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The small opaque white spots, observed within the celluloid under the microscope, led to some further experiments to investigate the effect of isolated foreign particles within the substance and upon the surface of dielectrics. Coarse brass filings were scattered as thickly as possible over one face of a warmed strip of gutta-percha, 16 inches long, 2 inches wide, and inch thick. The insulation of such a strip is not exactly what might be expected; when tested even with 750 volts its resistance was practically infinite, and was certainly greater than 600,000 megohms. A charged gold-leaf electroscope could not be discharged with such a strip in this condition. If, however, a wet cloth was passed once over the nonmetallic face of the strip, or if it was simply breathed upon, the insulation fell to 5000 megohms, and the strip now easily discharged the electroscope. A round rod of gutta-percha can be warmed and rolled in a heap of brass filings so as to appear almost like a brass rod, and such a rod does not discharge the electroscope. This would be an instructive experiment for schools and instrument-makers.

"Sensitive" Dielectrics.

The next experiments were made with rods formed of a mixture of gutta-percha and brass filings melted together in various proportions. The length of these rods was about 20 inches, and their diameter of an inch. Contact was made with the ends for about 1 inches by tin-foil which was bound round with wire. It is found that, for small proportions of brass filings, the resistance between the ends of these rods is exceedingly high, and this high resistance is maintained until about 2 parts, by weight, of brass are mixed with one part, by weight, of gutta-percha. Here a "critical" point of proportionality between the two substances occurs, under which the rods have a very low resistance, of something like one ohm and above which the resistance is exceedingly high, and can only be measured in megohms. Several rods were made at or near this "critical" point, and in no case could a medium resistance of, say, a few hundred ohms be attained. All the rods were either of very high or very low resistance.

The method of making them is to warm a sheet of guttapercha upon a hot plate, using French chalk to prevent sticking. The filings are sprinkled in as soon as the sheet becomes soft. The whole is then made up into a pudding, which is again flattened out into a sheet; this is repeated until a good mixture is arrived at. The compound is then rolled into rods.


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Table IX. gives the proportion by weight of these rods and the corresponding resistance. When rods made up in this way are submitted to the action of oscillating discharges, they behave in a similar manner to the "impulsion " cells of Prof. Minchin and the tubes of M. Branly. If, for instance, one of the low-resistance rods of, say, four parts by weight of gutta-percha to nine of brass filings is connected to one arm of a Wheatstone's bridge and balanced, an oscillatory discharge made anywhere near it will, in nearly all cases, produce a considerable diminution of resistance-in some cases amounting to more than 10 per cent., and, in one experiment, to as much as 45 per cent. This charge remains until restored to the former condition of things by a slight mechanical tap. I have repeated this experiment upon seven different rods, and have, in each case, obtained a diminution when the discharge-spark passed at the oscillator. The small-resistance


rods of Table IX. were all sensitive to these electromagnetic oscillations. The high-resistance rods do not come within the range of measurement of the usual form of Wheatstone's bridge; the ordinary insulation-test was therefore applied, using a battery of 400 Leclanché cells. In this way resistances up to 600,000 megohms could be measured. A rod composed of 4 parts, by weight, of gutta-percha, to 7 parts of brass filings had practically infinite resistance. Another, having 2 parts, by weight, of gutta-percha to 3 of brass, had 100,000 megohms. A third, made up in the ratio of 4 parts gutta-percha to 7 of brass, was of infinite resistance. Four rods were made in the proportion 1 gutta-percha to 2 of brass, which is near the critical ratio of conductor to insulator their resistances were, respectively, x, 40 megohms, and 12 ohms. The 17 ohm rod exhibited a decided, but not very great diminution of resistance under the influence of the oscillator. Apparently, the high-resistance rods are unaffected by the discharges. The 40 megohm rod was not of very constant resistance, the spot moved up and down the scale; the spark had therefore to be passed at moments when the spot halted, the result was not very satisfactory. At one time it was thought actually to increase the resistance of this rod. The 12 ohm rod was especially interesting from its extreme sensitiveness; in one condition it had a resistance of 19 ohms, the sudden passage of a spark at the oscillator reduced this by 45 per cent. The rod was generally unstable. The 40 megohm rod seemed the one most nearly corresponding, in its galvanometer-readings, with a faulty cable; the readings being erratic. Its resistance has, at times, been as high as 770 megohms. This rod is probably unstable in some opposite direction to the 12 ohm rod; they were both made in the same proportions and in the same manner. In Table IX. they appear as No. 9 and No. 12 respectively.

Alternating Voltages.

Tests were now made upon specimens submitted to alternating currents, and I have to thank Mr. George Bousfield for assisting me in this part of the experiments. I took the strip sprinkled with filings, and two rods; these were first tested for insulation in the ordinary way, with the following results:


[blocks in formation]

The strip began to break down under the action of the alternating current at 900 volts; at 3000 volts it was emitting small local arcs, some crimson, others violet. After the application for some time of this high voltage the number and brilliancy of the arcs diminished, the insulation had apparently improved. At 5500 volts there were bright discharges similar to the first. These were not of the nature of long sparks, but of small local arcs.

Rod No. 6 gave way at 6500 volts and exhibited the same apparent improvement in insulation. The arcs shot out in miniature flames, like very small blowpipe blasts; locally, as in the case of the strip.

With rod No. 9 sparking commenced at 1500 volts, having the appearance of small beads of crimson and violet light burning themselves out at fixed points. When these specimens had become cool their insulation was again tested.

[blocks in formation]

The strip thus appears to have recovered entirely. No. 6 has fallen to a quarter of its first value, and No. 9 has greatly improved, under this trying ordeal.

Rod No. 15 was compounded of iron filings, Sr, &c., with a view to obtaining a brilliant discharge. The salts brought the insulation down rather low; there was a great deal of heat generated, and little else. Such a rod should probably be made simply of metallic powders intermixed with the dielectric.

XLVII. On the Resistance of a Fluid to a Plane kept moving uniformly in a direction inclined to it at a small angle. By Lord KELVIN*.

§ 1. L

ET 9 be the velocity; i its inclination to the plane ; and u, v its components in and perpendicular to the plane. We have

u= q cos i, v=q sin i.

§ 2. Suppose now the moving body to be not an ideal infinitely thin plane, but a disk of finite thickness very small in comparison with its least diameter, and having its edges everywhere smoothly rounded. If the fluid is inviscid and incompressible, and the boundary containing it perfectly * Communicated by the Author,

unyielding, the motion produced in the fluid from rest, by any motion given to the disk, is determinately the unique motion of which the energy is less than that of any other motion possible to the fluid with the given motion of the disk. We suppose the disk to be very thin, and therefore the profilecurvature at every point of its edge to be very great: there is no limit to the thinness at which the proposition could cease to be true; so it still holds in the ideal case of an infinitely thin disk, when the fluid and its boundary fulfil the ideal conditions of the enunciation.

§ 3. But in nature every fluid has some degree of viscous resistance to change of shape; and any viscosity however small (even with ideally perfect incompressibility of the fluid and unyieldingness of the boundary) would prevent the infinitely great velocities at the edge of the disk which the unique minimum-energy solution gives when the disk is infinitely thin; and would originate so great a disturbance in the motion of the fluid that the resistance to the motion of the disk would probably be very nearly the same whatever the actual value of the viscosity, if not too great in comparison with the velocity of the disk multiplied by the least radius of curvature of the boundary of its area. No approach, however, has hitherto been made towards a complete mathematical solution of any case of this problem, or indeed of the motion of a body of any shape through a viscous fluid, except when, as in Stokes's original solutions for the globe and circular cylinder, the motion is so slow that its configuration is the same as it would be if it were infinitely slow, and when therefore the velocity of the fluid at every point is equal to, and in the same direction as, the infinitesimal static displacement of an elastic solid when a rigid body imbedded in it is held in a position infinitesimally displaced from its position of equilibrium, in the manner translationally and rotationally corresponding to the translational and rotational velocity given to the rigid body in the fluid.

§ 4. It has occurred to me, guided by the teaching of William Froude regarding the continued communication of momentum to a fluid by the application of force to keep a solid moving with uniform translational velocity through it, that an approximate determination of the resistance, which is the subject of the present communication, may probably be

*The equations for the steady infinitely slow motion of a viscous fluid are identical with those for the equilibrium of an elastic solid. See 'Mathematical and Physical Papers' (Sir W. Thomson), vol. iii., art. cxix. §§ 17. 18.

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