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" This quiet sail is as a noiseless wing To waft me from distraction; once I loved Torn ocean's roar, but thy soft murmuring Sounds sweet as if a Sister's voice reproved, That I with stern delights should e'er have been so moved. LXXXVl. It is the hush... "
The Works of Lord Byron: With His Letters and Journals, - Page 169
by George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1833
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The Eclectic review. vol. 1-New [8th], Volume 7

1817 - 628 pages
...sweet as if a sister's voice reproved. That I with stern delights should e'er have been so moved. ' It is the hush of night, and all between Thy margin and the mountains, dusk, yet clear, Mellowed and mingling, yet distinctly seen, Save darken'd Jura, whose capt heights appear Precipitously...
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The Hand-book for Travellers in Switzerland and the Alps of Savoy and ...

John Murray (Firm) - Switzerland - 1811 - 620 pages
...Sounds sweet as if a Sister's voice reproved, That I with stern delights should e'er have been so moved. It is the hush of night, and all between Thy margin and the mountains, dusk, yet clear, Mellow'd and mingled, yet distinctly seen, Save darken'd Jura, whose capt heights appear Precipitously steep; and...
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The British Critic: A New Review, Volume 6

English literature - 1816 - 696 pages
...if a sister's voice reproved, That I with stern delights should e'er have been so moved. LXXXVI. " It is the hush of night, and all between Thy margin and the mountains, dusk, yet clear, Mellowed and mingling, yet distinctly seen, Save darken'd Jura, whose capt heights appear Precipitously...
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The Christian Observer, Volume 16

Religion - 1818 - 904 pages
...sweet as if a sister's voice reproved, That I with stern delights should e'er have been so moved. « It is the hush of night, and all between Thy margin and the mountains, dusk, yet clear, Mellowed and mingling, yet distinctly seen, Save darken'd Jura, whose capt heights appear Precipitously...
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The Christian observer [afterw.] The Christian observer and advocate

1818 - 896 pages
...sweet as if a sister's voice reproved, That I with stem delights should e'er have been so moved. '• It is the hush of night, and all between Thy margin and the mountains, dusk, yet clear, Mellowed and mingling, yet distinctly seen, Save darken'd Jura, whose capt heights appear Precipitously...
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De Clifford; or Passion more powerful than reason, Volumes 3-4

De Clifford ( - 1820 - 582 pages
....""•. . " » . I \ • :'.u. -.. i'r - jl "» I'- •:.-. *,•' .!•• • ii:': •! CHAPTER VI. It is the hush of night, and all between Thy margin and the mountains, dusk yet clear, Mellowed and mingling, yet distinctly seen, Save darkened Jura, whose capt heights appear Precipitously...
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Lord Byron's Works ...

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - English poetry - 1821 - 478 pages
...if a sister's voice reproved, That I with stern delights should e'er have been so moved . f LXXXVI. It is the hush of night, and all between Thy margin and the mountains, dusk, yet clear, Mellowed and mingling, yet distinctly seen, Save darken'd Jura, whose capt heights appear Precipitously...
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New Monthly Magazine, and Universal Register, Volume 4

Thomas Campbell, Samuel Carter Hall, Edward Bulwer Lytton Baron Lytton, Theodore Edward Hook, Thomas Hood, William Harrison Ainsworth, William Ainsworth - 1822 - 598 pages
...Switzerland, has seized every feature of a moonlight scene on the lake with his usual power and felicity. It is the hush of night, and all between Thy margin...clear, Mellow'd and mingling, yet distinctly seen, There breathes a living fragrance from the shore Of flowers yet fresh with childhood : on the ear Save...
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Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Right Honourable Lord Byron: With ...

John Watkins - Poets, English - 1822 - 452 pages this grand and terrible exhibition, we turn to the mild and gentle lake, at the close of day : " It is the hush of night, and all between Thy margin and the mountains, dusk, yet clear; Mellowing and mingling, yet distinctly seen, Save darken'd Jura, whose capt heights appear Precipitously...
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An Historical and Critical Memoir of the Life and Writings of the Right ...

John Watkins - 1822 - 452 pages this grand and terrible exhibition, we turn to the mild and gentle lake, at the close of day : " It is the hush of night, and all between Thy margin and the mountains, dusk, yet clear ; Mellowing and mingling, yet distinctly seen, Save darken'd Jura, whose capt heights appear Precipitously...
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