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but, by their duration, seem to be strengthened and confirmed In what perfect harmony, for example, are those apparently discordant parts of our excellent form of government at this time; and how peaceable are those seemingly opposite interests which compose it. In every age of our history Our CONSTITUTION hath been extolled; but there certainly never was a period when it appeared in more beautiful proportion, or had attained so nearly to a state of perfection, as the present. Who, then, was the author of this constitution of which we boast? Was it the peculiar wisdom of the Danes which constructed it? or of the Saxons, or of the Normans, or of the natives of the island? What is the name of the great legislator who conceived the mighty plan? Was it created by chance or by design? And now that it is formed, can any other nation execute a plan after the great model? We know well by WHOSE

counsel and providence our happy government hath been begun and finished. OUR CONSTITUTION IS THE GIFT OF GOD. And we have to acknowledge his goodness for this blessing, as we thank him "for life, "and breath, and all things. * This honour he hath done to our nation, in order that he might execute by us (we would believe) his own great designs, in the fulness of time. The divine wisdom hath ordained for us a constitution in which great power and pure religion grow up together; an union which hath never been known to exist in a great empire, to an equal extent, since the commencement of the Christian æra.

*Monsieur de Lolme calls the British constitution "the discovery of a most important secret." It is not "to be ascribed to the confined views of man ;”—“ to his "imperfect sagacity." "The world," he adds, "might "have grown old, generations might have succeeded "generations, still seeking it in vain.”

Now let us reflect a moment under what circumstances the various blessings above-enumerated have been continued to us; this dominion, opulence, commerce, constitution, and liberty,-in short, this existence, as a powerful, free, and happy people. They have been preserved to us while the powers of the civilized world have combined for our destruction, and assailed our very existence as a nation. How strange would it have appeared to our forefathers, nay, how remote from all political calculation, even of recent times, had it been asserted, that Great Britain would, one day wage equal war with the whole of Europe! and that, in the tempest of a revolution, convulsing the world, this nation should remain firm and unshaken, amidst the general wreck of mighty kingdoms ! The government of Israel was a theocracy. God was their king; and he sometimes interposed visibly in their behalf, and fought for

them from heaven. But surely if we admit the existence of a superintending provi

dence at all, we must believe that, the divine interposition hath been exercised in favour of this country. What statesman, fifty years ago, would have believed that this nation ever could be what she now is, execute what she has executed, or endure what she has endured! Surrounded by the flames of war for a series of years, she remains to this hour unhurt, untouched on her own shore! It is commonly said, that the most extraordinary event, in the annals of the world, is the revolution of France, and its suddenly-acquired dominion. But there is another event, which is, perhaps, no less remarkable; and that is, the DEFENCE made by Great Britain against that power.

II. We have now to review those blessings of a religious and spiritual nature, for which we ought, on this day, to express

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our gratitude as a Christian nation. We have already noticed the preservation of the state, during a long period of imminent peril. We are now to express an equal gratitude for the continued preservation of the CHURCH. And here there are two subjects of thankfulness, first, that our national church remains sound and entire in her doctrines, and in her polity; and secondly, that true religion is increasing generally throughout these realms.

I. We have, in the first place, to adore the divine goodness, that the faith of our church hath remained impregnable and unmoved by the shock of infidelity, There was a time, even within the period of the present reign, when the progress of religious unbelief was awfully rapid amongst Christian nations. Infidelity was the germ of those revolutions which have destroyed the social and political relations of Europe.

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