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kings, and rulers in Europe, against persecution to the justices appointed

for trying ministers of religion, being a testimony against hireling ministers

-Samuel Fisher and others are convinced at a meeting at Romney, where

the Lord's power is marvellously displayed-a large meeting at Coggeshall

of about two thousand people, which lasted several hours-many reproaches

are cast upon the truth, and lying slanderous books published, which are

answered, and the truth set over the gainsayers-to those who scorn trem-

bling and quaking-great rage is manifested against the truth and Friends, and

their plainness is contemned-to the churches gathered into outward forms,

opening their state and warning of the woes coming upon them-to the

Protector, respecting the imprisonment of Friends for refusing to take oaths

and pay tithes, &c.—to friends to offer themselves to lie in prison for a

brother or sister—an encouragement to Friends in their several exercises, 190

CHAPTER IX.-1655-1656.-Friends slandered by Presbyterians and Inde-

pendents, suffer much from them and the Baptists for refusing to pay tithes-

the priests hunt after a fallen benefice like crows after carrion-great miracles

wrought through several-an Independent preacher convinced, but relapses

-address to the convinced in Ireland-a sick woman at Baldock restored-

George Fox parts and reconciles two furious combatants-to the seven

parishes at the Land's End, recommending attention to the Inward Light—

George Fox parts with James Naylor, and has a presentiment of his fall—

Major Ceely places George Fox and Edward Pyot under arrest-they are

sent to Launceston jail-put into Doomsdale, and suffer a long and cruel im-

prisonment a paper against swearing-Peter Ceely's mittimus-George

Fox has great service in jail-many are convinced, and opposers are con-

founded experiences some remarkable preservations-Edward Pyot writes

an excellent letter to Judge Glynne on the liberty of the subject, and on the

injustice and illegality of their imprisonment-Truth spreads in the west by

the very means taken to prevent it-exhortation and warning to magistrates

-answer to the Exeter general warrant for taking up and imprisoning

Friends-exhortation to Friends in the ministry-warning to priests and

professors-cruel jailer imprisoned in Doomsdale, and further judgments

upon him follow-a Friend offers to lie in prison instead of George Fox-

Edward Pyot to Major-General Desborough, in answer to his conditional

offer of liberty-George Fox to the same-he and his Friends are soon after

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CHAPTER X.-1656-1657.-Address to those who are given to pleasures and

wantonness-to the bowlers in Castle-Green at Launceston-George Fox

visits Friends imprisoned at Exeter, amongst whom is James Naylor, who

has apostatized, but afterwards returned into the Truth-at a meeting in the

orchard at Bristol about ten thousand persons are present-Paul Gwin, a

rude Baptist, creates a disturbance, but is reproved and silenced-meeting

of two or three thousand persons at N. Crips's-Justice Stooks prevents the

magistrates from apprehending George Fox-speaks to the Protector at

Hyde Park, who invites him to his house-accordingly goes to Whitehall,

and speaks to the Protector about Friends sufferings'-travels through most

parts of the nation after his liberation from Launceston jail-this year, 1656,

there were seldom fewer than one thousand Friends in prison-to Friends on

the schism of J. Naylor-to Friends to keep up their meetings-on judging

the ministry, &c.-
-an answer to a high-flown professor-to professors,

priests, and teachers on immediate revelation and universal grace, &c. &c.-

at Cardiff, George Fox sends word to some who had run out that "the day

of their visitation was over"-at Brecknock, his companion, John-ap-John,

preaches in the streets-at night, there is a great uproar, like that of Diana's

craftsmen-at William Gandy's has a large meeting of two or three thousand

persons-Cromwell proclaims a fast for rain, and is told by George Fox that

the drought was a sign of their barrenness-concerning the true fast and the

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CHAPTER XIV.-1660-1662.-George Fox writes an epistle of consolation to

Friends unjustly imprisoned in consequence of the insurrection of the Fifth-

Monarchy Men-Friends' declaration against war and plots-John Perrot

and Charles Bailie create a schism-some Friends in New England are put

to death, a sense whereof is given to George Fox at the time-the King's

mandamus to the Governor of New England and others, to restrain them from

executing Friends-the Battledore is published, showing by examples from

thirty languages, that "Thou" and "Thee" are proper to one person-on

true worship-George Fox disputes with some Jesuits, and with all other

sects-John Perrot's heresy condemned—on judicial swearing-George Fox

and Richard Hubberthorn write to the King, showing the number of Friends

imprisoned prior to, and during the first year of the Restoration, and the

number who died in prison during the Commonwealth-Thomas Sharman,

jailer at Derby, convinced, and writes to George Fox-George Fox applies

to Lord D'Aubeny on behalf of two Friends imprisoned in the Inquisition

at Malta, who procures their liberation-the ground and rise of persecution

set forth-great service at Bristol, where also he has a vision-visits Capt.

Brown and his wife; the former had fled from persecution, and was judged

in himself, but afterwards convinced-George Fox and several others are

arrested by Lord Beaumont, and sent to Leicester jail-they are suddenly

liberated to Friends on the death of Edward Burrough-escapes from

secutors-Friends established on Christ, the Rock of Ages,


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