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THE Commotions by which Europe has been shaken for nearly the last thirty years, have excited such deep and universal interest, that, during these eventful times, the inhabitants of this agitated spot have neither had leisure nor inclination to inquire minutely into the affairs of other countries, their attention having been wholly absorbed by revolutions which more immediately affected their own happiness and peace. It has happened, however, by a singular coincidence, that, at the time when the revolutionary spirit appears to have spent its force in Europe, a similar spirit of resistance to established authority should have been kindled throughout the Spanish provinces of America, and that the scene of commotion should thus have been in a manner only shifted from the Old to the New World. The changes which have taken place in the remote dependencies of Spain, will unquestionably be attended by the most important and beneficial consequences, destroying, as they must do, root and branch, that system of monopoly, which enthralled the industry of nations, and consigned to neglect the most precious resources of nature,

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Chili in many parts abounds in the finest iron. But a law existed prohibiting any person from working it, because it interfered with the import of iron from the mother country. Upon the same principle, wine was prohibited from being made in Mexico.

and opening, on a liberal footing, these extensive countries to the commerce and manufactures of Europe. Contemplating the advantages which must inevitably result from the indepen◄ dence of the Spanish colonies, the struggle in which they are now engaged appears to excite the most lively sympathy in this country, and since, by the re-establishment of peace in Europe, we have leisure for inquiry and speculation, there prevails a general desire for information regarding these extensive regions, now unhappily the scene of intestine commotions. For the purpose of gratifying this laudable spirit of curiosi ty, we shall briefly submit to our readers a geographical sketch of those colonies, with such notices of their principal towns, rivers, and most important products, as will enable them to appreciate the different military statements which are, from time to time, circulated in the journals of the day, and from the positions of the hostile armies contending for the possession of the country, to form some rational conclusions as to the nature of the operations which they are carrying on. Such a digest of facts may, we hope, in every view, prove useful to our readers, by saving them the trouble of tedious researches for information, which, with all their labour, they may not at last be able to obtain.

ca occupy the vast tract of country The Spanish possessions in Americomprised between 41° 43′ of S. Lat. and 37° 48′ of N. Lat. and extend about 5000 miles from north to south. They lie partly in North and partly

in South America, and are divided
into the following general govern-
ments, namely,

1. The viceroyalty of Mexico.
2. The government of Guatimala.
3. The government of Porto Rico.
4. The government of the Caraccas,
5. The viceroyalty of New Grenada, in-
cluding the new kingdom of Grena-
da and Quito.
6.The viceroyalty of Peru.

7. The viceroyalty of Buenos Ayres.
8. The government of Chili.

9. The government of the Havannah, including the Floridas.

1. Mexico, or New Spain, generally designates that extensive country which is bounded to the N. and S. by the 38th and 10th parallels of N. Lat. which, on the E. and S.E. has the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, and on the W. is bounded by the Pacific Ocean. Among the Spanish colonies, Mexico occupies undoubtedly the first rank, both on account of its great population-the number of considerable cities which it contains-its territorial wealth, and the enormous value of its metallic produce.

Before the introduction of the new administration of the country in 1776, Mexico, or New Spain, was divided in the following manner:

1. The kingdom of Mexico. 2. The kingdom of New Galicia. 3. The new kingdom of Leon. 4. The colony of Santander. 5. The province of Texas. 6. The province of Cohahuila. 7. The province of New Biscay. 8. The province of Sonora. 9. The province of New Mexico. 10. The Californias.

These ancient divisions are still frequently used in the country. At present, New Spain is divided into the following twelve intendencies and three provinces.

1. The province of New Mexico.
2. The intendency of New Biscay.
3. and 4. New and Old California.
5. Intendency of Sonora.

6. San Luis Potosi.

7. Zacatecas.

8. Guadalaxara.

9. Guanaxuato.

10. Valladolid, or Mechoacan.

11. Mexico.

12. Puebla.

13. Vera Cruz.

14. Oaxaca.

15. Merida.

About one-half of this extensive country is situated within the tropics, while the other half lies within the temperate zone. It is well known, however, that the influence of geographical position on the climate of any country, is modified by another cause of equally powerful operation, namely, the height of the ground above the level of the sea, and that the continent of America is distinguished by its general and prodigious elevation; nor does the land in Mexico rise in abrupt and mountainous ridges. On the contrary, it has been estimated, that about three-fifths of the country is spread out in extensive plains of from 6000 to 8000 feet in height. In travelling into the interior, either from Acapulco, on the coast of the Pacific, or from Vera Cruz on the eastern shore, the land rises to its height gradually, and the whole country is laid out in vast and uniform plains, which, from their forming so perfect a level, have received the denomination of Table Land. These plains rise to the height of 6000 and 8000 feet above the level of the surrounding seas, which is equal to some of the highest summits of the Alps, such as Mount Cenis, St Gothard, or the great St Bernard.

From this singular form of the ground, it happens, that the coasts alone possess a hot climate, adapted for the productions of the West Indics. The mean temperature of the plains which lie within the tropics, and which are not elevated above the level of the sea more than 984 feet, is about 77° of Fahrenheit, or about 16° above the mean heat of Naples. The climate of these tropical countries, more especially in the cities, is exceedingly fatal to Europeans, who are liable, on their first landing, to the terrible malady of the yellow-fever. The western declivity of the Cordillera of Mexico, and the shores of the South Sea from Acapulco, to the ports of Colima and San Blas, are among the hottest and most unhealthy places in the south. The port of Acapulco, more especially, is frequently fatal to visitors landing from Europe, or to merchants who descend from the cool and salubrious temperature of the Table Land, to breathe the hot and tainted atmosphere of the coast.

On the declivity of the Andes, at the height of from 4000 to 5000 feet,

there reigns perpetually a soft spring temperature, which never varies more than 7° or 9° of Fahrenheit; the mean heat of the whole year is from

68° to 70°.

The third division of the climate comprehends the plains which are elevated 7000 feet above the level of the sea. This is the height of the city of Mexico, and in summer the thermometer seldom rises above 75°, while in winter it ranges between 559 and 70°. The mean temperature of the whole Table Land is 622, which is about equal to the temperature of Rome. The plains, which rise above the height of 8000 feet, possess, though within the tropics, a rude and disagreeable climate, even to an inhabitant of the north.

Towards the west, the descent from the Table Land is much more steep than towards the east. Setting out from the city of Mexico, which is situated at nearly an equal distance from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans towards the east, on the road to Vera Cruz, the traveller advances 180 miles before a single valley occurs, of which the bottom does not rise 3280 feet above the level of the sea. In the opposite direction from Mexico to Acapulco, the road descends the same depth in the space of 50 miles. The eastern declivity of the Andes is so regular and uniform, that when once the traveller begins to descend from the great central plain, he continues his descent until he arrives at the eastern coast. The western coast is furrowed by four very remarkable longitudinal valleys, of which the respective heights above the level of the sea are 3217, 1685, 557, 518 feet. The road towards Asia from Mexico thus differs from the road towards Europe. For the space of about 220 miles, the distance in a straight line from Mexico to Acapulco, there is a

continual ascent and descent, and every instant the traveller arrives from a cold climate, to regions excessively hot. On the contrary, of the 250 miles from Mexico to the port of Vera Cruz, the greater part belongs to the great central plain, which extends, with little interruption, from the 18th to the 40th degree of N. lat. a distance nearly equal to that of the town of Lyons from the tropic of Cancer. The rest of the road is a continued and laborious descent. To such of our readers as consider this singular configuration of the ground, it must be obvious, that a country so elevated, and to be reached only by a continued ascent through difficult roads, must abound in defensive military positions, and that, with the least degree of skill on the part of its defenders, it could not be conquered but at such an expence of blood, as no state could afford to lavish away in its purchase.

Mexico, from its position between Europe and Asia, appears admirably adapted for carrying on an extensive commerce with both continents, five or six weeks being sufficient for communicating with either, while the country, from its diversified climate, would yield the various produce both of the warm and temperate regions, and would thus supply in abundance the materials of an extensive exchange with other countries. The mountains contain ores of every kind of metal, and there are abundant mines, not only of the precious metals, but also of copper, lead, tin, alum, vitriol, and different sorts of precious stones. Among the forest trees are the cedar, Brazil wood, mahogany, and every sort of timber either for use or ornament.

The following is an account of the most remarkable towns in Mexico or New Spain :—

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Santa Fe, to the east
of the great river del



Extent of surface in square leagues 19,143.

PROVINCE OF NEW MEXICO. Population 40,200.

Extent of surface in square leagues 5709.

The New Californias contain a population of about 25,000, who live in scattered settlements and villages.

In no part of Spanish America has the flame of civil commotion raged more fiercely than in Mexico. The insurgents who took up arms against the dominion of the mother-country, amounted at one period to about 40,000. Advancing upon the capital with a commanding force, they were foiled by the prudence and activity of Venegas the governor, who, pursuing them in their retreat, at last succeeded in dispersing them, and in seizing the ringleaders, who, with vast numbers of other unfortunate persons embarked in the same cause, perished miserably on the scaffold. The insurgents thus failing in the efforts of regular war, dispersed in small guerilla parties, occupying all the avenues and roads, and harassing their enemies by every mode of irregular annoyance. The accounts received of the state of this country are exceedingly imperfect; but if they can at all be relied on, the royalist armies seem, for the present, to have triumphed over their enemies.

In the southern provinces the insurrection against the dominion of the mother-country, was carried on with various fortune; but, ultimately, the advantage appears to have been on the side of the insurgents. Their forces, according to the accounts received, have been often beaten and dispersed. But the spirit of resistance never appears to have been crushed. The insurgent armies have always rallied, and at present they have taken the field with recruited strength, and have, in different points, gained the most signal victories over their opponents. In the Caraccas, of which we shall now give a brief account, they have been successful in repeated battles against the royal troops; and, as a proof that this is no vain boast, they are in possession of some of the most important places of the country.

In the extensive province of the

Caraccas are included five other sub-
ordinate provinces or governments,
namely, the province of Venezuela in
the centre; the government of Ma-
racaibo on the west; Guiana on the
south; the government of Cumana
on the east; and the island of Marga-
retta on the north-east. It is bound-
ed on the north from the Cape de
Vela, to the point of Paria by the
Carribean Sea; on the east by the
Atlantic; on the south by Dutch
Guiana; and on the west by the king-
dom of Santa Fé. From its position,
which is between the 12th degree of N.
lat. and the equinoctial line, this coun-
try might be expected to be subject to
a scorching sun, and to be scarcely ha-
bitable on account of its excessive
heat. In many parts, however, more
especially towards the interior, the
heat is tempered by the elevation
of the ground, so that the inhabi-
tants enjoy a pleasant medium be-
tween the opposite extremes of heat
and cold. They are indebted for this
singularity of temperature to a chain
of the Andes of moderate height, and
in breadth generally from about 20
to 10 leagues, which traverses the
whole extent of their country, wind-
ing in a direction generally from
E. to W., and finally loses itself in the
island of Trinidad. The elevation of
this chain varies in different parts,
and those inequalities of surface
give rise to such varieties of tem-
perature, that numerous diversities of
the vegetable tribes, which in other
countries grow to maturity under very
different degrees of latitude, are
brought together and flourish in this
more favoured spot. To the north of
these mountains, in the great valley
of the Orinoco, by which river they
are bounded to the south, immense
plains stretch out on a dead level for
several hundreds of miles; and here
the heat is intense, sometimes ris-
ing to 115 degrees of Fahrenheit.
On these plains grows a tall and rank
herbage, on which numerous herds of
cattle are fed, and these constitute the

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