the unwearied zeal with which she gave herself to the pursuance of its dictates, are worthy of all honor. We behold her, day by day, with a patience and perseverance that difficulty could || not exhaust, nor fatigue subdue, devoting herself to the study of the African languages, that she might carry light and knowledge to a land of darkness and ignorance, and to those for whom all the nations of christendom had united in mingling a cup of degradation and bitterness. We behold her resigning without a murmur the ■ dearly cherished comforts of home and friends, and, undeterred by the hardships to be endured, unappalled by the pestilential nature of the climate, devoting herself, if need be, to die for the cause in which she had embarked. What a beautiful picture do the extracts from some of 50 her letters present! Surrounded by her young charge, many of them just rescued from the poisonous hold of a slave ship, we behold her of thus she died-died in the cau lanthropy. And her name she ing word to urge on her sex of alleviating the condition minds of the long oppressed r wide field for exertion is open encounter with the privatic which she endured. And thor of our own country shameless strew with them the path of b is still a wide field of unmoles for those who would shrink fr with opposition and dificulty. The following short obituar nah Kilham was intended to h some time since, but has from delayed. DIED, On the 31st of third m on board the galliot Yung Dr ern coast of Africa, HANNAH -land, an esteemed minister in ciety of Friends. She was the wife of Alexan known among the Wesleyan after the death of her husban vinced of the principles of Fri ceived into membership in c ✓ endeavouring to instil into their minds lessons of moral and intellectual brightness-watching with affectionate earnestness over the unfolding of their mental natures, and seeking to turn their minds to the source from which she herself sought direction and assistance in her ardu-many years she continued to re ous task. With what affectionate interest does she speak of them!-the portals of her heart were not rudely barred against them because - their brows were darker than her own! Then came the closing scene. It is ever an awful thing to die, yet there are times and circumstances by which even a death bed may be illumined with a solemn brightness and beauty. When the Christian lies down to the sleep of the grave, surrounded by those he loves, and trusts ere long to embrace again-when the hand of affection supports the failing frame-when the soft, fragant airs of evening come stealing in to dry the moisture from the cold browwhen even the aspect of the beautiful earth seems to tell of a still brighter and better world, and the clear ambered sky of the sunset seems like an opening gate leading to paradise-there in the county of York, where ing and day school, chiefly for I The affectionate kindness of he dered her generally beloved; of her deportment, and her dev she believed her duty, were t Towards the latter part of her in the ministry, to the satisfact of her friends. Her exertion= of her fellow creatures wer and various, but the claims o oppressed Africa seemed pro mind; and though of a very tution, she undertook extraordi alleviate the condition of that the human family. She acqu knowledge of the Mandingo guages, which had not, till the to writing; she translated into considerable portion of the New published an elementary gramı book in the Waloof, with the ing the natives in their own la an impression of duty cho thu Fiat Justitia Ruat Cœlum. barbarous land, under a torrid sun, and at a distance from all her affectionate connexions, she uniformly expressed her belief that she was in her proper allotment, and her desire to feel content therein; and though the fruits of her labors might not at once appear, she was encouraged in the hope that the seed sown would, in due time, spring forth and increase with the increase of God. During the last year, this devoted woman made her third and last visit to Africa. After having been some months engaged in teaching in and about Sierra Leone, she went, in the second month of the present year, to Liberia; and having spent about a month in that colony, was returning to Sierra Leone, when it pleased her Divine Master to call her from works to everlasting rewards. A GOOD EXAMPLE. We copy from the Liberator the following extract from a letter from England, written by the editor of that paper. When shall petitions from even half so many females be presented to the legislators of our land, in behalf of wronged and helpless American slaves? "Petitions are crowding into parliament by thousands from every part of the United Kingdom, praying for the abolition of slavery. Lord Suffield alone presented 201 on Tuesday in the House of Lords, one of which, was of amazing size, and, closely packed as it was, seemed to rival the woolsack itself in its dimensions. It was signed by EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND LADIES!!! Its presentation excited considerable sensation, and some merriment. In the House of Commons, on the same day, Mr. Buxton presented 300 petitions, among them one containing 187,000 female signatures, which required four members to lay it on the table. At the head of it stood the name of the celebrated Amelia Opie, and next to her that of Priscella Buxton." THE CANTERBURY PERSECUTION. We are glad to find that the public opinion is so warmly expressed in disapprobation of the conduct of the persecutors of Canterbury. It is well deserving of the unsparing indignation which has been, and will be, poured out against it. Such proceedings are an insult to the nation, and the authors of them deserve to be humbled by the community whose feelings they have outraged. We have no acquaintance with Prudence Crandall, but our sympathies are warmly interested for her. She appears to have borne up nobly against the storm which is raging against her, and we hope may still be supported in her endurance. The spirit which existed in Connecticut in the days of Cotton Mather and witchcraft, seems to have revived again in the town of Canterbury, directed indeed to a different object, but possessing all its former prejudice, absurdity and cruelty. THE COLONIZATION SOCIETY. ed Andrew T. Judson, who has obtained a very unenviable degree of celebrity, as leader of the ruffian-like persecution at Canterbury, to act as one of its agents; thus placing its sanction, and the stamp of its approbation upon his proceedings. This circumstance, we think, goes far to prove the truth of some of the accusations brought against that society; as this branch, though perhaps but a small member of the body, is governed by the same constitution, and may be supposed to possess the same feelings. We doubt not that there are many individual members of that society who indignantly condemn the proceedings adverted to; but the principles of the society at large must be judged by its actions as an association, and if it considers the recent conduct of Judson so undeserving of censure as to detract nothing from his fitness for becoming one of its officers, we think its assumption of the title of a philanthropic body is grounded upon a very slight foundation. We were not, until recently, aware of the existence of the society mentioned in the following paragraphs. We have felt much interested by them, and hope the association to which they' refer, may be successsful, and may be imitated in other places. All Connecticut, it appears, is not infected with the spirit of Canterbury. HARTFORD BENEVOLENT SOCIETY FOR COLORED CHILDREN. Some ladies in the city of Hartford thought it would be a useful charity to take under their care such little colored children as had no parents, or whose parents were unable or unwilling to support them. They began with three girls, of four or five years of age. They placed them with a kind and respectable woman, where they are comfortably fed and clothed, and will be instructed in reading, knitting, sewing, and such other branches of industrious and moral education as are suited to their tender years, When they are of sufficient age they will be placed in families, and the ladies who first took charge of them will continue to feel an interest in their good conduct and welfare. These little children are very glad to be sheltered and provided for. They are willing to learn, and grateful to those who are kind to them. It is now one year since they have been taken to a comfortable home. Last Sunday evening the Rev. Mr. Davis preached at his own church a charity sermon for their benefit. The children were present, and the audience was so large that many were unable to obtain seats. The text was in the 10th chapter of Acts, at the 32d and 35th verses: "Of a truth, I perceive that God is no respecter of persons; but in every nation he that feareth God and worketh right. eousness is accepted of him." In the application of the subject the preacher spoke eloquently and impressively of African slavery. He mentioned that more than 200 years had elapsed since that quarter of the globe was made the scene of that iniquitous traf One of the Connecticut branches of the Ame- fic. He described the cruelty of tearing the poor rican Colonization Society has recently appoint-Africans from their native clime, from the en Fiat Justitia Ruat Cœlum. dearments of their simple homes. He spoke of the horrors of the sombre slave-ship, and of the miseries endured after the yoke of bondage was fastened upon their necks. This sin, he said, was peculiarly aggravated in a government like our own, which declares that all men are born free and equal, possessing as unalienable rights liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In order to reconcile this great inconsistence, it has been asserted that the Africans were an inferior race. A fine writer has shrewdly remarked "that there seems a necessity of maintaining that they are of mainta less than men, as a suspicion would arise that we are not Christians." But 3000 years ago it was not thought so, when science beamed on the darkened world from Egypt and Ethiopia, and when the wise men of Greece and Rome went to kindle their torches at the light of Africa. Some have said that the ancient Egyptians were not black. Herodotus, the father of history, says "they were black, with curled hair." It is exceedingly unjust to decide that they are an inferior race, from any thing they exhibit among us, while oppressed with slavery, and shut out from all those motives of ambition which arouse the mind to effort and energy. Mr. Davis expressed strongly his disbelief of the inferiority of the Africans. "But," he added, "there are probably among this audience some of a different idea. I expect a liberal contribution from both classes. One having no prejudices to overcome, will of course be bountiful. The other is bound to be so by the injunction of scripture-Ye who are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak.' This society have need of aid. They can do only part of what their wishes prompt. Seated with the little group of their adoption, you see one in a different garb. They wish to receive her also, but are not able to defray the expense of her maintainance. Shall she remain and share with her companions the benefits of their care? or shall she return tomorrow to poverty, to neglect, perhaps to vice and misery? Let the contribution boxes answer." And they did faithfully answer to the exhortation of the man of God. And the poor little child was adopted by those who will endeavour to do her good, both body and soul. During the exercises of the evening the following hymn was sung: Oh! if to Afric's sable race A fearful debt we justly owe, If heaven's dread book record the trace Hartford May 27, 1833. For the Genius of Universal Emancipation. OBITUARY. "Of a truth, I perceive God is no respecter of persons; but in every nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousness is accepted with him." Acts x. 34, 35. quainted with SYBIL OLIVER during the winter of 1832. She was then afflicted with the painful disease which at length proved fatal on the 24th day of August, 1833. In my frequent visits, as a member of the Union Benevolent Society, to this poor African, I never found her impatient, but on the contrary she seemed to be in a thankful, resigned state of mind. The last time I conversed with her she was very weak in body, but said she was striving to press into the kingdom of rest and peace. The day after her departure, her friends kindly invited me to come and see her remains. In entering the apartment I found every thing neatly prepared for the solemn occasion, and a few respectable looking colored women sitting in silence round the room. I looked upon the sable face, and reflected that those eyes that have so often opened with pain and sorrow are now sealed up in the sleep of death, and she who on earth suffered so many conflicts is now singing the praises of redeeming love in that happy land, none of whose inhabitants can say I am sick. As I turned from the corpse, I observed the countenances of those around bespoke solemnity and peace, and my own spirit was clothed in sympathetic feelings. I interrupted the sileuce, by making some remarks respecting the deceased, and was informed by one of her attendants that she had been for some time expecting her final change, and in her last hour she exclaimed, "is there no praying people here?" Those who were with her immediately kneeled round the bed, and one of them offered up a fervent prayer; when Sybil Oliver repeated with a distinct voice several lines of a hymn, and then closing her eyes said,. "now children be still, for I am just going." One replied, "Lay hold on Christ," if it is but the hem of his garment she answered " I have hold," and her redeemed spirit took its flight, we doubt not, to one of those mansions which the Saviour said was in his Father's house, prepared for all those who fear and love God, and keep his commandments. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.". QUESTIONS ON SLAVERY. Q. Did the Jewish law forbid the runaway bond-servant to be delivered again to his mas ter? A. "Thou shalt not deliver unto his master the servant which is escaped from his master unto thee." Deut. xxiii. 15. "He shall dwell with thee, even among you, in that place which he shall choose in one of thy gates, where it liketh him best: thou sholt not oppress him." Deut. xxiii. 15, 16. Q. For what great crime, besides adolatry, were the Jews carried into captivity? A. "The people of the land have used oppression, and exercised robbery, and have vexed the poor and needy: yea, they have oppressed the stranger wrongfully. THEREFORE have I poured out mine indignation upon them; I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath; their own way have I recompensed upon their heads, saith the Lord." Ezek. xxii. 29, 31. "Woe to her that is filthy and polluted, to the oppressing city." Zeph. iii. 1. "Thus speaketh the Lord of Hosts, saying, execute true judgment, and shew mercy and press not the widow, nor the fatherless, the stranger, nor the poor; and let none of you imagine evil against his brother in your heart. But they refused to hearken, and pulled away the shoulder, and stopped their ears, that they should not hear. Yea, they made their hearts as an adamant stone, lest they should hear the law, and the words which the Lord of Hosts hath sent in his spirit by the former prophets: therefore came a great wrath from the Lord of Hosts. Therefore it is come to pars, that as he cried, and they would not hear, so they cried, and I would not hear, saith the Lord of Hosts: But I scattered them with a whirlwind among all the nations whom they knew not. Thus the land was desolate after them, that no man passed through nor returned; for they laid the pleasant land desolate." Zech. vii. 9-14. The writer of this brief memoir became ac-compassion every man to his brother: And op: Fiat Justitia Ruat Cœlum. Q. What is the heritage of oppressors? A. "This is the portion of a wicked man with God, and the heritage of oppressors, which they shall receive of the Almighty. If his children be multiplied, it is for the sword; and his offspring shall not be satisfied with bread. Those that remain of him shall be buried in death: and his widow shall not weep. Though he heap up silver as the dust, and prepare raiment as the clay; he may prepare it, but the just shall put it on, and the innocent shall divide the silver. He buildeth his house as a moth, and as a booth that the keeper maketh. The rich man shall lie down, but he shall not be gathered: he openeth his eyes, and he is not. Terrors take hold on him as waters, a tempest stealeth him away in the night. The east wind carrieth him away, and he departeth: and as a storm hurleth him out of his place. For God shall cast upon him, and not spare: he would fain fice out of his hand. Men shall clap their hands at him, and shall hiss him out of his place." Job xxvii. 13, 23. "He shall judge the poor of the people, he shall save the children of the needy, and shall break in pieces the oppressor." Psalm lxxii. 4. "The Lord executeth righteousness and judg. ment for all that are oppressed." Psalm ciii. 6. Q. Ought not the descendants of Ahab to have restored to the descendants of Naboth their vineyard? A. "Then it shall be, because he hath sinned, and is guilty, that he shall restore that which he took violently away, or the thing which he hath deceitfully gotten, or that which was delivered to him to keep, or the lost thing which he found." Lev. vi. 4. And the New Testament says"Therefore, if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee, leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift." Matt. v. 23, 24. If land should be restored, much more should the unoffending captive go free; for man is of more value than acres of land: he has that within him which is of more value than a thousand worlds. For the Genius of Universal Emancipation. An' so ye've sped your leaves at last! The drivin' snaw has o'er ye past, Puir bonnie thing! Ye dared too soon the moody blast, This damp, cauld spring. Ye lifted up your gouden head Sic is the hapless doom of those, An' mony a tear, But o'er ye now the brightening sky Yet e'en for them a feeble light FREE PRODUCE. JOSEPH H. BEAL has removed his store front 41 Fulton street, where he formerly kept, to 376 Pearl street, New York, where he intends to keep a general assortment of goods, the product of free labor; including Groceries, Dry Goods, Cotton Cloths, Shirting, and Paper made of linen rags, which he will sell, wholesale and retail, upon the best terms he can afford. This establishment will probably be the most extensive of any of the kind in the United States; and the diligence, punctuality, and industry of the proprietor, who has engaged in the business from principle, will give satisfaction to all who have dealings with him. We hope this store will be extensively patronized. Terms of Subscription TO THE GENIUS OF UNIVERSAL EMANCIPATION. VOL. XIII. This work will henceforth be issued monthly, in the CITY OF WASHINGTON. It will be neatly printed on fine paper, and folded in the octavo form, each number making sixteen large pages. A title page and index will accompany each volume. The price of subscription will be ONE DOLLAR per annum, always to be paid in advance. time they wish to receive the work, or notify the editor (through the medium of a post-master, or in some other way,) of a desire to discontinue it before the expiration piration of the current year, will be considered as engaged for the next succeeding one, and their bills will be forwarded accordingly. Subscribers who do not particularly specify the Any person remitting Five Dollars to the Editor, in current money of the United States, will be entitled to s x copies for one year. All letters, communications, papers, &c. intended for this office, must be addressed, as usual, to BENJAMIN LUNDY, Washington, D. C.and forwarded free of expense. 4 EDITED AND PUBLISHED BY BENJAMIN LUNDY, WASHINGTON, D. C. AT $100 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."-Declaration of Independence. WHOLE NUMBER 288. VOL. XIL No. 12. VOL. III. THIRD SERIES.] OCTOBER, 1833. OUR OWN AFFAIRS. The present number closes the thirteenth volume. There has been some delay in getting out two or three of the last numbers, the cause of which when explained, will be sufficient, it is presumed, to satisfy all who are interested. The proprietor has been absent for about six months. He has been detained much longer from home than he expected, by circumstances over which he had no control. It will be seen by a letter on another page, that he had nearly fallen a martyr to his zeal in the cause of an injured people. The detention which his illness occasioned, left me in a state of uncertainty. No provision had been made for defraying the expense of the publication longer than three or four months; and very few remittances were made by subscribers. Under these circumstances I knew not how to act-no funds on hand-and "as for this Lundy," who had turned his back on Egyptian bondage, and led the way to the promised land of free. dom, "we wot not what had become of him." ture course. The information, however, recently received from him, enables us to determine upon our fu. The paper will be continued as heretofore, upon the same plan-the same principles will be advocated, and the same doctrines promulgated. It will be issued regularly and punctually every month. The location, however, will be changed from Washington, D. C. to Philadelphia. To give a little time to make the necessary arrangements, the first number of the next volume will be issued in the month of January, 1834. After which, subscribers may depend upon receiving their papers punctually every month. We think the reasons above assigned for the delay in sending out some of the late numbers will be deemed sufficient, and that our patrons will make due allowance for unavoidable contingencies. NEW YORK ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY. A society has lately been organized in the city of New York, with the above title, of which Arthur Tappan is president, Elizur Wright, jr. corresponding secretary, and Charles W. Dennison, recording secretary. The meeting for forming the society was called at Clinton Hall, by public notice, in which those friendly to immediate emancipation were invited to attend. A tremendous excitement was got up by the inflammatory remarks of some of the New York editors, in which the views and objects of the abolitionists were grossly misrepresented. The citizens, and especially "southern gentlemen," then in the city, were called upon to assemble at the time and place of meeting, to put down the abolitionists. In consequence of the excitement thus produced, they were not permitted to meet at Clinton Hall. The abolitionists, however, met at another place, and transacted all their business peaceably, and adjourned without being molested. A mob collected at Clinton Hall, but not finding their prey, they were some time in finding out where the "FANATICS" were assembled. As soon as they discovered their place of meeting, they followed them more like maniacs than civilized men, uttering threats and denunciations as they went, against particular individuals whom they named. But they were again disappointed. The abolitionists had finished their business before they arrived. These things happened "oh! tell it not in Gath, publish it not in the streets of Askalon!" -these things happened in NEW YORK-a city adorned with numerous Christian churches, and where the society for educating ministers of the Christian religion annually assemble, and the site of all the principal benevolent associations of the day. But do these practical heathens think to put down abolitionists by such means? No man who deserves the name of a friend to universal emancipation, will be deterred from performing his duty to his country and to his God, by the savage yells of an infuriated mob, or the silly ravings of unprincipled editors? such means for putting them down will only stimulate them to renewed zeal in the righteous cause, and prove to all sober and discreet men, the necessity of rallying around the standard of freedom, and sustaining the principles set forth in the declaration of independence. The moral pollution of slavery has spread far and wide, and must be opposed by moral remedies, or a just God will call us to a terrible reckoning for our wicked ness. We have not room to say more at present. The subject will be resumed hereafter. GARRISON'S SPEECH. We have given part of the debate at a public meeting held in London, on the subject of Afri. can colonization. As there has been a great deal of misrepresentation in some of our newspapers in regard to Garrison's remarks at that meeting, we have given his speech at length. Read |