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beseech thee, O Lord, to accept of my imperfect repentance, and by the virtue of his moft precious blood, to cleanfe me from all my offences, whether in thought, word or deed. And as with fhame, confufion, hearty grief and forrow, I reflect upon all my fins, fo I refolve, by the affiftance of thy grace, for the time to come to avoid them all as the greatest evils. For which end enable me, by the help of thy Holy Spirit, to abhor vice, and to be zealous in good works, as well as immoveable in that faith, fealed with the blood of Jefus; so that nothing may be found in me, that may obftruct the happy effects of thy love, of which love, O Lord, poffefs me with fuch a fenfe, and fuch thankfulness for all thy favours, as may tranfform me into thy likeness, and may make me ready and willing to do and to fuffer any thing for thy name's fake; thro' Jefus Chrift my Redeemer. Amen.


As the Prieft comes to give you the Bread, fay,

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Ord I am not worthy that thou shouldft enter under my roof, only fay the word, and my foul fhall be healed; enter into my heart, take poffeffion of it, that I may continue thine for ever. Amen.

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As the Minifter comes to give you the Cup, fay,

Saviour of the world, who by thy crofs and precious blood haftredeemed me, fave me and help me, I humbly befeech thee. O Lord, I moft thankfully rejoice in this astonishing inftance of goodness; I will truft in it as long as I live; and I am refolved, O Lord, eternally to devote myself to thy fervice; through Jefus Christ our Lord. Amen.

After receiving the confecrated Bread and Wine.

Eeing now, O gracious Lord! that I, who am but dust


and ashes, have been refreshed with the body and blood of thy dear Son, I will magnify thy holy name; as long as I have any being, I will fing praifes unto my God. O let not thefe feet which have approached thine altar, ever more walk

in the ways of the wicked: let not these hands, that have received the bread and the cup, which came down from heaven, be ever defiled with injuftice, or any kind of impiety, but grant that they may evermore be washed in innocency: let these eyes be chaste, that have beheld the God of purity; let that mouth be clean, that has fpiritually received the body and blood of Chrift; and let that foul be raised above this world, that has been thus refreshed with the divine presence of the fame thy Son Jefus Chrift my Redeemer. Amen.

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A Prayer when retired from the Lord's Table.

Lord, I give thee most humble and hearty thanks, that thou haft been pleased to admit me now to renew my baptifmal covenant with thee, in this holy facrament; and that thou haft vouchsafed to feed me with the spiritual nourishment of the body and blood of thy Son Jefus Chrift; not for any merits of my own, but for the fake of thy infinite goodnefs and mercy towards finful man. And tho' I am unworthy through my natural imperfections, yet thy bounty, O Lord, never fails; the love of my Saviour is not diminished, and the virtue of his propitiation is never exhausted; therefore, I befeech thee, grant that this holy facrament may never turn to my judgment and condemnation, but that it may be health and recovery under all my weakneffes and infirmities; fafety and defence against all the attacks of my fpiritual enemies; vigour and strength to all my holy purpofes and refolutions ; comfort and fupport under all the afflictions and calamities of life; affiftance and direction under all difficulties and doubts; courage and conftancy under all dangers and perfecutions, efpecially in times of sickness, and at the hour of death; and finally, that it may procure for me pardon and forgiveness in this life, mercy and favour at the day of judgment, and a never-fading crown of glory in thy heavenly kingdom,through Jefus Chrift our Redeemer. Amen,


Prayers to be used by Sick Persons.

The Reader, who would understand how to fupport himself under, and improve fuch Sickness, as the Lord fhall pleafe to vifit him with, is referred to Chap. VIII. Sect. IV, V, VI, : VII, and VII. Alfo to the whole Chap. XVII in this Book.

A Prayer in Sickness.

whofe never-failing providence order all

both in heaven and in earth; I humble myself before thee, acknowledging that thou, even in thy fevereft difpenfations, haft kind intentions, and gracious defigns towards us; behold me thy poor fervant, upon whom thou hast been pleafed to lay thine afflicting hand; fanctify, I beseech thee, this thy fatherly correction to me, and grant that I may receive it with all the patience and fubmiffion becoming a child of God, neither murmuring nor repining under any difpenfations of thy providence; but looking on all my afflictions as the means to wean me from the world; to bring me nearer to thyself; and to purge away all that drofs and defilement which my foul has contracted in this finful world. For I know, that thy judgments are right, and that thou of thy goodness haft caufed me to be troubled and I humbly pray, that thou wilt give me fuch a measure of grace and patience, as may enable me chearfully and willingly to fubmit myself to thy holy will. I have justly deserved to be feverely dealt with by thee; for notwithftanding all the gentle methods which thou haft used towards me, I have not loved thee as I ought to do; but in the days of health and profperity have forgotten thee, my God, and turned afide after vanity and folly; yet, O merciful Father, let not my fins provoke thee to turn away thy face from me, while I feek unto thee in this time of my trouble; thut not up the bowels of thy tender compaffion from me; but for the merits and interceffion of thy beloved Son, pardon all my fins, and be

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reconciled unto me for his fake. Don't fuffer me, O Lord, to fink under the load and burden of my tranfgreffions, but ftretch forth thy helping hand to fave and deliver me; and fay unto myful, I am thy falvation. Oh! give me ftrength, refolution and patience to bear all my pain, weakneffes, and infirmities; ftrengthen my faith, enlarge my hopes, increase my charity, and perfect my repentance, that I may be delivered from the fear of death. Make thou my bed in my fickness, and lay not more upon me than thou wilt enable me to bear; give a bleffing to the means that shall be used for my recovery; and if it be thy good pleasure, restore me to my former health, that I may lead the rest of my life in thy fear and to thy glory: but if thou haft determined that this fickness fhall be unto death; grant, O merciful Father, that the more the outward man decayeth, fo much the more I may find the inner man ftrengthened and renewed with thy grace and Holy Spirit. O give me grace fo to take thy vifitation, that after this painful life ended, I may dwell with thee in life everlasting, through the merits of Jefus Chrift, my dear and only Saviour. Amen.


A Prayer for a fick Child.

Lmighty God, and merciful F Father, to whom alone belong the iffues of life and death; we fly unto thee for fuccour in behalf of this child here lying under thy hand in great weakness of body. Look graciously upon it, O Lord, ease it, we beseech thee, of its pains, and pity it in extremity. We know, O Lord, that if thou wilt, thou canst raise it up, andgrant it a longer continuance amongst us. O raise it up again (if it may please thee) to grow in years and ftature, in wifdom, and thy fear, and thereby tocomfort its parents, and to glorify thee; we believe, O God, that thou knoweft beft what is fit for it and us, and that thou wilt do what is best for both; and therefore we humbly refign its life to thee, befeeching thee to have mercy on us. But whether it lives or dies, let it be thine; and either preferve it to be thy true and faithful fervant here on earth, or take it into thofe heavenly habitations, where the Souls of them that fleep in the Lord Jefus, enjoy perpetual rest and felicity. Grant this, O Lord,


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for thy mercies fake, in the fame thy Son our Lord, who liv ethand reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghoft, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

A Prayer on sending for the Physician.

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Almighty God, on whom is all my dependance, I am

defirous to make ufe of fuch means as thou haft appointed, in order to a recovery from my present weak and languishing condition, that I may not feem to flight that life, which thou haft condefcended to bestow upon me; fo, for afmuch as thou haft ordained the phyfician, for the benefit of those who languifh under any bodily diftemper, I have refolved to try his fkill, in order to the fame, yet my chief hope is in thee; O be thou my help; for, without thee, vain is the help of man and all his skill. Therefore, I beseech thee, direct thy fervant to what may be proper for me; and let thy bleffing accompany his prefcriptions, and give fuccefs there to. For tho' the most efficacious methods of cure are nothing of themselves, yet if thou fpeakeft the word thy fervant fhall be healed; it is thou that art the great phyfician, who alone canft effectually remove all my maladies; and all other helps are but inftruments in thy hands, that work according to thy good pleasure: be thou with me, to guide and affift, to bless and profper them, to thine own glory, and to the welfare of me thine unworthy fervant, who here most humbly fues to thee for pity, through Jefus Chrift our Lord and Saviour. Amen.


A Prayer to be used on taking Phyfick.

Ive thy blefling, O Lord, to the means now used for recovery, for without thee all our endeavours are but vain, and (if it be thy bleffed will) make them so effectual for that end, that I may live to promote thy glory, and to make a better preparation for the coming of Jefus Chrift our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

A Prayer

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