Head, for 'tis the Head by which the Body i always directed: Confequently the Church cannot affemble, act, nor decide, without the Pope, who is its Head, and who, by Confequence, has the fole Right of Decifion; because he is the Rock on which Jefus Chrift has founded his Church, and becaufe without him there would be no Church. I therefore with Submiffion receive all the Decifions of a Council where the Pope either prefides in Perfon, or by his Legates; and I look upon all Affemblies of Priefts that are met, or are held by the Command of any other Power than the Pope, as mere Affemblies of the Clergy. Thus, my Lord, have I given you the fincere Declaration of my Faith, fuch as it is imprinted on my Heart I believe it Holy, and I believe it Canonical; and hope, that when your Lordship fees it in Writing, you will give it the fame Approbation that you were pleased to honour it with when I had the Favour of making it to you by Word of Mouth. If, contrary to my Intention, I have deviated from the Track of Truth, I intreat you, my Lord, to lend me your Hand, to vouchfafe to be my Guide, and to lead me to that Piety which you profefs, and by which all Mankind is edified: Make me worthy of the Dignity of the Priesthood, of which I am ambitious. But this is trefpaffing too far upon your Eminency's Attention, and 'tis high time to put an End to a Letter, which nothing can excufe the Length of, but the Sacrednefs of the Subject whereof it treats. I fhall think myself exceeding happy, if if I have explain'd myfelf with fufficient Perfpicuity, and if the Sentiments I lay before your Lordship can render me deferving of the Honour of your Efteem. I am, with infinite Respect, My LORD, Tour LORDSHIP'S Moft Humble, and Moft Obedient Servant, Charles-Lewis, Baron de Pollnitz. END of VOL. IV. GRIPPA 132. St. Aignan (Duke of) 3. Order'd to quit Spain 7, 8. His Converfe with the Cardinal Bor AIx, in Provence, t. 100. Alberoni (Cardinal)_2, 7, 8, 19, 20, 94, 211, 213, 6. to 115. Albert-Cajetan Charles, Electoral Prince of Bavaria 35- ALCALA, t. 204. Alexander VII. (Pope) 126. Alliance (Quadruple) 3. ALTEN-ÖTTINGEN, t. 91. Amedeus VIII. (Duke of Savoy) 174. Amphitheatre (of Vefpafian) 132. D'Ancenis, (Marquis) 6. ANCONA, t. 150. ANDERNACH, t. 259. A a Anbalts Anbalt-Deffau (Prince of) 261. Anne (Queen) her Statue 241. Aranjuez (Palace) 224, 231. Afturias (Prince of) 210. Audiences, an Abufe in that Article at Vienna 55. Auguftus II. King of Poland 84, 85. His Queen, 85. B Ank Bills of France 23, 180 to 185. BARBI, t. 262, 284. Bareith, Margrave and Margravine 295. Bavaria, (Elector of) his Palace and Court 31, 32, &c. BAYONNE, t. 188. Belgrade, Prince Eugene's Victory near it 1. The Bernini, a famous Defigner 126. Berwick (Marthal) His Ingratitude to the King of BEZIERS, t. 186. BILBAO, t. 235, 236, &c. Bing, (Admiral) his Expedition to the Mediterra- nean 2, 3. Bifcay, (Province) its Privileges 237- BLANKENBERG, t. 282. Bohemia, (St. Wenceslaus King of) 288. Bois, (Abbat de) Ambaffador 3, 113, 114. BOIS-LE-DUC, t. 257. BOLOGNA, t. 151. Borgia, (Cardinal) bis Ignorance 214. Brittany, |