of a mother, kings, a stone, fa- μητηρ, βασιλεύς, λαας, vour, to a heart, O boy. 8. A mother, to an oak, O Simois, a giant, of power, to honey, birds, of heroes, roses, O sun, O Scythian, to orators. 9. To birds, of two lions, to a bone, debts, O Hercules, sons, of a word, to shepherds, of a citadel, snakes, of a foot, to bellies. 10. Teeth, O Neptune, to fathers, a belly, to bodies, honours, O impudent, to mustard, of a hatchet, parsimony, of youth, of doors. 11. Of Pelides, a fountain, of love, to Phœbus, marriages, two heads, of oxen, servants, night, to power, of two horses, a port. 12. Of Sparta, of a wound, a goblet, to cities, to reverence, two mouths, O interpreter, trenches, virtues, to two hands, to myriads, a multitude. 13. Air, two eyes, a beach, flowers, to a well, of years, of water, customs, Trojans, Greece, O judge, of a tripod. 14. Possessions, a sea, countries, eyebrows, knees, O Jesus, disciples, of a spear, a kingdom, parents, of Atlas, laughter. χαρις, κεαρ, παις. Μητηρα, δρυς, Σιμοεις, γιγας, δυναμις, μελι,ορνις, ἡρως, ῥοδον, ἡλιος, Σκυθης, ῥητωρ. Ορνις, λεων, οστεον, χρε ος, Ἡρακλεης, υἱευς, επος, νομευς, αστυ, οφιςα, πους, γαστηρ. Οδους, Ποσειδων, πατης, γαστηρα, σωμα, τιμης, κυνωπης, σινηπι, πελεκυς, φειδως, νεοτης, θυρα. a Πηλείδης, πιδαξα, φιλοτης, Φοιβος, γαμος, κεφαλη, βους, θεραπων, νυξα, κρατος, ίππος, λιμην. Σπαρτα, έλκος, κρητηρα, πολις, αιδως, στομα, ἑρμηνευς, ταφρος", αρετης, χειρ, μυριας, πληθυς. a Αιθηρα, ομμα, ῥηγμινα, ανθος, φρεαρ, ετος, ύδωρ, εθος, Τρως, Ελλας, κριτης, τρίπους. Κτεαρ, άλς, πατρις, οφρυς, γονυ, Ιησους, μαθητης, δορυ, βασιλειας, του κευς, Ατλας, γελως. CHAP. II. A verb agrees with its nominative, in number and person. Verbum cohæret, &c. Eton. ४ ACTIVE. 1. Pres. I HONOUR, thou strikest, he says, ye two write, they two give, we send, ye bring, they are willing. 2. Imperf. I was carrying, thou wast seeing, he was sending, they were laughing, we were running, ye were thinking. 3. 1. Fut. Ye two shall drive, they shall say, I shall follow, thou shalt call, ye shall labour. 4. 2. Fut. I will do, he will bury, ye will cut, they two will strike. 5. 1. Aor. I wondered, they gave, he did, thou placedst, they two remained, we wrote. 6. 2. Aor. They did come, I did find, thou didst see, we did strike, they two did give. 7. Perf. I have seen, we have got, ye two have spoken, he has honoured, we have laboured. Τιω, τύπτω, λεγω, γραφω, διδωμι, στελλω, φερω, εθελω. Φερω, όραω, πεμπω, γε λαω, τρεχω, νομιζω. Ελαυνώ, φημι, ακολου θεω, καλεω, πονεω. Πρασσω, θαπτω, τεμνω, τύπτω. Θαυμαζω, διδωμι,πρασ σω, τίθημι, μενω, γραφω. Ερχομαι, εύρισκω, είδω, τυπτω, διδωμι. Όραω, τυγχανω, λέγω, τιμαω, πονεω. 8. Pl. perf. I had written, ye two had known, thou hadst made, they had struck. MIDDLE. 9. Pres. Thou sittest, he comes, they turn themselves. 10. Imperf. I was beginning, ye were hurting yourselves, they were standing. 11. 1. Fut. Thou shalt prepare thyself, we shall take, I shall know, ye shall receive. 12. 2. Fut. Ye two will strike yourselves, he will drink, I will turn myself. 13. 1. Aor. He ceased, they two did, I stretched myself. 14. 2. Aor. We two did give, they were, he did place himself. 15. Perf. I have suffered, we have struck ourselves, thou hast trusted, he has escaped. 16. Pl. perf. He had left, I had heard, they had come. PASSIVE. 17. Pres. He is named, we two are nourished, they are admired. 18. Imperf. I was struck, they were prepared, it was written. 19. 1. Fut. I shall be punished, thou shalt be left, he shall be sent. 20. 2. Fut. Ye will be struck, he will be delivered. 21. 1. Aor. It was said, we were found, ye were loved. Γραφω, γινωσκω, ποιεω, τύπτω. Ἡμαι, ἱκομαι, τρεπω. Αρχομαι, βλαπτω, ἱσ τημι. Παρασκευαζω, δεχομαι, γινωσκω, λαμβανω. Τύπτω, πινω, τρεπω. Παύω, πρασσω, τεινω. Διδωμι, γινομαι, τιθημι. Πασχω, τυπτω, πειθω, φευγω. Λειπω, ακουω, ερχομαι. Ονομαζω, τρεφω, θαυ μαζω. Τυπτω, παρασκεναζω, γραφω. Κολάζω, λείπω, στελλω. Τύπτω, απαλλασσω. Λεγω, εύρισκω, φιλεω. 22. 2. Aor. He was buried, they Θαπτω, φαινω, στέλλω. were manifested, I was sent. 23. Perf. It has been done, Πρασσω, τυπτω, φιλεω. they have been struck, we have been loved. 24. Pl. perf. I had been edu- Τρέφω, κρινω. cated, it had been judged. 25. P. P. Fut. She shall be Θαπτω. buried. PROMISCUOUS EXAMPLES. 26. He was challenging, he was laughing, to make, having perceived, thou mayest send, to go, he was blaming, they would guard, he was learning, he had stood, he did perceive, having descended, seeing, he did take, to give, I may become. 27. I would affirm, they may be, I was contented, they might leap, he would be taken, it has been wrought, I would appear, being about to find, he has suffered, having composed, he would compare, to be able, to have struck, having read. 28. They have used, to return, they died, to think, he would rebuke, to have sinned, he buried, ye think, we did come, they have been injured, they were thinking, hear ye, they showed. 29. Thou wouldst have, to go away, they might be deceived, they were vexed, having hoped, to be about to be taken away, he γελαω, Προκαλεω, ποιεω, αισθανομαι, πεμπω, πορευομαι, μεμφομαι, φυλασσω, μανθανω, ἱστημι, αισθανομαι, καταβαινω', ὁραω, λαμβανω, διδωμί, γινομαι.6 Αφορίζω της, ειμι, αρκεως, εφορμαως, λαμβανω, εξεργαζομαι, δοκεως, εὑρισκω3, πασχω, συντιθημι, παρεικαζώς, δυναμαι, εκπλήσσω, αναγι νώσκω." Χραομαι", επανερχο μαι, αποθνησκω, νομίζω, επιτιμαω, ἁμαρτανω, θαπτω, οιομαι, αφικνεομαι, αδικεω, οιομαι, ακουω, δεικνυμι. Έχω, οίχομαι, σφαλλω, ανιαω, ελπιζω, αποσπαω, μανθανώς, επιτιθημι, νικαω", εικώς, 7m H would learn, having put on, hav- 30. To have been hurt, honour 31. Nothing was made, John answered, do not ye say that it is four months, and the harvest comes? Jesus bore witness, Cyrus received, then the man went away. 32. Philip has died, Chrysantas did stand up, and he spoke thus, the time would be, the man shall love, Panthea having sent did say, do not grieve, O Cyrus, that Araspas is gone, m 33. Amabam, novi, invenies, scribunt, cecidi, ibat, cucurristi, timuit, veniebamus, sedebo, ero, pugnabat, accepit, moriemur, absumptus est, ureris, percussus sum, pugnavi, magnificabitur. 34. Lex est, tempus videtur, homines cognoscunt, filius moritur, rex existimabat, majores fuerunt, pater cœpit, Deus potest, discipuli veniunt, poetæ cogitant. |