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for a really good instrument, and only wanted a practised instrument-maker to realize it. I therefore called in 1892 on Coradi in Zürich, well known for his planimeters and integrators. He set to work at once and sent me in a short time a drawing of his construction, and it is due to his skill that the instrument has, at last, reached a high degree of perfection. One Analyser has been made for the Guilds' Central Technical College, which I shall describe. But I must mention at once that Herr Coradi has since greatly improved it, so much so that it is now one of the most perfect integrators made.

§6. Fig. 3 shows an instrument of Coradi's second design. This will help to explain the first.

There is first of all a solid frame whose base is a long rectangle. It rests with three wheels on the drawing-board. One of these, D, in the middle of the front, serves merely as a support. The other two, E, E, are fixed to the ends of a long axle which runs along the back of the frame. This may be called the "shaft." It is placed parallel to the axis of x. The instrument can, therefore, roll over the paper in the direction of the ordinates y.

If thus moved through a distance dy, the shaft will turn through an angle proportional to dy. The shaft carries any required number of short "cylinders." In the figure there is one marked C situated in the middle of the shaft.

Above each of these cylinders is a vertical "spindle" S, whose geometrical axis cuts that of the shaft. In the new instrument each spindle carries one or two disks, H3, H4, in fig. 3; but in the old construction one crown wheel with its teeth pointing upwards, by aid of which the spindle is turned. At the lower end the integrating apparatus proper is attached, which is quite different in the two designs. But before explaining this let me describe how the spindle is turned.

Along the front of the frame runs a carriage W, to which the tracer F is fixed. This can be moved through a distance equal to the base c to which the curve is drawn. To the carriage a silver wire is also attached, which in the new design is stretched along the front of the frame and then by aid of guide-pulleys 1, lover one of the disks H on top of the spindle S (see fig. 3). By giving the disk H a suitable diameter the spindle can be made to turn n times round, whilst the tracer describes the whole base. In the old instrument the wire only drives an extra spindle in the middle of the frame, which by aid of wheelwork drives all the working spindles. If the tracer on following the curve has reached a

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point P, then the spindle will have turned through an angle no, where e corresponds to the x of P.

If, now, the spindle had at its lower end two registeringwheels at right angles to each other rolling on the drawingpaper, we should have in principle my old model (§ 4) with Sharp's inversion. Instead of this Coradi gave each spindle one registering-wheel and made this roll on the cylinder C. This requires for each registering-wheel a separate spindle, hence two for each pair of coefficients An and B. It substitutes, however, the rolling on a smooth surface for that on the rough surface of the paper. The instrument made according to this design for the Guilds' Central Technical College has five such pairs, so that on going once over the curve the first five pairs A and B are obtained. The extra spindle which is driven by the silver wire contains, however, three extra disks, making four in all. If the wire is stretched over the top disk we get, as stated, the coefficients for n=1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The second pulley has half the diameter, so that the spindles turn twice as fast if the wire is stretched round it. Thus in going over the curve a second time we get the new coefficients for n=6, 8, 10. The remaining two disks give similarly the coefficients for n=7 and 9 respectively. Hence on going four times over the curve we get ten pairs of coefficients. In most cases the five pairs obtained at once will be amply sufficient.


For the details of the construction I must again refer to Prof. Dyck's Catalogue (Nachtrag, p. 34) and only mention a few points. The axis of a registering-wheel lies in the diameter of a horizontal ring which is attached to the lower end of the spindle by aid of an elastic vertical steel plate. This presses the wheel against the cylinder, securing contact. On testing the instrument it was found that this plate was liable to slight torsion which affected the readings. It showed a number of other drawbacks of more or less importance. One is that the registering-wheel not only rolls but also slips. This slipping is absent in the Analyser of Lord Kelvin, who has dwelt strongly on the importance of avoiding it.

There was also a serious difficulty in taking the readings. The instrument registers up to 20 centim. If the zero-point has passed the index which gives the reading, 20 centim. have to be added or subtracted. Every one who has used a planimeter is accustomed to this, and knows how to take account of it, for he can either estimate the area sufficiently to see which correction is necessary, or he can go rapidly over the curve again, watching the zero-point. Neither method is possible with an Analyser which gives a large

number of readings at once. The new instrument is therefore constructed to record up to 200 centim.

§ 7. Last summer at the Munich Exhibition Herr Coradi submitted a new arrangement to me to obviate some of the imperfections of the instrument described, and this he has since carried out with an ingenuity which 1 cannot enough admire. He has practically got rid of all the imperfections of the old Analyser, and has now produced an instrument which, I fancy, leaves nothing to be desired. He himself says it is the best instrument of any kind he has yet made. The chief alteration is this, that he interposes between the registering-wheel at the lower end of the spindle and the cylinder a perfectly free glass sphere.

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The "spindle" has now firmly attached to its lower end a square frame KLMN (comp. figs. 3 and 4) by aid of two solid rods K and M, instead of carrying the ring connected by aid of an elastic spring. This frame holds two registeringwheels R and R2, whose axes KL and LM are at right angles. Between these lies the glass sphere G, resting with its lowest point on the cylinder belonging to the spindle. A third wheel r at N is by aid of a spring pressed against the sphere to secure contact between the latter and the registeringwheels. If, now, the tracer follows the curve this frame will turn with the spindle, the three wheels will carry the sphere with it, which will turn pivot-like on its lowest point. If, as in fig. 4, the plane of one wheel R1 makes with the axis of a an angle ne, and if in this position the tracer, and with it the whole instrument, is moved through the distance dy, the "shaft" will turn proportionally to dy. This will set the sphere turning about its horizontal diameter a parallel to the

shaft, and this motion will be communicated to each of the registering-wheels. It will be seen at once, if q denotes the radius of the sphere, the point of contact of the sphere and the wheel R1 is at a distance q sin no from the axis of the sphere, that therefore the turning communicated to this wheel will be proportional to dy sin no. Similarly the other wheel will turn proportionally to dy cos nė. If the tracer moves through the whole curve, these two wheels will therefore register numbers proportional to A, and B. The dimensions are so chosen that the readings give nA, and nBn in centi


It will be seen that now one spindle does the work of two in the old instrument. There is, further, no slipping of any kind in the integrating apparatus.

Another improvement is that the wheelwork for turning the spindles is done away with. Each spindle is turned directly by the silver wire, and thus any slackness in the wheels is done away with.

It has also been possible to introduce an arrangement to set all spindles to zero after the wire has been tightened. Lastly, the readings are taken with much greater ease as the registering apparatus is well exposed to the eye.

In order that the instrument may work accurately it is necessary that the point of contact of the sphere with its cylinder should lie in the geometrical axis of the spindle. But it is practically impossible to secure this. This point will therefore describe a small circle on the cylinder and this will turn the sphere about some horizontal diameter, and therefore also the registering-wheels. It is of importance to eliminate the error thus introduced. This is done by bringing the tracer back to the starting-point A on the curve by moving it from B to A (figs. 1, 2) parallel to the axis of x. The sphere will hereby repeat the motion which produced the error, but in the opposite sense, and therefore completely cancel it."

§ 8. The first instrument of this kind has been made for Prof. Klein at Göttingen. It contains one spindle, as in fig. 3. Going once over the curves it gives therefore one pair of coefficients. To get more, disks of different diameter have to be used to drive the spindle. Of these six are provided. Since then two further instruments have been finished; one with five spindles, which goes to Moscow, the other, with three spindles, for Prof. Weber in Zürich. The experience gained in the making of the Göttingen instrument has enabled Coradi to introduce a number of small improvements, with the result that the carriage runs in the Moscow instrument, where it has to drive five spindles, as easily as in the one for Göttingen with only one spindle.

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