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The Publisher to the Reader.

Thath been a grand defigne of the DeI vil and Inftruments acted by him,with much controverfie to darken the light in the very breaking up of this prefent Reformatin,and to hide the precious Truth that the fimple hould notfinde it, fuck pure malice doth be carry against the high way of the Lord,and fo afraid be a.35.5. is, that theWay-faring men fhall not erre therein: but they know not the Counsel of the Lord, nor Mich.4.16 the thoughts of his heart, who is about to clear the Truth, by the manifold Errours which haverifen in thefe late Times, to work His peoples bearts to a deep deteftation of Errour, as well as ungodlines, and to declare bis Truth, to be proofe of all the controverfie that can be moved against it, when every Work fhall be tried by the fire. There must be Herefies,for making manifeft who are approved, and what is precious and praise- Zech 14-7 worthy Truth,but at the Evening time it shall





more brightly,that it bath been for a time dark ned and born down,this cloudie Morning fbal end in a clear day.This litle treatife doth help to blom away and dispell the mists, of Errour, and clear many questioned Truths,befide fome points which are practically bandled therein. If God had been. pleafed to lengthen the Authorhis life for longer ferving his Generation, I am confident it would bave come abroad better polifbed, if he bad com pleated it and there furvayed the whole Work when fet together. But although this peece be unperfect, yet having the Authors leave,I have adventured to make it Publick,without any addition or alteration,the chriftian Reader will correct the Errata and look upon it as it is bis opus pofthumu, whom God made very ferviceable in his work, in a very short time: Ifball only wish that it may prove as usefuland acceptable to the Judicious and godly, as other peeces which came from bis


I am

Thy Servant, PAT: GILLESPIE.

How the Congregation is to judge ifa man be qualified and fit for the


Incommodities may be on both hands,but fewer on this.



The diverfe names the Minifters of the Gospell gets in Scripture.pag. 5.
The place 2 Tim: 2.2. opened up.
What lawfull ordination contributes for the Peoples good. pag. 54.

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VWhen the Church of Rome was most corrupt, there was alwayes a
true Church in it.


Sacred and Civile vocations.



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