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no emanations of the divine Spirit shall visit it any more. They range the wastes and wildernesses of sin, and build the fa

brics of iniquity, and work the works of darkness, and travel in the ways of cruelty and wickedness. The murderous devil is their master, his emanations inspire them, his powers of darkness rule them. They aye toil like Vulcan and his slaves, manufacturing thunderbolts for this their cruel Jove, to overwhelm themselves withal; and, as Ena, the fabled residence of these workers in fire, conceives in her bowels that flame

and smoke which she afterwards vomits to

scorch the vegetation up, which else would beautify her woody and verdant sides-so these wretched men will aye conceive within their soul malicious, fiendish imaginations and purposes, which being brought forth will destroy all the good which else might flourish in their chime. Who knows but there may be evidences, even there, of a good God,-incitements to meditation upon all the better alternatives of being,which, by reason of abounding wickedness, are frustrated, and the people tantalized with the sight and thought of good,

which their own crazed and disjointed

frames did aye hinder them from realizing?

-Pp. 395, 396.

Oh! when I think how near every man verges upon the confines of madness and misery, and bow the least shift in the fa

bric of our minds would send heavenly rea

soning into howling madness-I sec, I fancy a thousand powers resident in God, by the smallest expense of means, to make a hell such as no earthly science or earthly Janguage is able to represent. Bring me all the classes of men upon the earth, and

let me have the sorting and the placing of them upon this earth, and I shall make bells for each one of them without further ado. I would send the poets to bear bur dens, and the porters to indite tuneful songs. The musicians I would appoint over the kennels, and the roving libertines I would station over the watch and ward of streets. I would banish the sentimentalists to the fens, and send the rustic labourers to seek their food among the mountains; each wily politician I would transplant into a colony of honest men, and your stupid clown I would set at the helm of state. But, lest it may be thought I sport with a subject which I strive to make plain, I shall stop short and give no further proof


of this wicked ingenuity; for, sure I am could set society into such a hot warfare and confusion, as should in one day make half the world slay themselves, or slay each other, and the other half run up and down in wild distraction.-Pp. 397, 399.

Little, indeed, should we have anticipated from the minister of the

Caledonian Church, any thing liké an approximation to the Roman Catholic tenets of purgatory, any ideas of new connubial ties in the eternal world, or any intimation that in that state some perception of a Saviour may possibly be revealed to the virtuous of other communities; and yet we really feel that such sentiments are in some cases implied, and in others more clearly expressed, though we cannot conceive they are by any means seriously held.


As far, indeed, as we can discover Mr. I.'s sentiments, they are, on all essential points, scriptural and orthodox. We should say, they are evangelical; though the distinguishing doctrines of salvation by faith, and renewal by the Holy Spirit's influences, are not so often brought forward as many would desire; but we are by no means sure, that Mr. Irving will thank us for designating them by such a term; indeed, he has, with marvellous ignorance, or inconsistency, made the evangelical preachers the subject of his attack, while yet he has kindly recommended such men as Newton and Scott to the patronage of the great. real solution of this inconsistency is, that Mr. Irving knows very little of the actual state of men and things amongst ourselves. He is a foreigner amongst us; and he is too busy, too studious, too much engaged in pulpit preparation, to obtain the requisite information. It is no easy matter to form a due estimate of the prevailing sentiments of two or three thousand Evangelical Clergy in the Establishment, especially when the individual is himself engaged in preaching at the very time when all the leading ministers are thus occupied. It may, indeed, be some years before Mr. Irving can become acquainted with the true state of religion in this country; but, until that period arrives, he will do well to refrain from attacking large bodies of persons,

lest he should, as in the present in stance, assault the very men who are most efficiently labouring in the same cause in which he is engaged. But while Mr. I.'s sentiments are clearly Evangelical, they are almost uniformly expressed in a very unusual, involved, and repul sive style. It has, indeed, been said, that the southern dialect is not equal to the grandeur of Mr. I.'s ideas; but for our own part, we can conceive of nothing grand, or magnificent, or sublime, which may not be adequately expressed, as far as human language can go, in the style of Edmund Burke or Robert Hall. But we are not disposed to dwell on this subject. The real state of the case is, that Mr. Irving is engaged in a peculiar service; he has addressed himself with diligence and success to that service; and a great part of the popularity or notoriety he has obtained has been forced upon him; so that sentiments and arguments, and perhaps language, intended for one small body of people, and very unintelligible to the religious world at large, have attained a degree of circulation, which, under all circumstances, was by no means desirable. Mr. I. came to London to search after many stray sons of the north, entangled in metaphysical and infidel notions, and entrenched in hostile camps and fortifications, of which our southern countrymen have little idea. He

has sought out these stray sheephe has encountered the arguments by which they were deluded-he has done much already to excite attention; and when the popular ferment has somewhat subsided, we trust that he will do still more to bring them back to the fold. Meanwhile, the character and influence he has acquired, compel us and others to animadvert more severely on the defects of his publication than is by any means agree able to ourselves.

Should these remarks meet Mr.

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Irving's eye, we would most earnestly intreat him to keep still closer to the oracles of God. Many of his weapons are not taken from that armoury. There we meet not with the language of contempt and defiance; there is no taunting or challenging of the prize-fighters of the day; there is no invocation of departed spirits; there is no approximation to profane swearing-no exclamations, such as, In the

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holy name of Christ! and the, Three times holy name of God! But there, in the language of tender pity and compassion, the perishing sinner is invited to return to the Lord God of his fathers; and the poor condemned malefactor, and the sinner expiring under the consequences of his depraved affections, is intreated to call upon God in the time of trouble, to seize the passing moment, and to hear the Saviour's voice" Today, while it is called to-day." Should Mr. I. listen to such advice, he will be a less surprizing, probably a less popular, but unquestionably a more useful preacher. Of his industry, of his zeal, of his converse with the master spirits of other days, we ask him to abate nothing; but we earnestly intreat him to cultivate that guarded mode of stating truth, that the minds of his hearers may not be entangled in useless controversy; and to seek after that holy unction, that fervent devotion, and that tender compassion, that his hearers may no longer withdraw with loud murmurs of admiration of the man, but may silently melt away at the conclusion of the service with a deep impression of the eterual importance of the truths he inculcates, to enter into their closets, and commune with their God.

But why, it may be said, are the titles of Richardson's and Fawcett's Sermons placed at the head of this article, if the whole review is devoted to Mr. Irving's publication? We frankly confess, that

our object was to have contrasted the style and sentiments of Mr. Irving with the productions of these two eminent ministers. We have so exceeded all reasonable bounds in our review of this work, that it is now impossible to carry our original plan into execution. But what we are unable to perform, we would earnestly recommend to the attention of our readers. We have already expressed our high approbation of the former volume of Mr. Richardson; and while it must ever be remembered, that posthumous sermons should always be read and recommended with some allowance, we cannot refrain from impressing on our readers the benefit they may derive from perusing the volume now presented to their notice, and would earnestly excite the young minister to copy, as much as possible, that serious, devout, and impressive style of preaching, which so eminently distinguished this holy man of God.

Mr. Fawcett still lives; and long may he live to hold forth the word of life, as he has already done for many years, to the people of his charge; and earnestly do we hope, that the reception these discourses have already met with, and the testimonies of their usefulness already received, may excite their pious author to publish still more largely, Discourses which may live in the recollection of his people long after his own removal, and be handed down by a dying parent as a most precious legacy to his children, and his children's children. Posthumous reputation is, indeed, a very bubble; but posthumous usefulness is a noble object; and while the Fathers of our church are advancing to that state, that ere long it must be mournfully said, Where are they? or triumphantly added, They have entered into rest! we would fain urge them to leave still additional memorials behind them, that their

people may have these things in remembrance after their decease.

Nor yet can we here refrain from asking, with the Sermons of such men as Richardson and Fawcett in full view, Are these the limits of pulpit theology, and pulpit exhortation, we are called upon to pass? But whither are we to go? If lucid statement, if convincing argument, if apt illustration, if sound eloquence, if awful warnings, if abundant consolations, if deep experience-if, in short, any qualification of good preaching which can ordinarily be attained by men, or be fairly required by hearers, is desired, we scruple not to affirm they are here. After travelling through a wide field of reading and of hearing, we know not where we should more delight to sit down, when increasing infirmities may incapacitate us for more active exertion, than under the eminently useful and holy ministrations of a Fawcett or a Richardson; or where we might more calmly await our final dismission, or be more encouraged to say, “Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation."

The Loss of Ministers improved. A Sermon, occasioned by the Death of the Rev. John Coates, M. A. late Vicar of Huddersfield, by H. J. Maddock, M. A. Minister of the Holy Trinity Church in that Town. Pp. 32, Robinsons. 1823.

THE removal of pious and able ministers, is an event which, incessantly as it occurs, must still produce painful feelings in the minds of all who are, in any degree, competent to estimate their value and importance. It is, therefore, with a painful interest, that we read the sermons by which their surviving brethren attempt to improve the afflictive dispensation. There are, however, circumstances connected with this discourse from Heb. xiii. 7, which are deeply cal

culated to produce a still more abiding impression. Independently of its intrinsic excellence, and it is every way deserving of high praise, it records the death not only of a most pious, amiable, disinterested, and devoted character, the Rev. J. Coates; but, also, briefly notices the removal, within little more than a year and a half, of four other valuable ministers; all intimately connected for several years with the parish of Huddersfield; and two of them holding, at the time of their decease, perpetual curacies, to which they had been presented by Mr. Coates. Well might the preacher, under such circumstances, exclaim,

Are these ministers removed?-Then

hear the Rod and Him who hath appointed

it-ask wherefore the Lord contendeth with

you. It was in displeasure to the people of Israel, that God silenced his servant Ezekiel, and told him he should no more be to

them a reprover—Ezek. iii. 26; and you,

my brethren, are now under a similar re

buke-you have lost your reprovers. Now

is the time to examine yourselves, and to inquire what you have done to provoke God thus to break you with breach upon breach. Lay not the blame upon others: say not one is an infidel; another a Deist; a third

a scoffer at God and godliness; but let each

take this matter to himself, and let conscience deal faithfully. It is sin that separates between you and your God, and also between you and your ministers. Endeavour to discover the sin that has caused God thus to deal with you, and mourn on account thereof. Weep not so much for those who are gone, as for yourselves; for your own sin, folly, carelessness, and unbelief, which have forfeited the privileges

you have lost. Ask seriously, Have not I been a careless, trifling, forgetful hearer of the word? Has not my heart gone after my covetousness, even when I have entered the courts of the Lord? Has not the word spoken by the messengers of God been unprofitable to me, not being mixed with faith, and received with reverence? Instead of following my spiritual guide aud friend, have I not perversely gone after the ways of my own heart?-Oh! my brethren, let these and such like questions be put with seriousness to your hearts, that you may be awakened to repentance for your little proficiency under the means of grace; and endeavour, in dependence on the Spirit of God, to mortify those lusts and corrup

tions which hindered your profiting by the labours of your ministers, and provoked God to remove them from you. Beseech' him to turn away his just displeasure, and to make you glad for the days wherein he bath afflicted you. Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that in due time he may lift you up, casting all your who, in the midst of judgment, remembers care upon him who careth for you, and mercy.-Pp. 20-22.

Gladly should we continue this extract, and insert the admirable exhortation which immediately follows; but we feel, under present circumstances, that some brief notice of the departed may justly be required at our hands; in doing which, we shall avail ourselves freely of the information contained in Mr. M.'s appendix.

The Rev. John Coates, M. A. after the usual school education, was admitted at Catharine Hall, Cambridge, where he took his degree in 1782, and was shortly after elected Fellow of his col lege. Prior to this event, he exhibited a very striking instance of disinterestedness. On a Fellowship becoming vacant, to which, under peculiar circumstances, it was perfectly certain that Mr. C. would be elected, he was applied to by a friend and companion, then in the very last year in which he could succeed, who requested Mr. C. to waive for the present his own claim, in order to advance the interests of his friend. It was sufficiently obvious, that by this conduct Mr. C. would at least endanger his own prospects, and that it was very probable another vacancy would not occur until himself was superannuated. Mr. C. however, relinquished at once all such considerations, exerted all his interest on behalf of his friend, cordially rejoiced in his success; and very shortly after, an unexpected vacancy occurring, himself elected to a Fellowship.


In the year 1785, Mr. C. went to Huddersfield as curate to the Rev. John Lowe, and, on the Living becoming vacant in 1791,

was presented, by Sir John Ramsden, to the vicarage. Here he laboured with the utmost diligence and assiduity; and, on his strength being very materially reduced, and his health seriously injured, he engaged in succession the most valuable assistants he could obtain; among whom were, the Rev. Walter Smith, the Rev. William Robinson, the Rev. William Harding, and the Rev. Samuel Walter, all of whom are mentioned in very appropriate terms, by Mr. Maddock, in the Appendix to this Discourse. Mr. C. continued labouring at Huddersfield, amidst various difficulties and trials, for eightand-thirty years; exhibiting to his people an admirable example as a minister, son, husband, father, master, and friend; until at length, his work on earth being terminated, he entered into rest on Sunday, July 6, 1823.

For the following brief accounts we are wholly indebted to Mr. M.'s Appendix.

The Rev. Walter Smith, A. B. curate of Almondbury, died at Huddersfield, October 2d, 1821, after a few days illness, on his way from Cambridge, whither he had been to introduce his son. He was born at Bramham, in this county, A. D. 1764, entered at Magdalen College, Cambridge, where he took his Bachelor's degree, 1787, was ordained soon after to assist the Rev. Mr. Wilson, of Slaithwaite, near Huddersfield, where he remained two years; he was afterwards curate of Raistrick, and then of Huddersfield, for five years. In 1796 he went to Almondbury, and was elected master of the Grammar School; which situation and curacy he held until his unexpected and lamented death.

The Rev. William Robinson, A. B. perpetual curate of Longwood Chapel, near Huddersfield, and master of the Free School in that place, died suddenly in the night of September 6th, 1822. He was born at Cambridge in the year 1762; entered at Edmund Hall, Oxford, where he took his Bachelor's degree, and served the curacies of Weverthorp on the Wolds, in this county; of Reading, under the late Hon. and Rev. William Cadogan; and of Huddersfield, where he laboured, with much fidelity and usefulness, for six years with the Rev. John Coates, by whom he was presented to the Chapelry of Long

wood. To do good, and to advance the interests of religion, were the grand obelse was made subservient. He took great jects of his life, and to which every thing delight in visiting the poor aud contributing

to their necessities, often beyond the extent of his means. His piety was ardent, and his disposition affectionate; his attainments able; and his attachment to literature was in learning were very various and respectremarkable to the last; and he always regretted, that he had not more time to devote to pursuits from which he derived great solace and delight; but, above all, said to be his theme, his inspiration, and the adorable name of his Saviour might be bis song; in comparison of this, he, with the apostle, accounted all things but loss. The universal sorrow that was slown, and the tears that were shed at his death, by a congregation that had long loved, respected, and admired him, were a just and

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sincere tribute to his various excellencies and exalted virtues,

The Rev. Wm. Harding, Perpetual Cuate of Sawley, and of the united parishes of Wiln and Long Eaton, in the county of Derby, formerly Curate of Huddersfield for five years, who lost his life on Tuesday, July 1st, 1823, whilst bathing in the river Trent. The following account of the melancholy circumstance is extracted from the Nottingham Journal.-" Mrs. Harding had set out from Sawley in the morning, on a visit to her relations in Nottingham, and Mr. Harding was proceeding on foot to join her. He took the road leading by Thrumpton and Barton; and on his arrival at a place on the Trent, near the latter village, where he had been accustomed to bathe, he determined to take the benefit of an immersion in the water; but observing a fisherman on the opposite bank, he was induced (from a sense of delicacy it is supposed) to proceed about eighty yards higher up the river, and went into the water close to a willow holt. At this place, near to the water's edge, there is a shelving bottom of great depth, down which, there is reason to believe, he suddenly slipped, and, being no swimmer, was drowned. Mr. Harding was in his 44th year, and had only been married eight weeks."

On the Sunday after his interment, a funeral sermon was preached at Sawley, and since published, by the Rev. J. D. Wawn, who thus delineates his character as a minister of Christ: "From much personal intercourse with your late beloved minister, I will state, and you will bear me out in the statement, that the leading Scripture truths were held and preached by him, “in simplicity and godly sincerity."

He had been taught by the Spirit to know the depths of sin in his own heart,

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