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Your attention is called to the new and revised edition of







The present edition will be found to contain a great deal of additional valuable matter, the result of several years' experience, (since the first edition,) both in the Laboratory and the Lecture Room, which enables us to give a useful Manual for both Teachers and Students.

We will briefly recite some of the additions of special interest to those who may use the blow-pipe as an aid to the study of Mineralogy.

In the Fourth Chapter the Author has given the characteristic physical properties, blow-pipe reactions, and behavior to solvents of all the important Ores of the useful metals, so that a reference to this chapter will at once enable the student or the practical mineralogist and geologist to determine the nature and mineral species of the Ore under examination. But not only the mineral species can thus be easily ascertained; by referring to the methods laid down in the Third Chapter for the detection of metallic oxides, &c., in presence of other compounds, incidental constituents, such as silver in galena, nickel in cobaltine, can be discovered without difficulty. The Sixth Chapter contains Prof. von Kobell's method for the discrimination of minerals by means of the blow-pipe, aided by humid analysis. It is unnecessary to dwell on its merits, as it is almost universally acknowledged to be the best guide for the discrimination of minerals that has ever been published.

The appended tables, containing the behavior of the alkaline earths, the earths proper, and the oxides of the heavy metals before the blow-pipe and to the most important reagents, have been taken from Plattner's work on the blow-pipe, the most thorough treatise on the subject.

We are happy to be able to give below, the opinions of some of our scientific men:

From GEORGE J. BRUSH, Professor of Mineralogy and Metallurgy in Yale College. (Scientific Department.)

"The second edition of Prof. Elderhorst's Manual of Blow-pipe Analysis will be warmly welcomed by all students of Chemistry and Mineralogy. It fills a want very much felt by both teachers and students, and as the present edition contains not only a thorough treatise on Qualitative Blow-pipe Analysis, but also an extended chapter on Determinative Mineralogy, this last extracted from Von Kobell's excellent Tafeln zur Bestimmung der Mineralien. it forms a most invaluable manual for the Laboratory and Cabinet. I have for several years used the first edition as a text-book for my students, and have found it a most useful and accurate work. I shall most willingly adopt this new and enlarged edition, and I take pleasure in cordially recommending it to ail teachers and students of Chemistry and Mineralogy."

From CHARLES A. JOY, PH. D., Professor of Chemistry in Columbia College, New York. "I am greatly pleased with the improved appearance of this edition. It is now the most convenient work on the blow-pipe we have, and I shall recommend it to all of my friends. All of my pupils who have used it, have made remarkable progress in the detection of metals, and in the determination of minerals."


From Professor JAMES C. BOOTH, (Chemist,) Melter and Refiner, United States Mint. "After a careful examination of Elderhorst's Blow-pipe Analysis, which you have recently published, I am of opinion that it is the best treatise on the subject for the use of beginners and students, and that the experienced chemists will find in it an invaluable vademecum in testing minerals and inorganic bodies generally. I shall therefore recommend it to others and use it myself."

From Dr. WOLCOTT GIBBS, Professor of Chemistry in the Free Academy, New York. "I most cordially approve of the plan and execution of the treatise, and sincerely hope that its sale may be commensurate with its merits. It is a most welcome and useful addition to our scientific literature."

From Prof. B. HOWARD RAND, M. D., Professor of Chemistry in the Jefferson Medical College,

Late Professor of Chemistry in the Medical Department, Pennsylvania College;
Franklin Institute;

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and Physics in the Philadelphia Central High School.

"I can most cordially commend Dr. Elderhorst's Manual of Blow-pipe Analysis. It is clear, concise and accurate, and I shall take pleasure in recommending it to my classes as the best elementary work on the subject."

From Dr. F. A. GENTH.

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CHEMICAL LABORATORY, PHILADELPHIA. "Dr. Elderhorst's Manual of Blow-pipe Analysis and Determinative Mineralogy, just issued by you, is the most convenient work of this kind in the English language, and I shall use it as a textbook for my students, and with great pleasure recommend it most cordially to all my friends who are engaged in chemical and mineralogical pursuits."

From CHARLES P. WILLIAMS, Analytical and Consulting Chemist.

PHILADELPHIA, March 24, 1866.

"I regard Elderhorst's Manual of Blow-pipe Analysis as the most convenient elementary textbook in the English language for the student of determinative mineralogy, and as such, for several years have recommended it to students in my laboratory. Though, concise and condensed, no necessary elaboration of detail has been omitted, and it is as useful to the preceptor as to the student. I recommend it with great pleasure."

SCHOOL OF MINES, COLUMBIA COLLEGE, N. Y., March 14, 1866. THOMAS EGLESTON, Jr., A.M., E.M., Professor of Mineralogy and Metallurgy, says: "We have always used Elderhorst's Manual for the Blow-pipe in preference to any other."

From CHARLES F. CHANDLER, PH. D., Professor of Analytical and Applied Chemistry, and Dean of Faculty, Columbia College, N. Y.

"NEW YORK, March 24, 1866. "I am very glad to learn that you intend publishing a new edition of Elderhorst's Blow-pipe Analysis. As a text-book for students in blow-pipe analysis, and the discrimination of minerals by their chemical reactions, it is far superior to any other book in our language."

From SILAS H. DOUGLASS, Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy.

"UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY, March 28, 1866. "I am glad to hear that you are about to issue a new edition of Elderhorst on the Blow-pipe. Having used it for several years as a text-book with my classes, I do not hesitate to say that I know of no work capable of taking its place in the Laboratory of Determinative Mineralogy."

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From A. B. PRESCOTT, M.D., Asst. Prof. of Chemistry, and Lecturer on Metallurgy. "CHEMICAL LABORATORY of the UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, March 26, 1866. "I esteem Elderhorst's Blowpipe Analysis as the best Manual extant for the student in Determinative Mineralogy. The systematic tabular methods of Analysis, in the fifth and sixth chapters of the 2d edition, are efficient aids in complete chemical examination. Having been at some inconvenience from its having been recently out of print, I shall gladly welcome a new edition."

From Professor WILLIAM B. RISING, Michigan University,

"FEBRUARY 22, 1866.

"Our school of mines is just starting. We shall use Elderhorst's Manual. I have yet to find the man who will say that it is not the standard work for a beginner in blowpiping.'

Price of the Manual, sent per mail, prepaid, $2.50.


T. ELLWOOD ZELL, Publisher,

17 & 19 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia.







Fourth Edition.






Ready September, 1867.

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