[vi] tionate, pathetic. He has my fincere thanks for the kind permiffion which he has given me to make use of them. I trust that he has not wholly relinquished the design which he had once formed of giving to the world another volume. The other fermons which I have felected, though not immediately addreffed to criminals, treat upon fubjects in which they are nearly interested. I have added The Convict's Address to his unhappy Brethren *. Here is evidently the hand of a mafter, urging the moft powerful and appropriate topics, upon the most serious and folemn occafion. The unhappy man who delivered it, when he gave it for publication, prayed God that, in the hands of the minister, it might frequently and effectually adminifter to the comfort and inftruction of the miferable. In my researches after exhortations and inftructions proper for offenders, I confulted * See Bofwell's Life of Johnfon, vol. ii. p. 522, octavo edit. Roffell's Roffell's Prifoner's Director, published in the year 1742, a multifarious work, but useful, as prefenting much matter for felection. His Directions to Criminals of different Descriptions are taken, as is alfo his Preface, but without acknowledgment, from a book entitled, Captivity improved to spiritual Purhofes, published in 1675, by E. Creffey, ordinary of Newgate *. They were revised by an unfortunate divine during his imprisonment, and republifhed after his death; but I do not think them striking or impreffive. The fixth chapter containing directions against the influence of evil examples, is taken from A charitable Vifit ta the Prifons, a book which has much useful matter, published in the year 1725. I mention these books for the information of fuch as may be defirous to confult authors who have written upon this fubject. No writings that I have seen are better calculated for the * This book is in Sion college library. 6 edifi edification of criminals than thofe of the pious and learned KETTLEWELL. He is justly praised by NELSON for accuracy in the management of his argument, and for his talent in devotional compofition*. All his writings upon this fubject are in the folio edition of his works; and alfo in a fmall feparate book, published in the year 1697. I do not know that it was ever reprinted it certainly is not to be had in common. His Office and Prayers for Prifoners are in ROSSELL; but not his Directions to Prifoners in various Situations: thefe are fo judicious, fo forcible, familiar, and affectionate, and fo well-formed for practical ufe, that, in the hands of an attentive. minister, and in a prison well governed, I think they would be powerful and efficacious. : * The Society for promoting Chriftian Knowledge have published a very useful devotional book of Kettlewell's, entitled "A Companion for the Penitent." Prayers Prayers for Malefactors are to be found in the works of bifhop Andrews, bishop Taylor, bishop Cozens, bishop Patrick, and bishop Wilfon; in Dodwell's Sick Man's Companion, and in Jenks's Devotions. And thofe, whofe duty may oblige, or charity induce them to vifit the condemned, will find further information in a selection from Roffell, published by the Rev. Mr. Villette. The eleventh Sermon, by Dr. Gaskin, is, with his permiffion, first introduced, in the prefent Edition. Lately 1. THOUGHTS on the NECESSITY of MORAL DISCIPLINE in PRISONS, as preliminary to the RE- LIGIOUS INSTRUCTION of OFFENDERS; with Obfervations on the Expediency of appointing By Av. PRAYERS felected from the LITURGY; with Pfalms and Leffons PROPER for the Ufe of PRISONERS; CONTENTS. |