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And in perfect unifon with Wakefield, in the present inftance, both Belsham and the M. R. drag forward, on the foreground, that respectable biblical scholar, Archbishop Newcome-to be an aider and abettor of such startling doctrines, fubverfive of that established FAITH, which it is his bounden duty, and has been long his ftudious endeavour, to maintain: the former, affuming as a motto, to his "Review of Wilberforce;" the latter, beginning the article of Belfham's Review with the following judicious and liberal principle, as ftated by his Grace :

"CHRISTIANITY can never have its free courfe among men of improved understandings, and even among rational creatures in general, while grofs mifreprefentations of it are fubftituted in the place of the fimple and perfect original."

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But if" cordially fubfcribing to this opinion "-" and adhering to this principle' how could the M. R. adopt Mr. Belham's notions concerning the Devil-and his manifefto against JESUS CHRIST!!!

CHRIST!!!-the groffeft mifreprefentations
of Christianity, that ever were fabricated;
-in the opinion of a fober-minded friend
of religion and virtue, and a lover of fa-
cred literature, now humbly endeavouring
"to promote its free courfe among men
of improved understandings "-to whom
this work is peculiarly addreffed; but
moft earnestly deprecating the uncontroul-
ed courfe of what is now attempted to be
imposed on the world, inftead of "the
fair face and lovely form" of native
Christianity—as fhe came from the hands
OUR FAITH, and his infpired Evangelifts
and Apoftles;-who, if difcernible by
mortal eyes, would excite Loves of herfelf
incredible :- being the prototype of that
"WISDOM," which even a Heathen phi-
lofopher, Cicero, faw and admired;
and from which the fpurious Chriftianity
of modern philofophifmn-or the GODDESS
OF REASON-differs as widely, as ERROR




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"TRUTH and BEAUTY are in this alike;

The niceft furvey fets them both off to advantage!
Whilft the falfe luftre of ERROR and DISGUISE,
Cannot bear being reviewed, or too clofely infpected."
Berkeley's Effays.

And among the most alarming figns of the latter times or ages, during the Chriftian difpenfation-are falfe prophets or falfe teachers who who "" come in sheep's cloathing, but inwardly are ravening “wolves "-" not fparing the flock."And it is truly remarkable, that our Lord, in his confidential warning to his Difciples, on Tuesday in Paffion-Week, of the figns of the destruction of ferufalem, or of his coming in judgment on the Jewish nation, specifies falfe Chrifts and falfe Prophets -as "the first beginnings of forrows." Matt. xxiv. 4—8. And which were accordingly realized in feveral impoftors who arofe, Simon Magus, Acts viii. 10. &c. down to Barchochab, (the Son of a Star, from Balaam's prophefy, Numb. xxiv. 17. as he was styled by his deluded followers,) fhortly before

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the total demolition of Jerufalem and defolation of Judea by Adrian. And again, before his coming in judgment on the Chriftian world " fuddenly," Matt. xxiv. 24 28. he again fpecifies falfe Chrifts and falfe Prophets."—And perhaps the reveries of a crazy Brothers, and the falfe teachers, abounding every wheremight mark the beginnings of forrows to Christendom likewife, during " that period of tribulation," predicted to last for 1260 prophetic days or years, from the establishments of the Papal and Mahometan impoftures in the Weftern and Eaftern World, afflicting and perfecuting "the two faithful witneffes "-or remnant that is left of the primitive Patriarchal (including the Mofaical) and the primitive Apoftolical Churches; reckoning from A. D. 620 to A. D. 1880, according to the conjecture attempted to be fupported in the first note (a) of this Number; and comprising, perhaps, the three woes predicted " to the inhabiters of the earth" during the founding of the fifth and fixth trumpets,


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trumpets, Rev. viii. 13. as detailed in the ninth and eleventh chapters of that most mysterious and obfcure prophefy.When perhaps the laft woe, alas! is coming quickly" in this ominous year 1798, marked by the downfal of the Papacy and the public apoftacy from Chrif tianity of "the great nation" of France!!! -And which woe, with trembling awe, I conjecture, will last till the founding of the feventh trumpet, by "the mighty Angel, clothed with a cloud, and a rainbow on his head, whofe face is as the fun, and bis feet as pillars of fire," Rev. x. I.; fo highly defcriptive of JESUS CHRIST at his fecond appearance in glory, Matt. xxiv. 29—31. to establish the kingdom of the God of Heaven upon earth-among all peoples and tongues and nations and languages. Compare Dan. vii. 13-14. and Rev. xi. 15. where they are ftyled "the kingdoms of THE LORD and of His CHRIST." At that awful period may be expected to take place the "reftitution of all things" foretold by the mouth of


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