Gardens, 390. Battle of, 390. * to Berlin, 296. to Dresden, 390. * to Frankfort, 588. to Carlsbad, by Altenburg and Zwickau, 420. to Coburg, 425. Lek, 75. Lennepp, 324. to Schaffhausen, by the vale of the Kin- zig and Donaueschingen, 495. Ohrdruff, 424. Oker, vale of, 349. Oldenburg, 301. St. Omer, 91. Oppenheim, beautiful Gothic church, 457. Oschatz, 390. Osnabruck, 337. Ostend, 105. to Bruges and Ghent, 107. to Calais, 99. Osterode, 348. Ottowalder Grund, 411. Oudenarde, 98. Plauen, 420. Plauensche Grund, 417. Polders, 12. In North Holland, 60. 99. Poniatowsky's death, 390. Poppelsdorf, 235. Porta Westphalica, 329. Posting-In France and Belgium, 78.; in POTZDAM, 320-322. Tomb of Frederick the * to Magdeburg, 336. * to Berlin, 304. Prebisch Thor, 414. to Geroldstein and Spa, 289. PRUSSIA-Passports, xx. 207. New custom- Puffendorf's birth-place, 419. Purmerende, 61. Putbus Baths, 359. PYRMONT, watering place, 343. Mineral springs, 343. Gas Grotto, 343. to Hanover, 344. * to Frankfort, 338. 343. * to Cologne, 328. Quatre Bras, 158. Quedlinburg, 354. St. Quentin, 181. Canal of, 181. Rafts on the Rhine, 231. RAILROADS on the Continent: Belgian, 81. 106. 139. 142. Mechlin to Liege and Aix-la-Chapelle, 171. Ruben's chair, 133. Birth-place, 133. château of Steen, 141. pictures at Ghent, 116. Antwerp, 126-135. Cologne, 209. school and character of, 85. Rüdesheim, 261. Wine, 257. Rudolfzell, 497. Rudolstadt, 425. Rügen, Isle of, 358-361. Ruhrort, 213. Rümpchen, 269. Ryswyk, 24. Saalfeld, 425. Saarbruck, 456. SAARDAM, Peter the Great's house, 55. Sagan, 373. Salzbrunn, 377. Salzig, 233. Steamboat, London to Antwerp, 99. Ostend, 105. Trekschuiten in Holland, 4. 274. Cathedral, 274. Church of our Lady, Rotterdam to Nymegen, up the Rhine, TREVES, 273. History of, 273. Antiquities, 71. Codex Aureus, 277. Igel, 278. * to Coblenz, 273. down the Moselle, 278. * to Aix-la-Chapelle, 286. *to Bingen, 290. Trier, 273. Trifels Castle, prison of Richard Cœur de Lion, 467. Trinkgeld, 189. St. Trond, 172. Tryberg, 496. Tuerkheim, 465. Unkelstein, 239. Unna, 329. UTRECHT, 62. Stadhuis, 62. Cathedral, 62. to Nymegen, 64. * to Amsterdam, 62. * to the Hague, 70. * to Rotterdam by Gouda, 70. to Arnheim, 71. Valenciennes, 179. Valets de place, 186. * to Frankfort, by Carlsruhe and Hei- Vandyk, 97.169. delberg, 492. 482. to London in 5 days by steam, 464. Striegau, 343. Stubbenkammer, 360. Stuhlingen, 450. Suhl, 424. Swinemunde, baths, 357. - to Rügen, 358. Texel, 60. Tharand, 417. Vautsberg or Neu Rheinstein, 256. Vehm Gericht, 326. Verviers, 168. Vesdre, valley of the, 165-168. Vianen, 76. Victoria, Roman remains of, 242. Villingen, 496. Vilvorde, 142. Virneberg Castle, 270. Vistula, mouth of the, 362, 363. Vlaardingen, 21. Vlissingen, 100. Voghtland, 420. Voorburg, 52. Vorspann, 188. Thuringian Forest, routes in, 421. 424, 425. Wahlstadt, 372. requisites for, xxv. Treis, 283. Triesam, 499. Weichsel or Vistula, 329. Weilburg, 448. WEIMAR, 385. Churches, 385. Palace) Li- brary, Theatre, Churchyard, 385. Göthe's house and grave, 386. Weinheim, 473. Weiss on the Mosel, 285. Weissenfels, 387. Weissenthurm, 243. |