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his hand upon his heart. you mean," asked the lady, gently, "that God rules and reigns in your heart?" "Yes," he answered; but his voice sounded far off, sweet and low, as if it came from a soul already well on its way through the "dark valley and shadow of death." And still he lay there, with his hand above his heart even after it had ceased to beat, and the soldier-boy's soul had gone up to its God.



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ORD BRACO was a Scotch Judge of the last century, One and a great miser. of his farmers seeing him one day pick up a farthing, said:"I would give a shilling, Lord Braco, to have a sight of all the gold and silver which you possess.' Well, man,' " his lordship replied, "it shall cost you no more." The shilling was laid down at once, and his lordship fulfilled his part of the bargain, exhibiting to his tenant a considerable number of iron boxes filled with gold and silver coin. "Now, my lord," said the tenant, "I am as rich as

you are, after all." "How do you make that out?" asked his lordship. "Because I see the money, my lord, and you have not the heart to do anything more with it."

XIII. USE time as if you knew its

XIV. He that would rest must work. xv. Spend the day well, and you will rejoice at night.

XVI. Order is heaven's first law. XVII. Shallow brooks are noisy. XVIII. Master thy tongue, or thy tongue will master thee.

XIX. Fear nothing but sin. xx. He is unfit to rule others who cannot rule himself. XXI. Nothing is troublesome that we do willingly.

XXII. Reckless youth makes rueful age.

XXIII. Think not of doing as you like, but doing as you ought.

XXIV. A good conscience is a soft pillow.

Answers to Scripture Questions
in Rhyme.-NO. L.
ABSALOM, 2 Samuel xv. 10.
HAMAN, Esther iii. 10.
NEBUCHADNEZZAR, Daniel iv. 30.
PHARAOH, Exodus v. 2.
HEROD, Acts xii. 21.

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and brought home a toy dogwhite, woolly one, just about the size of Minnie's grey kitten. Baby cooed, and jumped, and played with it till he grew sleepy. Mamma fed him, and put him in his cradle; and Minnie, who had waited patiently, began playing with the little dog. It was on wheels; and as she pushed it gently over the carpet it really looked as if it were alive, and running along of its own accord. This was plainly the view Miss Pussy took of the matter; for she started up from the rug where she had been dozing, rounded her back, spat furiously, and gave the little dog a savage cuff as he passed her.

quickly, and, springing to baby's cradle, took refuge under it. There she felt safe; but she could not be satisfied to let the dog alone, and every few seconds she would peep out, and spit or growl.

When papa came in to tea, Minnie told him about it. "What a silly little puss she is to make such a fuss about a bit

of wool and plaster! Isn't she?"

"Anger is always foolish," he replied; "and often the best way to treat it is to take no more notice of it than baby's woolly dog does. Puss will soon leave off when she finds he does not hurt her or growl in return. The soft answer of gentle words, a kind act, or silence, are the best reproofs of bad temper.”



E often hear little boys telling of the wonders they will do when they grow to be men. They are looking and longing for the time when they shall be large enough to carry a cane and wear a tall hat; and not one of them will say that he expects to be a poor man, but every one intends to be rich.

Doggie, of course, took it all quite coolly, which seemed not what Pussy expected; while Minnie and her mother laughed heartily at her show of spirit. When she found she could not drive him away, she turned VOL. XIII. SECOND SERIES.-March, 1873.


Now, money is very good in its place; but let me tell you, my little boys, what is a great deal better than money, and what you may be earning all the time you are waiting to be a tradesman or a merchant. The Bible says that "a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold." A good name does not mean a name for being the richest man in the town, or for owning the largest house. A good name a name for doing good deeds; a name for wearing a pleasant face and carrying a cheerful heart; for always doing right, no matter where we may be.



A VISIT TO ANTWERP AND THE RHINE. (Concluded from page 30.)


S we pass up the Rhine, the course of the steamer is beneath the ruins of

castle of Hamerstein, the subject of another of the Rhine ated on some high rocks which legends. These ruins are situ

rise abruptly from the low land at their base. The houses of

the small town below are quite dwarfed by their nearness to these huge masses.

We next come in view of the ancient town of Andernach,

which was an important station

under the Romans. With its

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by these schools and workshops, These are navigated down the river under sail. The small rafts of timber from the Upper Rhine and its tributaries, and also from the Moselle, formed into greater ones at

which are well worth a visit. Now the high hill of Ehrenbreitstein, the great citadel of Coblentz, appears in the distance, and several large rafts are passed.


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Two bridges span the Moselle, and two more connect the city with the opposite bank of the river. One of the bridges across the Moselle is the modern railway bridge, but the other is an old structure which dates from the fourteenth century.

From the latter bridge you get a fine view of Ehrenbreitstein, (which means" Broad Stone of Honour,") situated on the right bank. From the shore, not far from this bridge, the painter Turner drew his famous picture of the fortress. We visited the stronghold early in the afternoon, crossing from the city by the bridge of boats, which is nearly five hundred feet long, and rests upon thirty-eight pontoons. A portion of the bridge can be floated aside, so as to allow vessels to pass from the Lower Rhine, as the part of the river below Coblentz is called, to the Upper Rhine, which is the part above that city. While waiting for some vessels to pass I made a sketch of the fortress as seen from the bridge; which forms the foreground of the drawing given on the previous page.

We go up the incline which you can see in the sketch, and obtain a view from the top of the hill amply repaying the

fatigues of the ascent. Far below you are the houses on this side of the river, while on the other side Coblentz is spread out to the eye like a map. The rapid Rhine may be traced from this height for many miles, while the silver thread marking the course of the Moselle can be followed back to the blue mountains which bound the view opposite to us. The distant mountains further to the left are pointed out as the famous line of the Vosges, that ancient bulwark' of France.


I seized an opportunity to take a sketch from the ramparts, but I was soon stopped by some Prussians, and found myself in danger of being locked up as a spy. No sketching is allowed in the fortress, and it was with difficulty that I managed to preserve my drawing from being forfeited to the authorities. the evening I went on to the old bridge over the Moselle. On the right of me the irregular masses of the old-fashioned buildings which skirt the river stood out dark and bold; while opposite, on the other side of the Rhine, was Ehrenbreitstein looming in misty grandeur under the bright moonlight, which gleamed upon the rippling river

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