NOTICE TO THE SECOND EDITION. THIS Edition of the Handbook has been subjected to a most careful and thorough revision; many new routes are added, and several have been re-written. The Editor trusts that the imperfections and errors of this book will be found to have been considerably diminished. His own personal rectification of mistakes and omissions has been most materially aided by the communications of numerous and obliging correspondents, many of them personally unknown to him, to whom he takes this opportunity of returning his acknowledgments. He begs, at the same time, to repeat his request, that travellers who may in the use of the Handbook detect any faults or omissions which they can correct from personal knowledge, will have the kindness to communicate to him a notice of the same, through his publisher. The mere personal exertions of the Editor must fall short of attaining perfect accuracy for such a work as a Guide-book, unless aided by such co-operation. A HAND-BOOK FOR TRAVELLERS ON THE CONTINENT: BEING A GUIDE THROUGH HOLLAND, BELGIUM, PRUSSIA, AND NORTHERN GERMANY, AND Along the Rhine, from Holland to Switzerland. CONTAINING DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PRINCIPAL CITIES THER MUSEUMS, PICTURE GALLERIES, &c. THE GREAT HIGH ROADS; THE MOST INTERESTING AND PICTURESQUE DISTRICTS; AND THE MOST FREQUENTED BATHS AND WATERING PLACES;, ALSO DIRECTIONS FOR TRAVELLERS; AND HINTS FOR TOURS. WITH AN INDEX MAP. Second Edition, Augmented and carefully Revised. LONDON: JOHN MURRAY AND SON, ALBEMARLE STREET. - MDCCCXXXVIII. |