excellent persons, we apprehend, who do not sufficiently consider their obligations in this respect. But it ought to be remembered, that the law of the Jubilee, for the release of the debtor, was merely a TYPE of that generous compassion which should animate every true Christian under the grace of the GOSPEL. Let every man, then, who is a possessor of land in Britain, remember the words of God to the Israelites;-" The "land is MINE; and YE are sojourners and 66 strangers." And surely these days of revolution may well fix the solemn truth deeply in every heart. Who, amongst us, can say, that the land he possesses is HIS, and that it will descend to his heir? 66 For, "here we have no continuing city, but "seek one to come."-" We are strangers ❝ and pilgrims on the earth." And And we, alas! live at a period, when the pilgrimage is frequently soon ended! How many of our contemporaries, both rich and noble, have been lately cut off in the youth of life! Let those, therefore, who survive and enjoy wealth and ease, consider their responsibility; for they also will soon be called to account for the TALENTS which have been committed to them. If religion hath acquired a due influence over their minds, they will begin to consider themselves "as "stewards of God;" and their desire will be to dispose of their means in such a manner as shall be most agreeable to His will. For the highest praise of the good man, in a practical sense, is, that he is a DISPENSER OF THE BOUNTY OF GOD. Let the season, therefore, of the approaching Jubilee be employed, chiefly, in cultivating these noble principles and affections. May there be peace, and joy, and forgiveness, in every house at this time. Let it be a Jubilee to the Lord in the heart of every man, who looks, himself, for mercy and forgiveness. Let him endeavour, in this day of his merciful probation, to prepare for the great day of eternal account, which will soon arrive. So that, when the LAST TRUMPET shall sound, and the time which God hath fixed "for the redemption of the purchased possession," shall be fully come, he may have "an entrance minis"tered unto him abundantly, into the ever lasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour "Jesus Christ." II. THE British Jubilee. PREACHED ON THE 25th OCTOBER, 1809, BEING THE THANKSGIVING DAY, OR JUBILEE, APPOINTED TO COMMEMORATE THE 50TH YEAR OF THE REIGN OF HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY, GEORGE THE THIRD, |