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chart indicate correctly the direction of the flow, we must become convinced that the Gulf-stream water cannot possibly avoid passing through the Gibraltar Strait. Of course the excess of evaporation over that of precipitation within the Mediterranean area would of itself produce a considerable current through the Strait; but this of itself would not fill that inland sea to overflowing.

The Atlantic may, in fact, be regarded as an immense whirlpool with the Saragossa Sea as its vortex; and although it is true, as will be seen from an inspection of the Chart, that the wind blows round the Atlantic along the very path taken by the water, impelling the water forward along every inch of its course, yet nevertheless it must hold equally true that the water has a tendency to flow off in a straight line at a tangent to the circular course in which it is moving. But the water is so hemmed in on all sides that it cannot leave this circular path except only at two points; and at these two points it actually does flow outwards. On the east and west sides the land prevents any such outflow. Similarly, in the south the escape of the water is frustrated by the pressure of the opposing currents flowing from that quarter; while in the north it is prevented by the pressure exerted by polar currents from Davis Strait and the Arctic Ocean. But in the Strait of Gibraltar and in the north-eastern portion of the Atlantic between Iceland and the north-eastern shores of Europe there is no resistance offered; and at these two points an outflow does actually take place. In both cases, however, especially the latter, the outflow is greatly aided by the impulse of the prevailing winds.

The consideration that ocean-currents are simply parts of a system of circulation produced by the system of prevailing winds, and not by the impulse of the trade-winds alone, helps to remove the difficulty which some have in accounting for the existence of under currents without referring them to difference of specific gravity. Take the case of the Gulf-stream, which passes under the polar stream on the west of Spitzbergen, this latter stream passing in turn under the Gulf-stream a little beyond Bear Island. The polar streams have their origin in the region of prevailing northerly winds, which no doubt extend to the Pole. The current flowing past the western shores of Spitzbergen, throughout its entire course up to near the point where it disappears under the warm waters of the Gulf-stream, lies in the region of these same northerly winds. Now why should this current cease to be a surface-current as soon as it passes out of the region of northerly into that of south-westerly winds? The explanation seems to be this: when the stream enters the region of prevailing south-westerly winds, its progress southwards along

the surface of the ocean is retarded both by the wind and by the surface-water moving in opposition to its course; but being continually pressed forward by the impulse of the northerly winds acting along its whole course back almost to the pole perhaps, or as far north at least as the sea is not wholly covered with ice, the polar current cannot stop when it enters the region of opposing winds and currents; it must move forward. But the water thus pressed from behind will naturally take the path of least resistance. Now in the present case this path will necessarily lie at a considerable distance below the surface. Had the polar stream simply to contend with the Gulf-stream flowing in the opposite direction, it would probably keep the surface and continue its course along the side of that stream; but it is opposed by the winds, from which it cannot escape except by dipping down under the surface; and the depth to which it will descend will depend upon the depth of the surface-current flowing in the opposite direction. There is no necessity for supposing a heaping up of the water in order to produce by pressure a force sufficient to impel the under current. The pressure of the water from behind is of itself enough. The same explanation, of course, applies to the case of the Gulf-stream passing under the polar stream. And if we reflect that these under currents are but parts of the general system of circulation, and that in most cases they are currents compensating for water drained off at some other quarter, we need not wonder at the distance which they may in some cases flow, as, for example, from the banks of Newfoundland to the Gulf of Mexico. The under currents of the Gulf-stream are necessary to compensate for the water impelled southwards by the northerly winds; and again, the polar under currents are necessary to compensate for the water impelled northward by the south and south-westerly winds.

No accurate observations, as far as I know, have been made regarding the amount of work performed by the wind in impelling the water forward; but when we consider the great retarding effect of objects on the earth's surface, it is quite apparent that the amount of work performed on the surface of the ocean must be far greater than is generally supposed. For example, Mr. Buchan, Secretary to the Scottish Meteorological Society, has shown that a fence made of slabs of wood 3 inches in width and 3 inches apart from each other is a protection even during high winds to objects on the lee side of it, and that a wire screen with meshes about an inch apart affords protection during a gale to flower-pots. The same writer was informed by Mr. Addie that such a screen put up at Rockville was torn to pieces by a * Paper read to the Edinburgh Botanical Society on January 8, 1874.

storm of wind, the wire screen giving way much in the same way as sails during a hurricane at sea.

Ocean-currents in relation to Change of Climate.-In my attempts to prove that oceanic circulation is produced by the winds and not by difference of specific gravity, and that oceancurrents are the great distributors of heat over the globe, my chief aim has been to show the bearing which these points have on the grand question of secular changes of climate during geological epochs, more particularly in reference to that mystery the cause of the glacial epoch.

In concluding this series of papers, I may therefore be allowed briefly to recapitulate those points connected with the subject of ocean-currents which seem to shed most light on the question of changes of climate, referring the reader for fuller details to former papers on the question.

The complete agreement between the systems of ocean-currents and winds not only shows that the winds are the impelling cause of the currents, but it also indicates to what an extent the directions of the currents are determined by the winds, or, more properly, to what an extent their directions are determined by the direction of the winds.

We have seen in a former part of this paper (Phil. Mag. Feb. 1870) to what an enormous extent the climatic conditions of the globe are dependent on the distribution of heat effected by means of ocean-currents. It has been there pointed out that, if the heat conveyed from intertropical to temperate and polar regions by oceanic circulation were restored to the former, the equatorial regions would then have a temperature about 55° warmer, and the high polar regions a climate 83° colder than at present. It follows, therefore, that any cause which will greatly affect the currents or greatly change their paths and mode of distribution, will of necessity seriously affect the climatic condition of the globe. But as the existence of these currents depends on the winds, and their direction and form of distribution depend upon the direction and form of distribution of the winds, any cause which will greatly affect the winds will also greatly affect the currents, and consequently will influence the climatic condition of the globe. Again, as the existence of the winds depends mainly on the difference of temperature between equatorial and polar regions, any cause which will greatly affect this difference of temperature will likewise greatly affect the winds; and these will just as surely react on the currents and climatic conditions of the globe. A simple increase or decrease in the difference of temperature between equatorial and polar regions, though it would certainly produce an increase or a decrease, as the case might be, in the strength of the winds, and consequently in the

strength of the currents, would not, however, greatly affect the mode of distribution of the winds, and, as a consequence, the mode of distribution of the currents. But although a simple change in the difference of temperature between the equator and the poles would not produce a different distribution of aërial, and consequently of ocean-currents, nevertheless a difference in the difference of temperature between the equator and the two poles would do so; that is to say, any cause that should increase the difference of temperature between the equator and the pole on the one hemisphere, and decrease that difference on the other, would effect a change in the distribution of the aërial currents, which change would in turn produce a corresponding change in the distribution of ocean-currents.

It has been shown* that an increase in the eccentricity of the earth's orbit tends to lower the temperature of the one hemisphere and to raise the temperature of the other. It is true that an increase of eccentricity does not afford more heat to the one hemisphere than to the other; nevertheless it brings about, as I have already shown, a condition of things which tends to lower the temperature of the one hemisphere and to raise the temperature of the other. Let us imagine the eccentricity to be at its superior limit, 07775, and the winter solstice in the aphelion. The midwinter temperature, owing to the increased distance of the sun, would be lowered enormously; and the effect of this would be to cause all the moisture which now falls as rain during winter in temperate regions to fall as snow. Nor is this all; the winters would not merely be colder than now, but they would also be much longer. At present the summer half year exceeds the winter half year by nearly 8 days; but at the period in question the winters would be longer than the summers by upwards of 36 days. The heat of the sun during the short summer, for reasons which have already been explained, would not be sufficient to melt the snow of winter; so that gradually, year by year, the snow would continue to accumulate on the ground.

On the southern hemisphere the opposite condition of things would obtain. Owing to the nearness of the sun during the winter of that hemisphere, the moisture of the air would be precipitated as rain in regions where at present it falls as snow. This and the shortness of the winter would tend to produce a decrease in the quantity of snow. The difference of temperature between the equatorial and the temperate and polar regions would therefore be greater on the northern than on the southern hemisphere; and, as a consequence, the aërial *Phil. Mag. August 1864, February 1867, March 1870, and other places.

currents of the former hemisphere would be stronger than those of the latter. This would be more especially the case with the trade-winds. The N.E. trades being stronger than the S.E. trades would blow across the equator, and the medial line between them would therefore be at some distance to the south of the equator. Thus the equatorial waters would be impelled more to the southern than to the northern hemisphere; and the warm water carried over in this manner to the southern hemisphere would tend to increase the difference of temperature between the two hemispheres. This change, again, would in turn tend to strengthen the N.E. and to weaken the S.E. trades, and would thus induce a still greater flow of equatorial waters into the southern hemisphere-a result which would still more increase the difference of temperature between the northern and southern hemisphere, and so on-the one cause so reacting on the other as to increase its effects, as was shown at length on a former occasion (Phil. Mag. March 1870).

It was this mutual reaction of those physical agents which led, as I have pointed out (Phil. Mag. March 1870), to that extraordinary condition of climate which prevailed during the glacial epoch.

There is another circumstance to be considered which perhaps more than any thing else would tend to lower the temperature of the one hemisphere and to raise the temperature of the other; and this is the displacement of the great equatorial current. During a glacial period in the northern hemisphere the medial line between the trades would be shifted very considerably south of the equator; and the same would necessarily be the case with the great equatorial currents, the only difference being that the equatorial currents, other things being equal, would be deflected further south than the medial line. For the water impelled by the strong N.E. trades would be moving with greater velocity than the waters impelled by the weaker S.E. trades, and, of course, would cross the medial line of the trades before its progress southwards could be arrested by the counteracting influence of the S.E. trades. Let us glance briefly at the results which would follow from such a condition of things. In the first place, as was shown on former occasions (Phil. Mag. for August 1864, February 1867, March 1870), were the equatorial current of the Atlantic (the feeder of the Gulf-stream) shifted considerably south of its present position, it would not bifurcate, as it now does, off Cape St. Roque, owing to the fact that the whole of the waters would strike obliquely against the Brazilian coast and thus be deflected into the Southern Ocean. The effect produced on the climate of the North Atlantic and North-western Europe by the withdrawal of the water forming the Gulf-stream,

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