MEDITATIONS AND DISCOURSES CONCERNING THE GLORY OF CHRIST, APPLIED UNTO UNCONVERTED SINNERS, AND SAINTS UNDER SPIRITUAL DECAYS: IN TWO CHAPTERS, FROM JOHN XVII. 24. TO THE READER. THE design of this Preface is not to commend either the Author or the matter contained in this little book. Let every reader do as he finds cause. Nor need any assurance be given that Dr. Owen was the Author, to any who have conversed with his writings, and will be at the pains to read this over. It is indeed his application of the former discourses upon this subject, printed in the year 1684. But the reason why it was not then added (the omission whereof rendered that book imperfect to judicious readers) seems necessary to be given. Had it pleased God he had lived a little longer, it would have come out as perfect as his other works. But there being no more transcribed in his life-time than what was then printed, and that published soon after his death; these two chapters wrote only with his own hand, were found too late to be then added. They are therefore now printed to complete those discourses. And it is presumed, that as no serious Christian who reads this, will be satisfied without the other also; so all who prize the former, will be glad of the opportunity to add this thereunto. MEDITATIONS AND DISCOURSES CONCERNING THE GLORY OF CHRIST. CHAP. I. Application of the foregoing meditations concerning the glory of Christ, First in an exhortation unto such as are not yet partakers of him. THAT which remains, is to make some application of the glorious truth insisted on unto the souls of them that are concerned; and what I have to offer unto that end, I shall distribute under two heads. The first shall be with respect unto them who are yet strangers from this holy and glorious one, who are not yet made partakers of him, nor have any especial interest in him. And the second shall be directed unto believers, as a guide and assistance unto their recovery from spiritual decays, and the revival of a spring of vigorous grace, holiness, and obedience in them. For the first of these, although it seems not directly to lie in our way, yet is it suited unto the method of the gospel, that wherever there is a declaration of the excellencies of Christ, in his person, grace, or office, it should be accompanied with an invitation and exhortation unto sinners to come unto him. This method he himself first made use of, Matt. xi. 27-30. John vii, 37, 38. and consecrated it unto our use also. Besides, it is necessary from the nature of the things themselves, for who can dwell on the consideration of the glory of Christ, being called therewith to the declaration of it, but his own mind will engage him to invite lost sinners unto a participation of him. But I shall at present proceed no farther in this exhortation, but only unto the proposal of some of those considerations which may prepare, incline, and dispose their minds unto a closure with him as he is tendered in the gospel. As, 1. Let them consider well what is their present state |