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Had he enforced this command by his example? - Rom. 5:8.

In what degree were they to love each other? · Are men generally ready to act in obedience to this injunction?

Do you endeavor to act on this principle?

What effect would it have on your family or neighborhood, if all acted on it? Then will you try?

35 JESUS gives them a sign by which true disciples might be known: what was it?

By whom did he say they would be known?
Can a person be a true Christian, and disregard
this command? - 1 John 3:14.

It was a common expression among heathen, See
how these Christians love one another!
influence would this have on observers?

36 WHO spoke to Jesus after this?
What did he say?

To what do you think he referred?
What did Jesus reply?

Was this a cheering promise?

Can you claim such an one?

37 PETER tenderly loved Jesus.



What did he ask

What did he say he was ready to do?

Do you suppose he really felt what he said?
But was it not a rash assertion?

38 WHAT question did Jesus ask him?

He wished to put Peter on his guard. What warning did he give?

Did this declaration show that Jesus knew the heart?

Do you suppose this declaration surprised and
grieved Peter?

What did he say when Jesus told him this?-
Mark 14:31.

Peter was doubtless sincere in his profession.

What does his subsequent conduct teach us?
What do you think was the difference between
Peter and Judas?

This example of Peter shows our inability, if we
rely on our own strength: to whom should we
apply for strength to resist temptation ?
Do you make application to him?


Will you give me an account of the institution and manner of celebrating the Paschal Supper?



Miscellaneous Questions on the preceding Lessons.

WHAT name occurs first in this question book? What evidence had Lazarus that Jesus was divine?

Who were the sisters of Lazarus?

Which of them do you think possessed the most lovely character?

How did Jesus seem to regard this family?
In what place did they live?

What prophecy did Jesus apply to the people who heard his teaching, and saw his miracles, and did not believe?

What Jewish festival was at hand?

Can you give some account of its institution?

How often was it observed? How?

What supper occurred before this feast?

What wicked purpose did one of the disciples of Christ cherish?

Who was it?

What did Jesus do after this supper?

Whose appropriate business was such service? What did Jesus design to teach them by performing this humble act?

Were all willing that he should wash their feet?

Who was not?

Did he continue to refuse ?

What request did he make after the reply of Jesus?

Does it appear from this that Peter gave up all to the direction of Jesus?

Do you cherish the same spirit when you are crossed or disappointed?

Will you give some reasons why we should do so?

What did Jesus say in regard to some of his disciples ?

To whom did he refer as not being clean?

Did he thus point Judas out to the rest?

How did he direct their attention to the design of the washing of their feet?

Did he call those happy who merely heard his instructions? Whom did he call so?

Who of us, then, can be called happy?

What did Jesus say of those whom he had chosen? Why did he tell them this before it took place? What did he say of those who rejected his disciples?

What were the feelings of Jesus after speaking thus ?

What thought was in his mind?

Did the disciples understand of whom he spake?
What measures did Peter adopt to ascertain this?
Did they probably suspect the guilty one?
Did Jesus name him to the disciples?

What sign did he give John?

At this time, the determination of Judas was fixed. How is this expressed?

Then what did Jesus say to Judas?

Did his words show any anger?

Did the disciples understand what he meant? What did they suppose Jesus directed him to do? Jesus manifested perfect confidence on this trying occasion: what did he say was now taking place? What effect should the fact that God will be glorified have on us in affliction?

How did Jesus now address his disciples?

As he was about to leave them, what command did he give? What did he say would be known from obedience to it? Can one be a Christian who does not obey this command?

What question did Peter then ask?
How did Jesus reply to him?

To whom alone can such a promise be made?
What did Peter say he was ready to do?

What painful truth did Jesus then communicate to Peter? Did Peter suppose this possible?

Have you not done and said things which you could scarcely believe yourself capable of?


Can you give an account of Hazael's feelings on being told of his wickedness and his future conduct?

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you, I will come again, and receive you | unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

4 And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.

5 Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?

6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me.

7 If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from hence forth ye know him, and have seen him.

WHAT approaching event was now occupying
the minds of the disciples?

What did Jesus say to Peter concerning it?—
Chap. 13:36.

The little company were about to be parted from
their dearest Friend. How did they feel?

Was there occasion for this sorrow?

1 To whom did Jesus address himself?

Did he seem to think most of himself or his disciples?

Against what did he exhort them?

In whom did they believe?

In whom, beside, did he direct them to trust? 2 HE directs their attention to the place of their final rest: where was that?

For what purpose did he tell them he should leave them?

To what place does he refer?

What effect would the thought of this place be likely to produce on their minds amid their trials?

Can you claim such a promise as your comfort? 3 WHAT did Jesus say to his disciples about seeing them again?

Who would then receive them?

With whom shall all true disciples be in another world?

In what will they be engaged there? - Rev. 5:12.

4 HE had pointed to a place: what does he now say?

What had he before taught them about it?
Chap. 6:40.

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