And lately had he learn'd with truth to deem How fair, how young, how soft soe'er he seem, flings. 2 LXXXIII. Yet to the beauteous form he was not blind, Though now it moved him as it moves the wise; Not that Philosophy on such a mind E'er deign'd to bend her chastely-awful eyes : But Passion raves itself to rest, or flies; And Vice, that digs her own voluptuous tomb, Had buried long his hopes, no more to rise : Pleasure's pall'd victim! life-abhorring gloom Wrote on his faded brow curst Cain's unresting doom. LXXXIV. Still he beheld, nor mingled with the throng; To charms as fair as those that soothed his happier day. 1 "Medio de fonte leporum Surgit amari aliquid quod in ipsis floribus angat." -Luc. 2["Full from the heart of Joy's delicious springs Some bitter bubbles up, and e'en on roses stings." - MS.] ΤΟ ΙΝΕΖ. 1. NAY, smile not at my sullen brow; Shouldst weep, and haply weep in vain. 2. And dost thou ask what secret woe 3. It is not love, it is not hate, Nor low Ambition's honours lost, That bids me loathe my present state, And fly from all I prized the most: 4. It is that weariness which springs 5. It is that settled, ceaseless gloom The fabled Hebrew wanderer bore; That will not look beyond the tomb, But cannot hope for rest before. 6. What Exile from himself can flee ? 1 1 To zones though more and more remote, Still, still pursues, where-e'er I be, The blight of life - the demon Thought. 2 7. Yet others rapt in pleasure seem, And taste of all that I forsake; 8. Through many a clime 't is mine to go, And all my solace is to know, Whate'er betides, I've known the worst. 9. What is that worst? Nay do not ask Man's heart, and view the Hell that's there. 3 "What exile from himself can flee? To other zones, howe'er remote, The blight of life - the demon Thought." - MS.] 2 [" Written January 25. 1810." - MS.] 3 In place of this song, which was written at Athens, January 25. 1810, and which contains, as Moore says, "some of the dreariest touches of sadness that ever Byron's pen let fall," we find, in the first draught of the Canto, the following: 1. Oh never talk again to me Of northern climes and British ladies; It has not been your lot to see, Like me, the lovely girl of Cadiz. LXXXV. Adieu, fair Cadiz! yea, a long adieu! When all were changing thou alone wert true, First to be free and last to be subdued: And if amidst a scene, a shock so rude, Although her eye be not of blue, Nor fair her locks, like English lasses, 2. Prometheus-like, from heaven she stole The fire, that through those silken lashes From eyes that cannot hide their flashes: In lengthen'd flow her raven tresses, 3. Our English maids are long to woo, But born beneath a brighter sun, For love ordain'd the Spanish maid is, 4. The Spanish maid is no coquette, Alike she knows not to dissemble. 5. The Spanish girl that meets your love For every thought is bent to prove Some native blood was seen thy streets to die; A traitor only fell beneath the feud: 1 Here all were noble, save Nobility; None hugg'd a conqueror's chain, save fallen Chivalry ! LXXXVI. Such be the sons of Spain, and strange her fate! War, war is still the cry, "War even to the knife!" When thronging foemen menace Spain, She dares the deed and shares the danger; 6. And when, beneath the evening star, Or sings to her attuned guitar Of Christian knight or Moorish hero, Or joins devotion's choral band, To chaunt the sweet and hallow'd vesper; 7. In each her charms the heart must move May match the dark-eyed Girl of Cadiz. 1 Alluding to the conduct and death of Solano, the governor of Cadiz, in May, 1809. 2" War to the knife." Palafox's answer to the French general |