INDEX. *** In order to facilitate reference to the Routes, most of them are repeated in the Index twice; thus the road from HAMBURG to Berlin, is also mentioned under the head BERLIN * to Hamburg. Such reversed Routes are marked in the Index with an asterisk * to distinguish them, to Bremen, 69. Andenne, 160. Andernach, 241. Annweiler - Castle of Irifels, 467. ANTWERP, 125-138. Cathedral and works of Rubens, 126. Spire, 129. Churches - of Assmanshausen, 258. Ath, 94. Audenarde, 98. Auerbach, 472. Auerstädt, 386. Bacharach, 254. Bacon, Lord, on Travel, ix. BADEN BADEN, 484. Inns, 484. Beauties of situation, 485. Hot springs, 485. New to Wildbad, 490. * to Carlsruhe, 483. to Strasburg, 491. Badenweiler, 483. Aix-la-Chapelle, 216. Alexisbad, 353. Bergues, 96. BERLIN, 304. Inns, 304. Post-office-Dros- * to Hamburg, 304. to Potzdam and Leipzig, 319. to Dresden, 324. * to Berlin, 368. Briegach, 496. Brielle, 20. Brochedon's Advice to Travellers, XIII. * to Dusseldorf, by Hesse Cassel and Brocken, ascent of, 351. Spectre of the, 351. to Hanover, 330. to Cologne, by Minden, 330. wick, and Paderborn, 331. * by Magdeburg, Bruns- to Stettin and Swinemunde, 356. to Dantzig, 361.; and Königsberg, 363. to Frankfort on the Oder, and Breslau, 367. Witches, 352. View from-seldom seen, 352. Broek, 53. Brohl, trass mills of, 240. Bromberg, 367. valley of, 241.270. to Danzig and Berlin, 367. Broom girls, 338. Brückenau baths, 382. Bruchsal, 479. BRUGES, 107. Les Halles, 108. Churches, -to Calais, 99. - to Ghent, 112. Brunnen of Nassau, 429-443. BRUNSWICK, 332. New palace, 332. Museum, DANZIG to Marienburg and Königsberg, 363. Dutch manners, peculiarities of, 18. * to Berlin, 361. * by Bromberg, 367. DARMSTADT, 468. Catholic church, palace, to the Odenwald, 469. to Heidelberg and Carlsruhe, 470. Daun, 290. Delft, 24. Delitsch, 324. Dendermonde or Termonde railroad, 123. Dennewitz, 324. utz, 229. Good inn, 223. cux Ponts, 467. Deventer, 69. Diebelich, 285. Dinant, 176. to Givet, 176. to Hans-sur-Lesse, Bouillon, 177. Dinglingen, 482. Dirschau, 362. Dobberan, 299. Dollars, Prussian, 208. Saxon, 381. to Schaffhausen, 497. * to Freyburg, 500. Donnersberg, 456. Dordrecht, or Dort, 73. DRESDEN, 391. Post-office, 392. Elbe bridge, 392. Churches, and church music, to the Saxon Switzerland, 409-416. to Breslau, 370. *to Leipsig and Frankfort, 381..391. to the Bastei, 411. Dutch clocks, 496. Eberbach, 263. 438. Cellars of, 263. Eburnburg. - Sickengen's Castle, 454. Ehrenbreitstein, 247. Ehrenburg, 284. Ehrenfels, 253. Eibenstock, 421. Eifel, the Upper, 288. the Lower, 270. Inhabitants of, 287. Eiljacht on the Moselle, 278. Eisenach, 382. Wartburg, 383. Eisleben, Luther's birth-place, 299. ELBE, mouth of the, 292. Sources of, 343. of its course, 409. from Schandau to Dresden, 415. ELBERFELD, 325. to Berlin, 325. to Hanover, 300. *to Cologne, 302, Elbing, 364. Elbingerode, 352. Ellfeld, 264. Elz, castle of, 283. Emmendengen, 482. to Plauensche Grund and Tharand, 416. Flushing, 100. to Schandau, 416. to Nüremberg, 416. Driburg, 331. Dunkirk, 95. Duren, 222. Dunes of Holland, 12-57. to Bruges, 98. Dürkheim, 465. Durlach, 479. DUSSELDORF, 213. School of painting, 214. Fontenoy, 94. Fraipont, 165. Franchimont, 165. Frankenthal, 459. to Berlin, by Elberfeld, 327. to Cologne, 214. * to Nymegen and Arnheim, 213. to Hanover, 228. to Bremen, by Munster, 336. *to Rotterdam, 213. FRANKFORT on the Main, 443, 447. Inns, Old and New Town, 443. Cathedral, Römer, FRANKFORT to Leipsig by Gotha, Erfurth, Gillenfeld, 290. to Cassel and Berlin, 338. Givet, 177. Glatz, 378. Glückstadt, 293. Godesberg, 236. to Cassel and Hanover, 338. *to Mayence, 433. *to Homburg and the Taunus, 452. to Basle, by Darmstadt, Heidelberg, Carlsruhe, 468. to Baden Baden and Strasburg, 468. 483. GHENT, 113. 123. Belfry, 114. Church of St. *to Bruges, 113. *to Oudenarde, 98. Ghistelles, 99. Giessen, - University, &c., 339. to the Seven Mountains, 237. to the Ahr Valley, 268.. Goldberg, 371. Gouda, 70. Painted Glass at, 70. Gondorf, 284. Gorcum, 73. Görlitz, 371. Goslar, 349. Cathedral and altar of Krodo, 349. Rammelsberg, 348. Gutenfels, 254. Gotha, 383. GÖTTINGEN, 345. University, 345. Library and Museum, 346. to the Hartz, 316. to Cassel, 345. Gravelines, 95. Greifswald, 358. Groningen, 68. Groschen, 208. Gute Groschen, 381. Grossenhayn, 324. Grotius, escape from prison, 73. Grüneberg wine, 368. Guilders, Dutch, 2. Gustavus Adolphus landing in Germany, Rhine, 458. Gutemberg, the inventor of printing, descent of the Lahn from, 447. * to London, 292. to Lubec, 296. to Bremen, 300. to Hanover, 301. to Dobberan and Rostock, 299. Hameln, 344. Handwerks-burschen, 199. HANOVER, 344, 345. Palaces and Church, *to Hamburg, 301. * to Frankfort by Cassel, 344. |