down at Tables ferv'd in different Rooms, but return'd to the Defart: There was fuch a Number of Services, that the Supper held a long time, during which it was animated by excellent Mufic: In the fame Room a Sort of Gallery was erected for the Turkifk Ambaffador, who faw all the Supper, and was attended by 30 of his Domeftics. Care was taken to ferve him with Sweetmeats and other Refreshments; and the Interpreter having ask'd him what he thought of the Magnificence of the Court of Vienna; he arifwer'd very gallantly, That noble as this Appearance was, there was nothing fo grand in the whole Entertainment as the Perfon of the Emprefs. After Supper was ended, the Empress Dowagers led the Princefs into her own Apartment, and did not retire till fhe was in Bed: Next Day the Prince and Princefs receiv'd the Compliments of the whole Court; they din'd afterwards with the Emperor and the Empreffes, and at Night went and faw a new Opera, that was compos'd upon account of their Nuptials. The Emperor fate there as ufual, with the Emprefs on his Left Hand, and the Archducheffes one after another in the fame Row; the Electoral Princefs preferv'd the Precedence due to her Birth; the Electoral Prince fate in the fame Line as the Emperor, but after all the Archducheffes. The Opera was moft magnificent, yet I thought it very tedious, for really 'twas too long; and befides, the Heat was intolerable: When the Opera was over, the Imperial Family fupp'd together, as they did next Day at Dinner, which was the laft Meal that the Prince and Princefs made at Vienna; for as foon as they rofe from Table, they took Leave of the Emperor and the Empreffes, and fet out for Drefden. There arofe fome Difficulty touching the Ceremonial that was to be obferv'd as they pafs'd thro Prague, to avoid which the Electoral Prince went before, and pafs'd round the Town; but the Princefs made her Entry there. As foon as the Princefs was gone, I began to think what a tedious Journey I fhould have before I could join my Regiment, which, as I have had the Honour to tell you, was in Sicily. As this Journey would naturally keep me a long time out of my own Country, I was willing first of all to fettle my Affairs. For this Reafon I defir'd a Month's Furlough, and went to Drefden, from whence I fent for my Steward to come and meet me. I chose to stay at Dresden rather than Berlin, not only on account of the Solemnity of the Princess's Entry, of which I was fond to be a Spectator, but becaufe of the Enemies I had at the Court of Pruffia, who would perhaps have done me fome ill Office with the King. Having fet out from Vienna a few Days after the Electoral Princefs, I arriv'd at Drefden the fame Day that her Highnefs made her Entry there. The Pre L |