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Index of First Lines

Heaven's golden-winged herald late he saw
Herdmen hend, Dread ye no thing
Heu quid jaces stabulo

Hey, hey, hey, hey

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Holly and Ivy made a great party
How far is it to Bethlehem?

Hush, my dear, lie still and slumber

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Immensity, cloistered in thy dear womb
Immortal Babe, who this dear day
In holly hedges starving birds

In numbers, and but these few

In the bleak mid-winter

I saw three ships come sailing in

I sing of a maiden

I sing the birth was born to-night

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It chanced upon the merry merry Christmas eve

It is the longest night in all the year

It was the calm and silent night

Ivy chief of trees it is

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Lullay, my liking, my dear son, my sweeting

Make we merry both more and less.

Man, be joyful and mirth thou make
Man, be merry as bird on berry
Mater, ora filium.

Nay, ivy, nay

Noël, Noël, Noël, Noël

No news of navies burnt at seas

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Nowel, nowel, nowel, nowel, Tidings good
Nowell, nowell, nowell, nowell, Missus est
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Who is there.
Now have good day, now have good day!
Now is Christëmas ycome

Now, now the mirth comes
Now winter nights enlarge

Of a rose, a lovely rose.

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Oh, brother Juniper, come out and play
Oh! what great thing is done to-night
On a winter's night long time ago

O than the fairest day, thrice fairer night!
Outlanders, whence come ye last ?

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Index of First Lines

Proface, welcome, welcome, proface

Puer natus in Bethlehem

Remember, O thou man

Rorate Coeli desuper!

Run, shepherds, run, where Bethlehem blest appears

Saint Stephen was a clerk

Say, did his Sisters wonder what could Joseph see
She gave with joy her virgin breast.

Shepherds, rejoice, lift up your eyes.

So now is come our joyful'st feast

Sweet baby, sleep! What ails my dear?

Sweet, harmless live[r]s! on whose holy leisure
Sweet music, sweeter far

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The Ox said to the Ass, said he, all on a Christmas night

The sheets were frozen hard, and they cut the naked hand

The shepherds went their hasty way

The time draws near the birth of Christ




They leave the land of gems and gold

This endris night.

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This is the month, and this the happy morn
To Bethlem did they go, the shepherds three
To shorten winter's sadness

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