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and by Paul, 2 Tim. ii. 19. Ew Kupi T85 ovlas aulx"The Lord fhall make known who are his; bis ;"-or more literally in French-" Dieu connoit qui [font] a lui."And in confequence of this rejection of his "peculiar people," Exod. xix. 5.-" the City and the Sanctuary were deftroyed [by] the people of THE PRINCE that hall come,"-i. e. the Romans;-“ all which was fully accomplished under Titus, who commanded them to demolish the walls, the boufes," &c. "All this was to come upon them" "for the abominations which they had committed during both the first and fecond Temples;"-and the Jewish nation are now “labouring under oppression, mifery, and almoft univerfal contempt."

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Such is the feeling language in which this learned but ftill "partially blind" Jew expreffes the crimes and the punishment of his people-still suffering for their obstinacy!

8. His fuppofition that "the facrifice and the offering ceafed from the Temple, three years and a half before its deftruction, on account of the great troubles of the fiege," is unfounded; for the fiege did not commence till A. D. 70. Sunday April 22, at the close of the Paffover, (which began that year on the 14th of

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And how does he betray his own ignorance-when he idly afferts: "That the event indicated, (c. vii. 8.) of the destruction of the kingdom of Ifrael—(of


April.) The Temple was burnt on Sunday Aug. 5: and the Upper City taken and burnt on Sunday Sept. 2. just a week before the great day of atonement;, which could not be offered that year for the fins of the nation, because


See Brotier's curious detail of the particulars of the fiege, and of the havoc of the Jews. Tacitus Hift. V, Not. et Emendat. p. 588.

9. In the laft and moft difficult clause of the prophecy I differ from Levi, and the English translation which he follows:

The Hebrew Canaph, which both render "overSpreading," literally fignifies "wing;" and I conceivę it to correfpond to wlepuyov T ieps, "the pinnacle of the Temple," or perhaps " the battlement"-(Matt. iv. 5.)of the Holy Place," or Temple Court, where "the abomination of defolation,”—or the idolatrous Roman enfigns were planted,-Matt. xxiv. 15.— when the City was furrounded by "their encampments," and its defolation "was nigh, Luke xxi. 20. And Matthew's tranflation-ro Boελulμa τns ερημώσεωςέσως εν τόπῳ άδιῳis well fupported by the lately published Chifian MSS. of the old Septuagint


which Ephraim was the principal tribe)-
within fixty-five years, has not corre-
fponded with hiftory?-It has most mi-
nutely correfponded therewith: for, from
the first invafion of Ifrael by Tiglath Pil-
affur, king of Affyria," whose spirit God
ftirred up to carry
into captivity the Trans-
jordanite tribes of Reuben, Gad, and Half
Manaffeh," for their earlieft idolatries,
1 Chron. v. 26, about B. C. 741.-and
was fucceeded by Shalman-affur, who took
Samaria, and carried into captivity the


verfion of Daniel, which renders-xa π To ispov, Bdeλυγμα της ερημώσεως εσαι as in Dan. xii. 11. where the correcter Hebrew reading is preserved, Shikutz Shomim, exatly correfponding to βδελυγμα της ερημώσεως, in Matthew, the Septuagint, and Theodoret's verfion.— Then, we are told, the daily facrifice of the Temple actually was "taken away," which had been virtually "abrogated," or its efficacy "ceased," 39 years before, by the all-fufficient Sacrifice of the fpotless

LAMB OF GOD;" of which the Temple facrifices were no more than "the fhadow" or type.-And the conclufion expreffes the retaliation of divine vengeance on "the defolator," according to the more judicious rendering of the margin of the English Bible-sup


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main body of the ten tribes who composed the kingdom of Ifrael, B. C. 721, until Efarhaddon, who fwept the land, and completed its defolation, B. C. 676, was precifely the prophetic term :

"Within 65 years shall Ephraim be broken, That it be not a people!"

Such grofs chronological blunders, as this German Profeffor of Divinity commits, would be inexcufable in that most ignorant of "Bible chronologifts and mifregulators of time"-Thomas Paine.

ported by the general tenor of the Old and New Testament,-when "the times of the Gentiles fhall be fulfilled," Luke xxi. 24.

The infinite importance of the subject, both to the Jewish and Chriftian world, and an ardent wish to refcue this noble prophecy from the idle and unchronological comments of rabbinical and sceptical prejudice, and to feparate the wheat from the chaff in this meritorious production of a Jewish co-adjutor and auxiliary against Unitarian Methodism, must atone for the length of this Note, which I would willingly fubmit to Levi's ftricteft fcrutiny in his propofed "Review of the explanations given by Chriftian commentators,' p. 65.


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It is truly remarkable, that the canonical books of the Old Teftament, which form the main pillars of the New,-Mofes, fonah, Isaiah and Daniel, — formerly so revered in the ancient Jewish and Primitive Chriftian Churches-are thofe which are principally profcribed by the Philofophizing Schools!-Our Lord himself declares, Mofes wrote of ME,". and gave the twofold "fign of Jonah the prophet refpecting his own burial and refurrection on the third day, and the deftruction of the Jews, exactly 40 years after his laft denunciation, Matt. xvi. 4.—And Hɛ also foretold the spiritual blindness and infatuation of the Jewish nation, in the language of Isaiah, vi. 10. Matt. xiii. 15.—which Paul again repeated, Acts xxviii. 25. And to his confidential difciples, our Lord communicated the "fign of the prophet Daniel," which was immediately to precede the deftruction of the Temple and City of Jerufalem, in the " abomination of defolation," or the idolatrous Roman En

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