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These are but two among many passages of Scripture which declare the restoration of the Jews.

If, then, the Jews were the chosen people of God-if God manifested such peculiar love to them-if the holy men of whom we read in the Old Testament were Jews-if the prophets were Jews-if JESUS according to the flesh was a Jew-if, though He is now chastening them for sin, God has promised to forgive and receive them again on their repentance-what ought to be our conduct and feelings with respect to the Jews?

Should we not love, pity, and pray for them?

And ought we not to take warning by their example? See Rom. xi. 18-22. Yes: we should seriously consider these words of the Apostle; we should fear lest we should abuse our privileges; lest we also fall.

Some persons who love Jesus Christ, have employed means to instruct the Jews, and bring them to the knowledge of the Saviour. Would you like to give a few pence to assist in giving them the New Testament? And if you have no pence at all to give, what can you at least do?

For what should you particularly pray with respect to the Jews?

We should pray that the promises concerning them may be speedily fulfilled, that they may be restored to the favour of God, that they may

acknowledge their Messiah, and bless the name of JESUS.

"O MERCIFUL GOD, who hast made all men, and hatest nothing that thou hast made, nor wouldest the death of a sinner, but rather that he should be converted and live, Have mercy upon all Jews, Turks, Infidels, and Heretics, and take from them all ignorance, hardness of heart, and contempt of thy word; and so fetch them home, blessed Lord, to thy flock, that they may be saved among the remnant of the true Israelites, and be made one fold under one Shepherd, Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen."


Have you observed the little Lambs?
What is the disposition of a Lamb?
Who are Christ's Lambs?

Did he leave any command about his Lambs?
What? [John xxi. 15.]

Can you find a promise in the Old Testament for those who are called Lambs? [Isaiah xl. 11.] Should you resemble a Lamb?

Should you be meek and patient?


What was the animal most used in sacrifice ? What was to be offered at the Passover ? [Exod. xii. 3, &c.]

How often was a Lamb to be regularly offered? [Exod. xxix. 38, 39; Numb. xxviii. 3, 4.]

What kind of Lambs were to be offered? [Exod. xii. 5; Numb. xxviii. 3.]

What divine person is called a Lamb?

Can you think why? [Because He was innocent, meek, and patient; but chiefly because He was offered as a sacrifice.]

Was He without blemish?

What does St. Peter say, I Pet. i, 19?
How did He bear His sufferings?

Repeat a text upon this. [Isaiah liii. 7.]

Was He offered as a sacrifice for Himself, or for others?

What is the peculiar office of the Lamb of God? Read John i. 29.

What does He take away?

Have you sins to be taken away?

Have you need to ask for mercy through the Lamb of God?

Ought this character of Jesus to be dear to you?

In what part of Scripture is so much said of the Lamb of God?

Read attentively the following passages.

Rev. v. 6-13.

vii. 9-17.

- xiv. 1-3.

xvii. 14.

xix. 6-9.

-xxi. 22.

-xxii. 3, 4.

Are these descriptions very glorious?


you read of any who "follow the Lamb" in heaven? [Rev. xiv. 4.]

Do you think they had followed Him on earth?
Should you like to behold that Lamb?

When may you hope to behold Him?
Will you then seek to love and follow Him


Shall you be perfectly happy when you are with Him?

Could you ever wish to leave His presence? What then will make you most happy upon earth?


Where do we first read of Manna? [Exod.


Whence did it come?

To whom was it given?

Why was it given? [Because the Israelites were in a Wilderness where they could not be supplied with food in the usual manner.]

What was it like?

Numb. xi. 7, 8.],

[Exod. xvi. 14, 31;

What is Manna called, Ps. lxxviii. 25?

Did the Manna feed a great multitude? How many came out of Egypt? Exod. xii. 37, 38.

Was the Manna sufficient for them?

How often was it supplied? [Exod. xvi. 4, 21.]

What directions were given concerning it? Exod. xvi. 16-34.

What for the seventh day? v. 26-30.

Were the Israelites always thankful for the Manna? Read Numb. xi. 4—6.

And what does St. Paul say, 1 Cor. x. 10? How long did God continue to bestow the Manna? Exod. xvi. 35.

When did it cease? [After the Israelites had passed the Wilderness, and entered the promised land.] Josh. v. 12.

Was not the gift of the Manna a great mercy

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