THE SELECT WORKS 111119 OF WILLIAM PENN. IN FIVE VOLUMES. VOL. I. THE THIRD EDITION. LONDON: PRINTED AND SOLD BY JAMES PHILLIPS IN GEORGE-YARD, LOMBARD-STREET: M DCC LXXXII. Truth Exalted; in a short but sure Testimony against all those Religions, Faiths, and Worships, that have been formed and followed in the Darkness of Apostasy; and for that glorious Light which is now risen, and shines forth, in the Life and Doc- The Sandy Foundation shaken; or those so generally believed and applauded Doctrines, of one God subsisting in three distinct and separate Persons, the Impossibility of God's pardoning Sinners without a plenary Satisfaction, the Justification of impure Persons by an imputative Righteousness, refuted |