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cerned, has been in vain, has not answered its end. Whatever other effect our preaching has produced, it is comparatively of scarcely any consequence. Has it induced you to leave off the practice of some sins, and to cultivate better habits? to live more decently, more kindly, and charitably among your neighbours? This undoubtedly is a good effect; but an effect, when compared with the -one we have principally in view, of small importance. Repentance and faith is every thing-every thing to a sinful and lost creature; and every thing else, when put in the balance against them, is as nothing. Not that we undervalue decency of conduct; but this we know, that a mere outward reformation of life, a mere honest deportment towards our fellow-creatures, is of itself of no avail towards the attainment of that eternal life which ought to be the paramount object with every immortal being.

Let your dealings with mankind be as upright and correct as they possibly can be-let your life be as free as it can be from gross immoralities-let your spirit and disposition towards your fellow-creatures be as kind and as amiable as can be possessed by human beings; yet, if there be no repentance towards God, and no faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ, your case is desperate your ruin and eternal perdition is certain: when you die, will die to sink into an abyss

of misery!

Perhaps some of you do not see how this can be. Reflect a moment, and you cannot but perceive that it must be so. All confess, and must confess, that they are sinners; that they have transgressed the law of God, and therefore have offended him. Punishment is allotted to sin, and that punishment is death; not merely the death of the body, but also of the soul, which is nothing less than never-ending misery! But, notwithstanding that such is man's

character and desert, God has provided means to deliver him. So great was his love and his mercy, that he spared not his only Son, but delivered him for sinful creatures. And now, free forgiveness of sin, and acceptance with God, is promised to all who repent, and believe in Christ. Divine grace is also vouchsafed, through the appointed means, to awaken the sinner unto a sense of his wants; to make him conscious of his sin and his lost condition, and to bring him to the Saviour. Now this is the only way in which sin can be forgiven, and acceptance and peace with God can be obtained; in which, indeed, it is possible to acquire a mind and a heart fit and capable of enjoying God, and of deriving happiness from his presence. Hence, then, it clearly follows, that whatever we have, however we may live, we cannot be reconciled to God, we cannot hope for immortality and life, without repentance and faith. Except ye repent, ye must perish. Except ye believe, ye must be lost. These are, in substance, the declarations of our Saviour himself.

Let me intreat you, my friends, to consider these things. Let me especially call on those who scarcely ever, or seldom, attend a place of worship, to consider these things. Allow me to tell you, this last time, the plain and yet the important truth. You walk, as it were, on the very brink of ruin. O consider your danger before it be too late! Repent, and believe in Christ, or you must perish everlastingly! And O consider what it is to perish for ever. How can you bear the everlasting burnings? How can you endure the torments of Hell? And these you must endure, except you repent, and believe in Christ. Carry this truth home with you; and may it have_its due effect on your minds! glect the house of God no longer. Attend the means of grace


diligently and constantly; and attend them under this impression, that, except by a divine blessing you obtain repentance and faith through them, you can have no hope of life; but you must live an endless life of misery.

Let me address also those who are in the habit of attending public worship. I must press on you also the consideration of the same subject. You do right in frequenting the means; but you awfully deceive yourselves if you rest satisfied with merely frequenting them-if you have no more in view than mere attendance. Too much, I know, is this the case with many they have nothing more in view than to do as their neighbours, or as their forefathers. Their case is not much better than that of those who entirely neglect the means; and if they die in this state, it is not in any degree better; their portion shall be the same— misery that never ends. You hear of repentance, and of faith, but you never seek the one or the other; you never labour for them. The principal business of every sinful creature, you neglect. The great end of all that is done in this place, you have never sought nor attained. You are deficient in the main thing, and all your other work will come to nothing. O continue no longer to act and live in this manner! Seek now true repentance and true faith as the first things; for without them, whatever else you may have, you cannot be saved; it is impossible that you can ever attain the felicities of heaven.

I come now to those who have not been frequenting the house of God in vain; but who have already obtained repentance, and have already possessed faith. What I have to say to you is this, go daily to that fountain whence have proceeded all these blessings; yea, go frequently and constantly, for your need is a continual need. You want clearer views of God, of your own sinfulness, of our glo

rious Saviour and of his all-sufficiency; and there is no way to obtain these, but by having intercourse with God, the only source of good. Use the means of grace regularly, but still as means. Have always in view the great end, namely, the conformity of your will, of your heart and mind, to the will of God; who willeth that you should repent of sin, and believe in his Son Jesus Christ.

In closing my present address, I would say, bear in mind what you have heard from your preceding ministers, and be constant and willing hearers of those who succeed them. Remember, that our object is your good--your eternal good; it is, that you may repent and believe in Christ Jesus, and be thereby saved. Pray also for your ministers, that God may help, guide, and teach them; that they also may be able to help, guide, and teach you. Remember, the success of the Gospel depends altogether on the blessing of God: be instant, then, in prayer; let your supplications frequently ascend before the throne of grace; and that not only for your own ministers, but for all that faithfully preach the Gospel, and for the individual that now addresses you.

And, lastly, value your privileges. Consider how highly favoured you are. You have the prospect of having the joyful sound continued among you; of having the pure Gospel preached to you. This is a greater blessing than any of an earthly kind. Be thankful to God for it; it is owing to the gracious dispensation of his providence; and show that you thankful by a constant attendance at his house, and by a conduct worthy of the Gospel. Now, my brethren, may the God of peace make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory, for ever and ever! Amen.



I HAVE read, Mr. Editor, with great pleasure and edification, many of the letters of Aliquis in your interesting publication: especially those in which he mentions the benefits arising from educating poor children; and to some of which he has had the unspeakable satisfaction of being an eye-witness. I have very frequently, Sir, taken up your publication on the Saturday evening, with a view to have my hopes raised in, and my will more strongly inclined to, the work of the ministry on the following holy day. I have been in the habit of attending a school on the Sunday mornings, and explaining, in the best way I could, with simplicity and affection, the excellent collects of our Church; and, occasionally, the Catechism. Now, Sir, the statements of Aliquis have often given me a fresh impulse in this work, and encouraged me to entertain a hope, that my feeble and imperfect lefforts would not be in vain. Lately, however, I have had the pleasure to become personally acquainted with the benefits arising out of such charitable works,-evidenced in a case peculiarly interesting: and having a desire, that the hands of those, who give themselves to the good work of educating poor children in Christian principles, should be strengthened, that they should cast, with a brighter hope, their bread upon the waters, I am induced to communicate the same to you; trusting that you will not deem it unworthy of admission into your excellent publication.

In the month of June last I was requested, by the mistress of the parish workhouse, to visit a poor man, who, she said, wished to have a few prayers offered up for him. When thus invited, Sir, I am free to confess I feel generally an oppression of spirits; for I or

dinarily find attending the sick a very arduous part of the ministerial duty, calling for great wisdom, prudence, and fidelity: and, added to these difficulties, I have too often had to contend against self-righteous hopes; too often met with minds totally ignorant of true religion; and have too seldom found the broken heart that needed only to be bound up, or the faith that required only confirming and strengthening. With expectations not the most encouraging, I entered the room where the sick man was; and, in a few moments, was relieved of my burden; for I had the happiness to find him to be one who was bowed down with the sense of his manifold transgressions. He had been a sailor; and though he had avoided bad company, after which, to use his own words, "he had no liking," and had not been addicted to swearing, yet his mind was greatly troubled on account of his sins: he was cast down, and said, he felt himself unworthy of heaven. I need not detail what course I pursued to lead him to the knowledge of our blessed Redeemer. I would only say, that he heard me with deep attention and anxiety. On the following day I found him somewhat relieved, yet very anxious to know how to pray aright. He said, "I pray, in my poor way, as well as I can; Lord have mercy upon me, a wicked sinner! The invitation of our blessed Lord, to the weary and heavy laden, was explained to him, and he laid his hand on his heart to express the consolation it afforded him. He had long been sowing in tears, and the time was now arriving that he should reap in joy. To visit him was a pleasure; for I had but to pour in the oil and wine of the consolations of the Gospel into his wounded spirit. He declared he

had found peace in thinking of Jesus, our Saviour, and in reading the Scriptures; which he declared to me he read till tears obliged him to leave off. I perceived, however, that he was still unhappy; and I asked him the cause, and urged him to open his heart fully to me as to a friend. The cause of his sorrow, he then told me, was a broken vow, forgetting God after a marvellous deliverance. At this, I requested him to tell me his history, thinking the knowledge of it might be made serviceable to others. This he did very willingly: and he informed me, that he was left an orphan when he was only seven years of age; his father and mother both dying at that time. That the clergyman of the parish took pity on him, and placed him in the parish-school; and not only so, but had him to his house in the week to teach him, to hear him read in the Bible, and to take care of him. I asked him what he thought of being able to read? He replied, "I consider it greater than any of this world's blessings;" " and then, after a pause; "but there are no blessings in this world; it is a world of sorrow: for he, poor fellow, had drank deeply of the cup of affliction; having wandered, as a solitary being, throughout the world; and having, through great folly, tasted too soon of the heritage of man. For," he added, like other foolish children, I undervalued learning, and ran away and went But the good work of this benevolent clergyman was not lost upon him; he had gained habits he could not entirely overcome; he had learnt lessons he could not altogether forget. Though he had no Bible, and no desire to read one, yet he could not omit his morning and evening prayers in his hammock. He did not swear, but checked those who did; affording an instance of the truth


to sea.


of the Rev. Mr. Cecil's remarks, of the unspeakable importance of the early implantation of principles, when culled from time to time out of the Bible. A man can seldom get rid of these principles. They stand in his way. He wishes to forget them perhaps; but it is impossible. They hang on the wheels of evil." Thus poor J. B. was preserved from much evil. Only once did he meet, in his voyages, with a pious sailor; who, however, was the scorn of all the crew; yet, nevertheless, read his Bible. This, he said, was a comfort to him. Though the good works of this sailor condemned himself, yet he could not revile him as the rest did, for he knew he was doing what was right. How great a blessing, even then, was the little instruction that he had received, to this wandering sheep! His conscience hereby was kept awake, and he was saved from that awful sleep in sin, which too often, we fear, precedes eternal death; and he was kept thereby from sitting in the seat of the scornful. But the light, though greatly eclipsed by the darkness of his sinful heart, became his comfort in an awful hour; for on the coast of Prussia, in another voyage, at four o'clock in the morning, he was shipwrecked, and was the only one who was saved of all that were on board. That time he prayed mightily for deliverance, and vowed, I believe, to serve God for ever afterwards, should it please him to deliver him; and then, as far as he knew, "God Almighty alone knew," on a piece of the wreck he got on shore. Here again he offered up his prayers; and then, binding his head round, laid down on the solitary beach, two miles distant from any abode. On awaking from his sleep, to his surprise he found a woman putting a small spoon into his mouth, from whom, and others,

he received much kindness and help. "Now," said he, "this mercy I forgot, and I went on as before; and this it is, that weighs heavily on my conscience. I have been ill before; but never felt as I do now." This was the simple and affecting tale of this man of sorrows. I told him not to despair; and, reminding him of the prayer of the penitent thief, and to reflect what answer might have been expected, and what was actually given, I urged him to do likewise. From this time he was blessed with peace of conscience, and with a spirituality of mind which manifested itself very conspicuously. Once, as I was alluding to his temporal wants, on asking him, if he required any thing? he replied, "I want nothing, only some prayers." He was content with whatever was given to him, and was thankful to God for it. This spirit, Mr. Editor, is not very often to be found in a workhouse: discontent and repining I have often witnessed, making the poor therein still more comfortless. On my observing he would exhaust himself by talking to me, he replied, "He would be glad to speak all day on good things;" and added, "that he was distressed at the bad language he heard about him; that he did all he could to shut his ears against it, but in vain.”

His disease was the dropsy; he had little hopes of recovery, and the surgeon thought his case very serious. He was in great pain, yet I never heard him utter a murmuring word; but heard him say, "that he received less than he deserved;" and, also, express astonishment at the patience with which he was enabled to bear his pains. One day, on asking him, if a sense of the goodness of God did not increase his sorrow for sin, and whether, as he felt peace of mind, he felt also an increased grief for his past life, he replied,

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"That he did think upon his sins as he lay on his bed; and, as he did so, his eyes burst out with tears." His peace increased, and it manifested itself in the serenity of his countenance. He said, "he was more reconciled, more at ease. "Not with yourself, I hope?" No; that I can never be."-"What, then, is the cause of your peace?"-" Why, Sir, I read the Bible, to see if there is salvation for me; and I find there is, if we repent in time; and this gives me comfort; " and added, that he had found great instruction, in this respect, from the tract, entitled, "Sixteen short Sermons." He wished very much to receive the Sacrament, if he might; and assured me, he did not look on the receiving of it as an atoning work; but to ask of God the pardon of his sins in the use of this means of grace. I explained to him the nature of it; and on asking him, if he loved the Lord Jesus Christ? he replied, in his earnest manner, "I do;" and, then, making a pause, yet not sufficiently; not so much as I should; I cannot do it; it is beyond my ability." I was delighted with this simple, yet forcible, declaration of his love to Christ, the Saviour of us sinners; as, also, with the spirit of resignation and humble hope with which he was blessed being desirous to die; "but if it was God's will that he should stay, he was willing to stay." My visits to the workhouse, Sir, have been seldom so pleasant, as those were to this poor sick man; who was, indeed, "a stranger here," having no friend: but though friendless, yet blessed, infinitely blessed, with the knowledge of Him "who is the friend of publicans and sinners." In this peaceful, patient, nay, contented state of mind, he was kept to the hour of his death. He declared, that the blessing of God towards him "was too much;" and, that



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