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poftor Mahomet, his own prototype perhaps in the Eaftern World-is "fwallowed up by his ambition."

"The public mind in France," obferves this wily Machiavel (Stone), " is floating at prefent; not knowing on what ground to repofe; unwilling to reject the CHRISTIAN RELIGION, and yet ignorant how to diftinguish the wheat from the chaff!!!" -What a frightfully correct picture of "the TIMES," every where!

To fuch tremendous " unfettlement of principles, and unfettlement of inftitutions," in the language of revolutionary orators, are owing the incalculable calamities now thickly ftrewed throughout Christendom:

Hac fonte derivata CLADES,


"From this fource are derived those waters of bitterness and ftrife, that have flooded the Conftitution, and the People."

To ftem, and to repel which, "if it be poffible," and to confine within their wonted bounds, ere it be too late, will require

the vigorous, the unremitting and the combined efforts of" fcholars ripe and good"

of every emeritus profeffor among the triarii of literature, and veterans in controverfythe joint labours of the ftatefman, the philofopher and the divine-" as much as in them lieth"-as they wish to restore and promote-"GLORY to GOD in the Highest; and on EARTH, PEACE; and GOODWILL among MANKIND."-For, notwithstanding the trite and current affertions, that “Truth can never be injured by debate ; and that "Freedom of debate is the Proteftant charter;"—yet if debate be conducted feebly, fuperficially, irrelevantly, vaguely, unskilfully, or intemperately, it will injure the facred cause of Truth, which it profeffes to uphold, and obstruct and retard the gradual progrefs of that REFORMATION, which never will be perfected by the babble of " WISE, SPEEDY, AND RADICAL REFORM!".


try all things" with the Apostleand then, rejecting the erroneous and the corrupt-" to bold faft". -"whatsoever

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things are true, whatsoever things are honeft, whatsoever things are juft, whatsoever things are lovely, and of good report -is by no means a fhort or an easy talk.— And radical reform" (by an abuse of terms, put for eradication) is of all others the most unwife and ruinous: as FRANCE has demonftrated by woful experiencewhere the philofophizing plan of "decatholicifing" and "anarchizing" the kingdom, by "the parallelifm of the fword" or guillotine has produced, and still continues to produce its proper fruits : LAMENTATION and MOURNING and woE.

Deep laid indeed are the plans, and widely mischievous the operations of that gigantic monster, French Philofophifm, "dreadful exceedingly and very terrible " -furpaffing Roman republicanifm, that


fyftematic deftroyer of mankind "—as destroying both foul and body-with crafty and fiend-like wilinefs endeavouring to frike but hide the hand"-that hand impiously uplifted to "crush CHRISTIANITY,"—if it were poffible for "the fnares

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of death or gates of hell to prevail against it;" yet too fatally fuccefsful in undermining and overthrowing religious eftablishments-fo: neceffary to keep alive the vital fpirit of " and undefiled RELIGION, by a learned priesthood, in the prefent ftate of civilized fociety; counteracting by their vigilance, and ftudy of the original languages of Scripture, the miftranslations and misinterpretations of error, and the overflowings of infidelity-A wife and politic institution; even whose abuse (if not outrageous) is lefs ruinous than its abolition.

The grand battery of French Philofophifm, is served by the potent artillery of Ridicule and Ribaldry-fo fuccefsfully employed by Voltaire and D'Alembert, down to Peter Pindar and Paine, (the most illiterate but not leaft mifchievous of the French fchool,)-calculated to do infinite execution among the uninformed and unthinking who compofe the bulk of mankind-"Laugh Democritus and make me laugh"-faid Voltaire, to D'Alembert, the C 4 wilieft

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wilieft of the confpiracy, next to himself— "and our business will be done.”—Among the valuable vindications and apologies of Christianity, repelling and retorting their weapons, there are two, that deserve especial commendation, as finished models of acute, learned and liberal controversy: 1. Lettres de quelques Juifs à M. Voltaire, 3 tom. 4 edit. Paris, 1776-compleatly foiling Voltaire at his own weapons by the most refined and cauftic wit and raillery, and flaying this boastful Goliath with his own fword, expofing his utter ignorance and mifrepresentations of the Hebrew Scriptures, efpecially in that exquisite and inimitably folemn irony of the Golden Calf, with such poignant ridicule, and cool farcafm, as to provoke his philofophical nonchalance past all endurance; witness his weak and peevish reply, which has nothing to recommend it but its lying and whimfical title:

Un Chrétien, contre quarante Juifs,

2. That able biblical chemift and veteran in controverfy, Bishop Watson, has furnished,

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