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scarcely five years old; yet he knew very well that the bad boy would probably continue to ill-treat him. "Why, then, did you vote for him to stay ?" said the teacher. "Because if he is expelled, perhaps he will not learn any more about God, and so he will be more wicked still." "Do you forgive him, then ?" said the teacher. "Yes," said he; "papa and mamma and you all forgive me when I do wrong. God forgives me too, and I must do the same."


IR WILLIAM NAPIER was one day taking a long country walk, when he met a little girl about five years old sobbing over a broken bowl. She had dropped and broken it, in bringing it back from the field to which she had taken her father's dinner, and she said she would be beaten on her return home for having broken it. As she said this, a sudden gleam of hope seemed to cheer her. She innocently looked up into Sir William's face and said, "But you can mend it, can't you?" He explained that he could not mend the bowl; but the trouble he could overcome, by the gift

of a sixpence to buy another. However, on opening his purse, it was empty of silver, and he had to make amends by promising to meet his little friend on the same spot at the same hour next day, and to bring sixpence with him; bidding her meanwhile tell her mother she had

seen a gentleman who would bring her the money for the bowl next day. The child, entirely trusting him, went on her way comforted. On his

return home he found an invitation awaiting him to dine in Bath the following evening, to meet someone whom he specially wished to see. He hesitated for some little time, trying to calculate the possibility of giving the meeting to his little friend of the broken bowl and still being in time for the dinnerparty in Bath; but finding this could not be, he wrote to decline accepting the invitation, on the plea of a "pre-engagement,” saying, "I cannot disappoint her; she trusted me."


HO is it hurries up the stair,

And runs along the landing there,

Then opens study door with care?

'Tis our little active boy.

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And when you speak disturbs them Then dares not face his mamma's

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Who is it when the night draws pity on the bird, which soon


Seeks mamma's lap, and tries to

cry; Then sleeps, hush'd by her lullaby? 'Tis our little tired boy.

J. T.


N the top of a tree, for a long time, an old eagle, commonly called the "Fishing Eagle," had built her nest every year, and, unmolested, raised her young. It is remarkable, that this tree stood full ten miles from the sea-shore. It had long been known as the "Old Eagle Tree." On a warm sunny day, the workmen were hoeing corn in an adjoining field. At a certain hour of the day, the old eagle was known to set off for the sea-side, to gather food for the young. As she this day returned with a huge fish in her claws, the workmen surrounded the tree, and by yelling, and hooting, and throwing stones, so scared the poor bird, that she dropped her fish, and they carried it off in triumph.

The men soon dispersed; but a boy named Joseph sat down under a bush that was near to watch, and to bestow

returned to her nest without food. The eaglets at once set up a cry for food so shrill, so clear, and so clamorous, that the boy was greatly moved. The parent bird seemed to try to soothe them; but their appetites were too keen, and it was all in vain. She then perched herself on a limb near them, and looked down into the nest with a look that seemed to say, "I know not what to do next." Her indecision was but for a moment; again she poised herself, uttered one or two sharp notes, as if telling them to "lie still," balanced her body, spread her wings, and was away again for the sea.

Joseph now determined to see the result. His eye followed the eagle in her flight till she grew small, smaller, a mere speck in the sky, and then disappeared. What boy has not watched the flight of the birds in the country in this way! She was gone nearly two hours, about double her usual time for a journey, when she again returned on a slow, weary wing, flying uncommonly low, in order to have a heavier atmosphere to sustain her, with another fish in her talons. On nearing the field, she made a circuit around it, to see if her enemies were

again there. Finding the coast clear, she once more reached her tree, drooping, faint, and weary, and evidently nearly exhausted. Again the eaglets set up their cry, which was soon hushed by the distribution of a dinner such as-save the cooking-a king might envy.

"Glorious bird!" cried the boy aloud; "what a spirit! I will learn of thee, noble bird! I will remember this. I will try to do something, and to be something in the world; and I will never yield to discouragements."

A year or two after this a young man was passing through New Jersey, on his way to the nearest college in his native New England, with his wardrobe under one arm, and the books which he was to study under the other. Who that has ever entered school or college, conscious that he was but indifferently fitted to enter and to compete with those who had every advantage, can forget the fears and doubts which drove away his peace for weeks previous? How anxious to have friends examine him, that they may add to his confidence! But to go alone, destitute, with not a friend to sympathize, or cheer,

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or aid this is a trial through which Providence calls but a few to pass. More than once in the course of the journey did Joseph hear people ask if he wanted to hire himself out; " or, in more polite words perhaps, ask if he "was seeking employment." But onward he went, resolved that he would fit himself to honour God, and to be useful among men, trusting that the approving eye of the great Father was upon him for good. With money barely sufficient to reach college, it would have been a mystery to all, had they known his circumstances, how he could thus hope against hope. But enter college

he did.

I have since seen Joseph occupying a commanding place in the church of God, commanding in influence, respectability, and usefulness; I have heard him speak in manly tones, and with surprising power, before large assemblies; and I have seen his writings published in other countries and in other languages. I have known many most enviable characters, but few to be compared to him for noble, manly, Christian bearing. I never see him without admiring the native energy of his character, the wonderful

providences by which he was led, and the fields of usefulness to which he has been conducted. -Dr. Todd.

Those who use one talent well, will often find that God increases the well-used talent. If we would be strong for any service to which God may call us, let us not overlook the

THINGS THAT WILL NOT means which He generally uses


A timid hand stretch'd forth to aid
A brother in his need,
The kindly word in grief's dark hour,
That proves a friend indeed;
The longing after something lost,

The spirit's yearning cry,
The strivings after better hopes-
These things can never die.

Let nothing pass, for every hand
May find some work to do:
Lose not a chance to waken love,
Be firm, and just, and true:
So shall a light that cannot fade,
Beam on thee from on high,
And angel voices say to thee,
These things shall never die.

HEY who are willing to serve God by doing little things well, may serve Him always and everywhere; but they who stand waiting for some great thing to do, will probably never find the occasion they seek, and therefore will never serve Him at all. They also overlook a plain Bible truth, namely, that to be faithful in little things is often the best way to our being allowed the use of great things.

in giving strength. The grace of to-day will not do for tomorrow. The strength of today will not do for to-morrow. The petition which our Lord has put into our lips (Luke xi. 3) is this: “Give us day by day our daily bread;" or, as it is in the Margin, "Give us for the day our daily bread.”

Little masteries achieved,
Little wants with care relieved,
Little words in love express'd,
Little wrongs at once confess'd,
Little graces meekly worn,
Little slights with patience borne;
These are treasures that shall rise
Far beyond the smiling skies.


HOUGH imprisoned captives are undesirable, yet

a tame bird which can roam about at his will and pick up food for himself may be sometimes one of the happiest, as well as one of the most amusing members of the house

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