The Old Doctrine of Faith Asserted in Opposition to Certain Modern Innovations, Including Strictures on Reviews of the Author's Sermons on Repentance and Faith, Published in the Eclectic Review for April, and Edinburgh Christian Monitor for March, 1823; and Also on An Essay on Faith by Thomas Erskine ... |
From inside the book
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Page 18
... metaphysics , which is to be determined by an investi- gation of the powers of the mind . They find that trust or confidence in Christ will naturally be produced by believing the doctrines of scripture , and they im- mediately pronounce ...
... metaphysics , which is to be determined by an investi- gation of the powers of the mind . They find that trust or confidence in Christ will naturally be produced by believing the doctrines of scripture , and they im- mediately pronounce ...
Page 21
... metaphysics . To con- nect it with justification , they are under the necessity of arguing that the mind is passive in believing . The three writers upon whom I am animadverting abjure this puerility . When , however , faith is viewed ...
... metaphysics . To con- nect it with justification , they are under the necessity of arguing that the mind is passive in believing . The three writers upon whom I am animadverting abjure this puerility . When , however , faith is viewed ...
Page 22
... metaphysics- that is , with the facts of the human mind , as it is with the facts in the mate- rial world . And it seemed to me of some little consequence to show , that the results obtained from scripture criticism were in perfect ...
... metaphysics- that is , with the facts of the human mind , as it is with the facts in the mate- rial world . And it seemed to me of some little consequence to show , that the results obtained from scripture criticism were in perfect ...
Page 23
... metaphysics being introduced at all , than to the detection of any material error in it . At all events I hope they will ex- cuse me when I say , that they have not convinced me of any error , and that I am still fully persuaded that ...
... metaphysics being introduced at all , than to the detection of any material error in it . At all events I hope they will ex- cuse me when I say , that they have not convinced me of any error , and that I am still fully persuaded that ...
Page 24
... metaphysics of the other side of the question . I cordially agree with an observation of the Ec- lectic reviewers , that the chief use of metaphysics is to undo the mischief that metaphysics have produced . I am fully of opinion that it ...
... metaphysics of the other side of the question . I cordially agree with an observation of the Ec- lectic reviewers , that the chief use of metaphysics is to undo the mischief that metaphysics have produced . I am fully of opinion that it ...
Common terms and phrases
answer application assent unto attri believing propositions Bible blind cation ceive Christ Jesus conceive conception confide or rely dence dependance divine doth Eclectic reviewer effect ellipsis Erskine essay evidence of testimony exhort express belief facts fruit gospel heart holy Holy Spirit idea of confidence impression James ii ject Jesus Christ justifying faith lieve Lord Jesus Christ manifest meaning mercy merely metaphy metaphysics mind mode of believing mony moral nature of faith ness obedience object of faith observe passage person of Christ philology promise proper object puritan question rendered revealed salvation sanctification Sandeman Sandemanian saving faith says scrip scripture doctrine sense sentiments signifies sinner soul specting spirit statements symbols tained testi ther thing thou tion true faith true thing trust or confidence trust or reliance understand veracity view faith view of faith whole word believe word faith πιςευω πισις
Popular passages
Page 26 - By this faith, a Christian believeth to be true, whatsoever is revealed in the Word, for the authority of God himself speaking therein...
Page 50 - If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not. But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.
Page 27 - And this faith is a persuasion and belief in man's heart, whereby he knoweth that there is a God, and agreeth unto all truth of God's most holy word, contained in the holy scripture.
Page 12 - Faith justifies a sinner in the sight of God, not because of those other graces which do always accompany it, or of good works that are the fruits of it,' nor as if the grace of faith, or any act thereof, were imputed to him for his justification;* but only as it is an instrument by which he receiveth and applieth Christ and his righteousness.
Page 28 - For the very sure and lively Christian faith is not only to believe all things of God which are contained in Holy Scripture, but also is an earnest trust and confidence in God, that he doth regard us, and hath cure " of us, as the father of the child whom he doth love...
Page 26 - being convinced of his sin and misery, and of the disability in himself and all other creatures to recover him out of his lost condition, not only assenteth to the truth of the promise of the gospel...
Page 27 - Caesar, of whom he looketh for no help nor benefit ; even so he that believeth that all that is spoken of God in the Bible is true, and yet liveth so...
Page 66 - ... necessary connection with the cause from which it proceedeth, or the effects which it naturally produceth, nor is taken up upon any real arguments, or reference to other acknowledged truths, and yet notwithstanding appeareth to us true, not by a manifestation, but attestation of the truth, and so moveth us to assent not of itself, but by virtue of the testimony given to it ; this is said '•> properly to be credible ; and an Assent unto this, upon such credibility, is in the proper notion Faith...
Page 27 - There is one faith, which in scripture is called a dead faith, which bringeth forth no good works; but is idle, barren, and unfruitful. And this faith, by the holy apostle St. James, is compared to the faith of devils, which believe God to be true and just, and tremble for fear; yet they do nothing well but all evil. And such a manner of faith have the wicked and naughty Christian people, "which confess God,
Page 26 - ... but receiveth and resteth upon Christ and his righteousness therein held forth, for pardon of sin, and for the accepting and accounting of his person, righteous in the sight of God for salvation.