fore us, that among the adherents of the papal supremacy, both in this country and in Europe, an anxious desire is felt to promote the progress of the Catholic religion in the United States. We fully believe in the existence of the Leopold Society in Austria, and similar associations in other parts of Europe, which, under the patronage of men like Metternich, are laboring to effect this favorite object. Some, we know, think, that by proving the number of emigrants directly from Austria to be few, they have overthrown all the evidence of such a design. Far from it: they have done no such thing. The Catholic church is one and indivisible, as to the influence of its priesthood upon its adherents. Now it cannot be denied, that by far the greatest portion of the Irish emigrants are bigoted Catholics. The power of the priests over them is proverbial. Who does not see, that if the establishment of the supremacy of the pope in these United States, and the destruction of our prosperity as a free and Protestant nation, is an object with Austria, the end may be as well accomplished, indirectly, through the influence of priests over the Catholic population coming from Ireland, as if she sent out her own subjects? The simple question is, Does the system which they are laboring to uphold, tend to destroy free institutions? On this subject, history speaks with a voice which cannot be gainsaid. All analogy favors the conclusion, that nothing but power in the priesthood is wanting, to renew here scenes which have been acted over in many a Catholic country in Europe. We mean not to include in this judgment Roman Catholics who are the native citizens of these States. We do not believe, that men like Charles Carroll, who have shared with Protestants in the burden and toil of rearing up our free institutions, and like them have pledged their "lives, fortunes and sacred honor" in their defense, would ever deliberately engage in scenes of outrage and persecution against their fellowcitizens. We regret that a discrimination has not been more clearly made, in the discussion of this subject, between such men and a foreign priesthood. It is from the influence of the latter, that dangers must arise, if our civil or religious rights are invaded by our Catholic population. How far home-born Americans, who hold the same opinions, might be wrought up by the influence of this foreign priesthood, could they secure an ascendency, we pretend not to say. It would be natural, were they, blinded by success, and in the moment of triumph, to forget the injustice of which they were guilty. We disclaim, however, all intention of associating them with a foreign priesthood, against whom, and the system which they inculcate, our remarks are particularly aimed. The political and religious constitution of the Roman Catholic system are so blended, that it is impossible to consider them separately, when we treat of the influence which it may exert on our country. While, therefore, we utterly disclaim a wish to abridge the freedom of religious opinion, we cannot help protesting, as did the reformers of old, against that artful system which is now aiming to incorporate itself with our dear-bought privileges, and to subvert our political rights, through the means of a priesthood who have ever been averse to the spread of liberal principles and free institutions. In relation to the population which is constantly disgorged upon our shores, we say with Dr. Beecher : If they associated with republicans, the power of caste would wear away. If they mingled in our schools, the republican atmosphere would impregnate their minds. If they scattered, unassociated, the attrition of circumstances would wear off their predelictions and aversions. If they could read the bible, and might, and did, their darkened intellect would brighten, and their bowed down mind would rise. If they dared to think for themselves, the contrast of Protestant independence with their thraldom, would awaken the desire of equal privileges, and put an end to an arbitrary clerical dominion over trembling superstitious minds. If the pope and potentates of Europe held no dominion over ecclesiastics here, we might trust to time and circumstances to mitigate their ascendency and produce assimilation. But for conscience sake and patronage, they are dependent on the powers that be across the deep, by whom they are sustained and nurtured; and receive and organize all who come, and retain all who are born; while by argument, and a Catholic education, they beguile the children of credulous unsuspecting Protestants into their own communion. pp. 117-119. Again: But it is notorious, that the Catholic immigrants to this country are generally of the class least enlightened, and most implicit in their religious subjection to the priesthood, who are able, by their spiritual ascendency, to direct easily and infallibly, the exercise of their civil rights and political action. And it were easy to show, were this the time and place, that they do interfere in the exaction of fees, in the control of children, and in the article of marriage, as no Protestant minister ever did or would dare to attempt; and that a secular influence is beginning to be exerted over the political action of their dependent, confiding people.' pp. 127, 128. The author has drawn the following picture of the Catholic religion, and we quote it for the clear and strong light in which it presents to us the powerful influences which are at work among Let every American citizen ponder well the truth in this us. matter: 'It is a religion exclusive in its claims, and awful in its sanctions, and terrific in its power of declaring sins remitted or retained. By the confessional it searches the heart, learns the thoughts, and motives, and habits, and condition of individuals and families, and thus acquires the means of an unlimited ascendency over mind, by the united influence of both worlds. It is majestic and imposing in its ceremonies, dazzling by its lights and ornaments, vestments and gorgeous drapery, and fascinating by the power of music, and the breathing marble and living canvas, and all the diversified contributions of art, -strong in the patronage of the great, and the power of wealth and the versatilities of art, and unlimited in its powers of accommodation to the various characters, tastes and conditions of men. For the profound, it has metaphysics and philosophy, the fine arts for men of taste, and wealth, and fashion, signs and wonders for the superstitious, - forbearance for the sceptic, -toleration for the liberal, who eulogize and aid her cause, enthusiasm for the ardent, lenity for the voluptuous, and severity for the austere,fanaticism for the excited, and mysticism for moody musing. For the formalist, rites and ceremonies, -for the moral, the merit of good works, and for those who are destitute, the merits of the saints at accommodating prices, for the poor, penance, -extreme unction for the dying, and masses for the spirits in prison, who, by donation or testament, or by their friends, provide the requisite ransom. This is the religion so powerful in the combined energies of earth and heaven, so dextrous in their application, so gigantic in its past energies, so enslaving and terrible in its recorded deeds, and yet in its present appearance, so mild, meek, unassuming, and munificent, which is coming in among us, a comparative stranger, -the records of its history denied or forgotten, or covered by a charity that would belt the zones and span the earth, -coming by numbers to outnumber us, by votes to outvote us, and by the competitions of European munificence, to secure an ascendant influence in the education of the young republicans of our nation. This religion is wielded by a priesthood, educated, for the most part, in the despotic governments of Europe, of recent naturalization, and retaining the ecclesiastical and political partialities of their country and early associations. Were they allied to us by family and ties of blood, like the ministry of all other denominations, there would be less to be feared, and common interests would produce, gradually but certainly, an unreluctant assimilation. But as it is, they stand out from society, a separate, insulated male ecclesiastical association, with property and interests peculiarly their own; with an irresponsible and despotic power over the consciences, and physical and civil action of numbers, quite too great and influential for the safety of republican institutions, where every thing depends on the free and enlightened action of public sentiment." p. 132-135. We repeat the question, Will the citizens of this country look with indifference on the efforts of papal emissaries to spread among us a delusion so artful, proclaimed, as it is, by the voice of history, and testified to by so many well qualified to discern and judge ?* a * We would especially refer our readers to a work of Blanco White, formerly Catholic priest in Spain, entitled Practical and Internal Evidence against Catholicism. We had intended to notice it more particularly in connection with this article, but we have no room now for what we had prepared. We may hereafter recur to it, in the hope of doing it justice. Where it prevails, it cannot but affect the political relations of a country. In its books of casuistry it is often decided, that no faith is to be kept with heretics, provided the welfare of the Catholics will not be endangered, even when the violated promise involves the guilt of perjury. Are we unreasonable, then, in distrusting the professions of men, novi homines with us, allied to a church which has never, by its head and lawgiver, disclaimed these doctrines, but whose bulls and anathemas are yearly fulminated against free institutions, the liberty of the press, and the diffusion of knowledge? The assertion is indeed sometimes made, that the Catholic church has undergone a reformation, and that it is uncharitable to quote her former history, in days of ignorance and pride, as evidence against her. We answer with Dr. Beecher: 'Who is it then that makes the proclamation, that the Catholic church has discovered her mistakes in past ages and is reformed? Has the pope announced it? Has a general council decreed it? Has the Catholic convention at Baltimore placed it upon their records? Has a single Catholic bishop or priest admitted or claimed that the Catholic church has been, by the proper authorities, revised and corrected in any material point of doctrine, discipline, or practice? Not one, and no Catholic will say it who has any character to lose or frowns to fear from superior power. The church cannot be reformed as a church only by the pope and a general council. The question of revision and change is therefore simply a matter of historical fact. When, where, and in what respects, has the pope and a general council changed the claims, maxims, doctrines, or established usages of the church? When and where has it been decreed, that liberty of conscience and civil liberty are the birth-right of man, -that reading the bible is the right of man, and not a privilege to be conferred, that private interpretation is the duty of man, instead of implicit confidence in the exposition of others, that persecution for conscience sake is tyranny, and the deeds of the inquisition an abomination in the sight of God? What one of her maxims, avowed centuries ago, has she expunged and does not rather enforce to the present hour at Rome and Vienna? What are the powerful principles of collision which now agitate Europe and South America, but those of civil liberty and despotic power? And on which side, when uncoerced, is his holiness, and his cardinals, and bishops, and priesthood? Every where in Portugal, in Spain, in France, and in Italy, and South America, on the side of monarchical, and in opposition to liberal institutions." pp. 152-154. In conclusion, for we have dwelt upon this topic longer than we intended, and nothing but its importance and close bearing on our prosperity could justify so full occupancy of our pages with it, in conclusion, we ask, what shall be done? Shall we fold our hands, and sleep over the evil? or shall we arouse to instant action? Shall we suffer the enemy to go before, and gain possession of all the holds of strength, and bar up to us the avenues to the minds of generations yet to be instructed? or shall we put forth a moral influence which shall be felt in controlling the destinies of our nation? Shall the birth-right of freemen, the privileges of Protestantism, identified every where with the cause of liberty, be handed down to our posterity? or shall they groan in the shackles of superstition and despotism? If the better alternative is to be the happy lot of this fair land, more must be done than yet seems thought of. A simultaneous effort must be made to diffuse abroad among christians a deeper sense of obligation, a higher standard of practical piety, and a spirit of self-denying benevolence, which will begin with regarding all as God's, and never end, so long as there is a subject in whose favor it ought to be exerted. This benevolence must go forth to repair the waste places of Zion, to sprinkle the broad land of the West with schools, colleges, churches, and means of instruction in morals and religion; it must wake up the supine church to hear the cry of suffering millions; it must gather and send out on the mountain-wave its cargoes of bibles, tracts, and its hosts of missionaries, to tell a lost world that Jesus has died, and that there is redemption from its woes through his blood. Out-running the too active emissaries of corruption, it must make its positive aggressions on the kingdom of darkness, and count every day lost, which does not witness some new province of the empire of Satan brought back in triumph to Christ. Let the church of Christ thus gird herself to the onset, and Pleas for the West, appeals to the sympathies of believers, will be need less. Every form of error will quail and blench before the allconquering Spirit which is in the midst of her; and the man of sin, the false prophet, and the iron rule of paganism, will all be remembered but in the annals of her triumphs, and in the songs of praise with which she breaks forth in every land, "Alleluia, for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth!" ART. VIII. COLONIZATION AND ANTI-COLONIZATION. An Inquiry into the Character and Tendency of the American Colonization and American Anti-Slavery Societies. By WILLIAM JAY. Second Edition. 1835. Letters to the Hon. William Jay; being a Reply to his "Inquiry into the American Colonization and American Anti-Slavery Societies." By DAVID REESE, M. D., of New-York. HERE are two books, of which the first has been greatly lauded as dispassionate, the other inuch commended as forcible; yet if both had been universally owned to be at once forcible and passionate, truth would have been the gainer, and the good which there is in each, might have had a fair chance of separation from the evil. But as it is, the many of the one party, and the multitude of the |