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Fiat Justitia Ruat Colum.

ments. The meanness and jesuitism of shifting the grave charges brought against the society by pleading that it is not responsible for the views of its advocates are obvious, and it is to be hoped that this device will no longer serve the purposes for which it has been resorted to.

timate design, as avowed by its friends, is the removal of the entire free and enslaved negro population to the shores of Africa. The society was formed in 1817; it has established a colony called Liberia, and has now located about 3,000 persons in that settlement. It proposes to carry forward its future operations on a more extended scale, and Specious as the plan of colonization appears, it is for the promotion of this object, one of its agents one to be deprecated and opposed by all the friends is now in Great Britain soliciting pecuniary aid of the African race. It originated in the fears of from the benevolent and religious public. slave holders, and is the offspring of the LegislaThe society commends itself to the counte-ture of Virginia, its simple object being to colon. nance and support of philanthropic minds by a de-ize the free people of color "either in Africa, or claration of its humane intentions and benevolent such other place as Congress shall deem most exeffects. It is clearly the duty of every person thus pedient." It was no part of its plan to abolish appealed to, carefully to examine, and rigidly to slavery, to suppress the slave trade, or to promote scrutinize its claims; to see how far its preten- civilization or Christianity in Africa. Convenient sions are borne out by facts, and to ascertain its as it may be in this country to represent these probable influence on the destinies of the colored things as objects which it embraces, its simple depopulation of the United States. It is alleged that sign was and is, to get rid of the free colored peoemancipation could not be safe or practicable in || ple, who are regarded in the slave holding states that country without such a valve as that now as the filth and offscouring of all things. Their supplied by the society; that the free colored influence is obviously dreaded, and their increaspeople are a degraded race, and can never standing numbers looked upon with the greatest horror on equal ground with their white brethren; that and alarm. This is proved by the following the removal of this population will civilize and quotations from the African Repository, an avowevangelize Africa, and effectually stop the pro- ed organ of the Colonization Society :-"The free gress of the slave trade. There is some incon-blacks are a greater nuisance than even the slaves sistency in these statements, if not palpable con- themselves." "Their freedom is licentiousness, tradictions, and a careful examination of the pre- and to many, restraint would prove a blessing: tensions of this society must go far to convince the increase of a free black population among us every candid and impartial mind of the unsound- has been regarded as a greater evil than the inness of its constitution. Invidious as it may ap-crease of slaves; of all the descriptions of our poppear to entertain a doubt of the excellency of a ulation, and of either portion of the African race, scheme patronized by men of character and fame, the free people of color are by far, as a class, the professing, as it does, to aim at the welfare of the most corrupt, depraved, and abandoned.”—“What, African, it is, unquestionably, right to judge it by but sorrow, can we feel at the misguided piety its own acts and words, and if found contrary to which has set free so many of them!" Passing religion and justice, to denounce it as unworthy over this wickedly pathetic lamentation at acts of of being supported by humane men. It will be obedience to the Divine law, we are struck with the object of these pages to unfold the real charac- the deep-rooted antipathy the society manifests ter of the American Colonization Society by an toward their colored brethren, and the deception appeal to its own accredited and published docu-practised, if the above statements be true, when ments, and then to judge of its worth by the principles of humanity, justice, and religion.

these same parties represent this people, once landed on the shores of Africa, as amply prepared This course, in part, has been objected to by its to civilize and convert that continent. Indisputa advocates in this country and in America. On ble facts prove that these representations of the quotations being printed from the speeches made free colored people are gross exaggerations, and at its annual meetings, and published with its re-literally untrue. This antipathy is founded, prinports, the plea has been set up that it is unfair to cipally, on the dread of the free blacks interesting judge the society by the opinions of the speakers on themselves in behalf of the slaves, and awakening its annual assemblings. But we ask where lies in their minds the desire of liberty. Hence, the the unfairness of this procedure? Would the former are denominated "walking mirrors, who Bible, or Missionary, or Anti-slavery Societies of reflect the light of freedom into the dark bosoms Great Britain feel themselves aggrieved by a re- of the slaves." Let the views of the American ference to the speeches made at their public meet-Colonization Society be fully realized, and the ings, as developing the views which they enter- last hope of liberty for their bondmen will be extained, or the motives by which they are actuated? tinguished. This fear is confirmed by the unCertainly not! For though on some minor points blushing statements of the society's reports. connected with the workings of their machinery "What is the free black to the slave?-A standing a diversity of opinion may be tolerated, yet on all perpetual excitement to discontent; the slave would that vitally affected the interests and objects of have little excitement to discontent but for the their different institutions, unanimity of opinion free black."-15th Annual Report. The objects would pervade the minds of their advocates. The of the society "are, in the first place, to aid ourColonization Society, by publishing the speeches selves by relieving us from a species of population of its speakers with their annual reports, become pregnant with future danger and present inconresponsible for the opinions thus set forth, and evi-venience."-7th Report. In the exuberance of dently manifest their approval of these sentiments its charity, the society thus denounces the men by this act, especially as nothing in the shape of who fought their battles, who have contributed to disapprobation is issued by the managers to warn their amount of national dignity and importance: the public of the dangerous and monstrous notions thus advocated. Moreover, these speakers are the warmest friends of the society; by the labors of some of them the society was originated, and they are found on its committee, and direct its move

-"Let these 300,000 men be banished, and the security of the slave holder will never be broken by the uplifted voice of freedom contending for equal rights."

The writer then proceeds to show the real ob

Fiat Justitia Ruat Cœlum.

jects, design and fruits of the society, by quota- || 1830," gives some reason for this apprehension. tions from the" African Repository," the "An- After adverting to the ignorance of the emigrants, and asserting that the only school in the colony is nual Reports," and the speeches of the members a remnant of one at the Cape, he adds,-"This and advocates of the society-which prove that people is planted in the midst, and are daily contheir measures and the principles openly avowed versant with a people that are not only heathen, but are inimical to the freedom of the slave, and the extremely partial in favor of their grovelling superstition. This being the case, whether is it probable improvement of the condition of the free people of that they will come over to us, or we go down to color. He remarks, page 8: "It is said that the them? To me the latter is most likely, as it is society does not interfere with the question of the very essence of human nature to seek the slavery. This we have already seen is a fallacy: dently predicted that this "degraded people” will, lowest depth of degradation?" But it is confiit interferes for its support. It is an enemy to on breathing their "native air," be metamorphosed immediate abolition, and opposes every instance into all that is lovely and virtuous. Let this be of emancipation, unless accompanied with ban- answered in the words of the Rev. Peter Williams, ishment." These assertions are proved by quota-by being sent far from civilized society. This is a colored clergyman. "We are to be improved tions from the official documents of the society. a novel mode of improvement. What is there in We wish to excite attention to the subject. Let the burning sun, the arid plains, and the barbaall who wish correct information, read, examine, rous customs of Africa, that is so peculiarly faimproving here, where schools and colleges vorable to our improvement? What hinders our abound, where the gospel is preached at every corner, and where all the arts and sciences are verging fast to perfection? Nothing, nothing but prejudice. It requires no large expenditure, no hazardous enterprise to raise the people of color If there be any advantage connected with the in the United States to as highly improved a state colony of Liberia, it is in the promise it holds out as any class of the community. All that is necesof checking the African slave trade. But even sary is, that those who profess to be anxious for this is sadly over-rated. The only way to put ait should lay aside their prejudices, and act toperiod to this nefarious traffic is by the total abo-wards them as they do by others." If the society lition of slavery throughout the world. Let negro wish to improve the condition of this people, they slavery be extinguished in our colonies and in the may do it more effectually, than by sending them United States, and the example will be imitated to Africa; and if they wish to evangelize that speedily over the face of the globe. The supply country, let them send out enlightened and dewill be always equal to the demand, and the puny voted missionaries of the Cross. A few of these efforts of single colonies, unless they lined the men would do more towards this end than twenty whole coast of Africa, would be altogether insuf- thousand ignorant colonists. But the fact is, this ficient to terminate the evil. The attention of the object forms no part of their plan as embraced in society might, however, be profitably directed, in their constitution, though many individuals pledgendeavoring to terminate the internal slave trade ed to its support may look for such a result from its carried on in its own country, and to stop the operation. smuggling of negroes into the Southern States from Africa; and this can be done without any waste of human life, and without the immense expenditure of money required by its present

and ponder deeply upon the facts within their reach. We shall close this article with one more extract, in which our author exposes the fallacy of putting an end to the slave trade, and civilizing Africa, by means of the colony at Liberia.


It is confidently asserted that slave owners in the southern states are willing to emancipate a a hundred thousand slaves, so soon as the means are found of conveying them to Liberia, and on this ground an appeal is made for pecuniary aid There is something like inconsistency in the to the British public. These slaves are regarded as notion that Africa is to be civilized and led to em- worth from £60 to £80 each; and the cost of brace Christianity by colonization. It should be transporting them is said to be £7 10s. If a most remembered that the colony was founded in blood; interested class if men are willing to sacrifice so by a murdering war against the natives, in which || much property, as they deem it, at the shrine of they were conquered by the superior skill of the benevolence, is it not passing strange that the emigrants in the use of fire arms. The Rev. Mr. whole of the free states, with the benevolent perAshmun, the first agent, who unhappily fell a vic-sons not interested in slavery in the slave states, tim to the climate, thus describes the effect of should be unable or unwilling to raise an eighth their warfare:-"Eight hundred men were pres-or a tenth of the amount that slave owners are sed shoulder to shoulder, in a compact form, willing to give up? There is something in this and all exposed to a gun of great power, raised on view of the subject that awakens suspicion as to a platform, at only thirty to sixty yards distance! the correctness of the assertions, or as to the favor Every shot literally spent its force in a solid mass the society obtains in America. Why send an of living human flesh." If such proceedings agent from a country every way prosperous and should never produce a war of retaliation, yet freed from debt to collect money from one depreshow is a population described by the advocates of sed and struggling with poverty, for an object the society as the most vicious, degraded, and which, however good, may be easily accomplished dangerous in the world, to enlighten and convert by their own resources? The secret may lie here, the savages of Africa? If thus wretched in the that as its real character is better known, the land of privileges, is there no danger of their be-support it formerly derived from the northern coming worse in a heathen land? A letter from states is in a way of gradual withdrawment, and a highly respected colored emigrant, the Rev. G. the aid of Englishmen is implored to assist the M. Erskine, dated, "Caldwell, Liberia, April 3, plans of the interested southern states.

Fiat Justitia Ruat Cœlum.

Ladies' Repository.

Philanthropic and Literary.



(in a tour of six thousand miles through Wales and England,) in which there was not some one individual who had left off the use of sugar. In the smaller towns there were from ten to fifty, by estimation, and in the larger from two to five hundred, who had made this sacrifice to virtue. These were of all ranks and parties. Rich and poor, churchmen and dissenters, had adopted the measure. Even grocers had left off trading in the article, in some places. In gentlemen's families, where the master had set the example,, the servants often voluntarily followed it; and even children, who were capable of understanding the history of the sufferings of the Africans, excluded with the most virtuous resolution, the sweets to which they had been accustomed, from their lips. By the best computation I was able to make, from notes taken down in my journey, no fewer than three hundred thousand persons had abandoned the use of sugar."

Did I this day for small or great,

My own pursuits forgo,

To lighten by a feather's weight,

The fifth Report of the British Female Anti-Slavery Society, for Birmingham, West Bromwich, proposes that a portion of the funds of that association be devoted to the employment of travelling agents, having for their objects the general circulation of knowledge on the subject of slavery, and the promotion of the disuse of the products of slave labor. The following is the language of the Report in relation to this subject. Will it not provoke to deeper zeal the hearts of our country women, to witness the untiring assiduity of their English sisters? When American women are thus zealous, then will American slavery also be overthrown. We see our fellow-creatures day by day acting fundamentally, and perhaps in some cases ignorantly, against the merciful laws of God; and yet, unmindful it should seem, of the extent of our pledge to endeavor to awaken in the minds of our countrymen, and of all over whom we have any influence, a lively sense of the injustice and impiety of our present system of colonial slavery, and to excite in those who never yet pitied British slaves, feelings of regret for their past indifference, we have not to this day promoted, as we might have done, the employment of a regular agency for assisting in the formation of extended Associations in every accessible part of his Majesty's dominions, in order that the appalling wicked-fellow creatures? If, absorbed in the pursuit of ness of the colonial system might become known, if our own enjoyments, or yielding all our attention possible, to all men. That we may no longer have to our own pursuits, or our own cares, we neglect to reproach ourselves with this part of our duty, to inquire how we may alleviate the misfortunes it will be proposed to this meeting-and we trust or contribute to the welfare of our fellow beings, will be unanimously approved of-that we hence- we cannot be otherwise than culpable. Our powforth appropriate a certain portion of our funds to er over the situation of others may seem almost as the support of travelling Agents, for the purpose nothing, but let us remember how much things just referred to, and also for the general purpose trifling in themselves, contribute to the amount of of declaring to all those who are willing to give || human happiness, and that in the sight of our bethem a hearing, that the real upholders of slavery || nificent Judge, it is less the offering, than the are they who provide a market for the slave holder; spirit which prompts that offering, that is esteemthat they it is, and none but they, who furnished of value. If it should seem too great a subhim with a direct incentive to all his injustice, all traction from our own comforts, or to press too his inhumanity, and all his oppression."


In the appendix in reference to this subject, we find the following paragraph and extract:

The mass of human woe?-JANE TAYLOR. The twilight is a fit season for retrospection. There is a soothing for the sear'd spirit in its hushing influence, and when the restless and wandering thoughts have gathered themselves back to the heart, and settled down like quiet waters, the mental eye may look down amidst their deep places, taking note of all its imperfections. Among these imperfections may we not properly class the want of a warm and active interest in the happiness and well-being of all our

heavily on our time and our industry, to resign those articles which have been purchased by human misery, and to exert ourselves as we ought "The following extract from Mr. Clarkson's in the cause of emancipation, let us compare history of the abolition of the slave trade, may our situation with that of those whose wretchedserve to show the probable effects that would re- ness we would feign pass by, and surely the consult from an extensive adoption of the system of trast will render the sacrifice easy. If the advoa travelling agency." cates of emancipation would daily in a retrospect "There was no town through which I passed, of their conduct, carefully examine whether they

Fiat Justitia Ruat Cœlum.

have done all they could have done in behalf of the victims of our country's injustice, and on each succeeding one do their best to relieve the neglect and the indolence that the past might acknowledge, the cause of abolition would go forward with an accelerated pace, that would soon bring it to a triumphant conclusion.


A. "Surely at the commandment of the Lord came this upon Judah," to remove them out of his sight, for the sins of Manasseh, according to all that he did; and also for the innocent blood that he shed: for he filled Jerusalem with innocent blood; which the Lord would not pardon." "Woe to him that buildeth 2 Kings, xxiv. 2, 4. a town with blood, and establisheth a city by iniquity." Habakkuk ii. 12. Surely I have seen yesterday the blood of Naboth, and the blood of his sons, saith the Lord; and I will requite thee in this plat, saith the Lord. Now therefore take


Or questions on Slavery answered by the Scrip- and cast him into the plat of ground, according to

tures.-By Lucy Townsend.

The kindness of the author has placed us in possession of this little work, which we have read with a high degree of satisfaction and interest, and we shall probably at different times place the whole, or nearly the whole of it, before our read.

the word of the Lord." 2 Kings, ix. 25.

Q. Who was the second Slave we read of in Scripture?

A. Joseph; who said "Indeed I was stolen away out of the land." Gen. xl. 15.

Q. What was the temporal punishment allotted by the divine command to man-stealing?

A. "He that stealeth a man, and selleth him, ers. The author is one of the most devoted feor if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be "If a man be male advocates of emancipation in England, and put to death." Exo. xxi. 16. found stealing any of his brethren of the children we hope the pamphlet before us may have all of Israel, and maketh merchandise of him, or the effect which it deserves in awakening the conselleth him; then that thief shall die, and thou sciences of slave holders, and those who other-shalt put evil away from among you." Deut.

wise support the system of slavery. The vileness and iniquity of slavery thus viewed by the broad blaze of scripture light, must, we should think, strike every one with abhorrence. Indeed it is wonderful how any persons who are in the habit of reading the sacred volume, and who acknowledge the duty of obedience to its precepts, can remain unconcerned with the wickedness of slavery, and uphold it either positively or indirectly.


Presented to the professing slave holders of America, who come to the Lord's Supper, from one who feels much concern and uneasiness on their account.*

Q. What did Abraham-who is called the example of believers, and the friend of God-teach his children, and his household after him, for which God particularly commended him.

A. "For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him." Gen. xviii. 19.

Q. What is the way of the Lord, here spoken of?

A. "To do justice and judgment."

Q. And what will Christ do, when his reign is established on the earth?

A. He will" establish it"-i. e. his kingdom"with judgment and with justice." Isaiah ix. 7. Q. Must the members of Christ be like their Lord?

A. "If any man have not the spirit of Christ, he is none of his." Rom. viii. 9.

Q. Why did God send against Judah bands of Syrians, and bands of the Moabites, and bands of the children of Ammon, to destroy them?

*This pamphlet was originally intended for the supporters of British Colonial Slavery, but we have given the words written on the cover of the copy in our possession.

xxiv. 7.

Q. Does the New Testament say any thing against Man-stealers?

A. St. Paul says, the law was made "for the lawless, and disobedient, and for sinners, and unholy, and profane, for murderers of fathers, and murderers of mothers, for man-slayers, for whoremongers, for men-stealers, for liars, for perjured persons." 1 Tim. i. 9, 10.

Q. If any one, quite innocent of the crime of man-stealing, should have stolen men left him as an inheritance, what should he do?

A. "Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them, for this is the law and the prophets." Matt. vii. 12. "Thus saith the Lord, execute judgment in the morning, and deliver him that is spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor, lest my fury go out like fire, and burn that none can quench it, because of the evil of your doings." Jer. xxi. 12. Lev. xix. 18.

Q. As we are on the eve of keeping a solemn Fast, should we not be particularly anxious to know what fast God has chosen?

A. "Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke." Isaiah lviii. 6.

Q. What has God promised, if these commands are obeyed?

A. "Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall break forth speedily and thy righteousness shall go before thee, the glory of the Lord shall be thy reward." Isaiah lviii. 8.

Q. How does it appear, that they who were bought with money were admitted into the Jewish Church?

[blocks in formation]


Fiat Justitia Ruat Cœlum.

For the Genius of Universal Emancipation


The rolling thunder-the gathering of dark, heavy masses of vapour across the clear sky-the sharp frequent flashing of the red lightning-the low sighing-the almost sobbing-of the wind, that frequently precedes a storm-these come knocking at the door of the heart with a power and majesty that at once subdue the idle and wandering thoughts into silent humility. Such a season is the present. The fearful prospect of storm is brooding over the face of the sky, and mounting up slowly from the horizon, in stern, yet beautiful grandeur. Yonder the bold rounded outlines of the dark clouds have caught the almost concealed glory of the sunset, and are lit with a golden burnishing. There they spread out into a broad livid expanse, sometimes streaked and sprinkled fantastically with the lighter vapours, and beyond darkening into deep and impenetrable gloom. One little speck of clear sky, though surrounded by the darkness, lies yet undimmed, like a gate of heaven opening upon a world of storms. The sun has not yet stooped below the horizon, for a small portion of his red disk is now visible, and the forest birds are mingling a sweet, rich gust of melody, with the rolling of the almost perpetual thunder. 'Tis a strange contrast-the most sweet and joyous, blending with the most awful of nature's voices.

The tempest mounts the sky! with hurrying sweep

Driving across the heavens cloud on cloud,
Which ever and anon the lightning steep
In a red glare of flame, as they were proud
To make more visible the gloomy shroud,
That wraps the thunders:-Now its might is nigh!
And faster peal and flame alternate crowd,
And the loosed winds sweep onward fearfully,
Outpouring on the earth the fountains of the sky.

"Tis terrible-yet most sublimely grand!
Magnificently awful! how the heart

Shrinks from all earthly splendour, as we stand,
And view the pomp of the proud storm—I start,
As the forked flames their glance of brightness

Yet scarce in terror, for the tempest's might,
Yields of its own sublimity a part,

To the wrapt thoughts, and urges up their

With free and eagle wing, above their wonted height.

Yet soon to stoop again-the green earth lies
Spread out before me, and the heart will yield
To the sweet sympathy of human ties,
And downward bend from the excursive field
Of reverie, where it had been upheld

With a strong withe of thought, to blend again With human sorrows-woes that might be heal'd, If man would be no more the scourge of man, And loose his brother's limbs from slavery's crushing chain.

Yet even now, amidst the heavy clouds,
That long have wrapt the Afric's sky in gloom,
Ten-fold more deep than that which darkly


The face of nature, there at length hath come, The breaking in of light, which shall illume With a strong glow, ere long, its whole expanse, And shining on destroyed oppression's tomb, O'er all the earth its holy light advance,


BORN On Afric's golden coast,
Once I was as blest as you;
Parents tender I could boast,
Husband dear, and children too.

With the baby at my breast,
(Other two were sleeping by,)
In my hut I sat at rest,
With no thought of danger nigh.
From the beach at even-tide,
Rush'd the fierce man-stealing crew,
Seized the children by my side,

Seized the wretched Yamba too.

Then, for love of filthy gold,

Straight they bore me to the sea, Cramm'd me down a slave-ship's hold, Where were hundreds stow'd like me!

I in groaning pass'd the night,
And did roll my aching head;
At the break of morning light,
My poor child was cold and dead!
Happy, happy, there she lies-

Thou shalt feel the lash no more;
Thus full many a Negro dies,
Ere we reach the destined shore.

Driven like cattle to a fair,

See, they sell us, young and old; Child from mother too they tear, All for love of filthy gold.

I was sold to massa hard;

Some have massas kind and good; And again my back was scarr'd; Bad and stinted was my food.

Poor and wounded, faint and sick,
All exposed to burning sky,
Massa bids me grass to pick,

And I now am near to dic.

What and if to death he send me,

Savage murder though it he?
British laws shall ne'er befriend mc,
They protect not slaves like me.

But though death this hour may find me,
Still with Afric's love I burn;
There I've left a spouse behind me-
Still to native land I turn.

Cease, ye British sons of murder!

Cease from forging Afric's chain; Mock your Saviour's name no further; Cease your savage lust of gain.

"Indeed I was stolen away out of the land."Gen. xl. 15.

"Trust not in oppression, and become not vain in robbery."-Psalm lx. 10.

"Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.”—Matt. vi. 12.

with them."-Heb. xiii. 3. "Remember them that are in bonds, as bound


'Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy."-Prov. xxxi. 29. "Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, Brilliant, and clear, and wide as the first sun- he shall also cry himself, but shall not be heard."

beam's glance.

ELA."-Prov. xxi. 13.

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