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some conception of the above estimate, and make them repeat it several times.]

We have computed that 3,600 die every hour, and that one Soul is each moment passing into Eternity. One Soul is this very moment pass ing into Eternity. While I am yet speaking another, and another, and another! Imagine the scene to pass before your view; dwell upon it, and let it move your heart to seriousness.

Since so many die in a year, may not you or I be among those who shall be called into Eternity this year?

Can you foresee when your last moment will come?

What use should you make of the uncertainty? Read Matth. xxiv. 44.

What should be our feelings on new year's day?

Have you read the parable of the barren figtree?

What intercession was made by the dresser of the vineyard? Luke xiii. 8.

And if the tree continued to bear no fruit, what was to be done with it?

Who is perhaps now pleading that you may be spared another year?


What season of life is youth?
When it is past, does it ever return?
In what state is the body in youth?
Will it continue in this state?

In what state is the mind in youth?
What advantages have young persons?
How should bodily strength be employed?
How should the powers of the mind be im-

Whom should we make "the guide of our youth?"

What Scripture exhortation is especially addressed to young persons? Eccles. xii. 1.

In what part of Scripture are counsels particularly given to the young? [See the early part of the book of Proverbs, especially chapters iii. and viii.]

Now read attentively Prov. i. 20–31.

How ought you to regard this solemn warning?

In what season of life are impressions most easily made upon us?

What is meant by the injunction, Prov. iv. 23? In what pursuit may young persons find the highest pleasure?

What promise is given to those who seek God early? Prov. viii. 17.

What does God particularly ask of young

persons? Prov. xxiii. 26.

Do you know any instances in Scripture, of

those who early sought God?


Are young persons sure of long life?
Do many young persons die?

[Ps. ciii. 15.]

May you be one of those who find an early


Yes: God alone knows the number of your days. Seek that God may guide your youth in the way of Righteousness. Seek the knowledge and love of your Redeemer-" seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near." Let every day be begun with prayer, and spent in that fear of God, which " is the beginning of Wisdom." Seek to live now, as upon a dying bed, you would wish you had lived.

"Think, O my Soul, could dying Men
One lavish'd hour retrieve,
Tho' spent in tears, and past in pain,
What treasures would they give !

"But seas of pearl, and mines of gold,
Were offer'd then in vain :
Their pearl of countless price is lost,
And where's the promis'd gain?

"Lord, when thy day of dread account
For squander'd hours shall come,
Oh let not this increase th' amount,
And swell the former sum.

" Teach me, in health, each good to prize
I, dying shall esteem,

And every pleasure to despise

I then shall worthless deem."



Matt. xix. 14.



Of whom is the Kingdom of Heaven?

Who spoke these words?

On what occasion were they spoken?

Whose Kingdom is Heaven ?

Do you wish to be in it?

What is said Matt. xviii. 2, 3?

What kind of little children will be in Hea


What then should you seek to be?

Should you not be humble, teachable, obe

dient, without guile?

Have we such dispositions by nature?

How may we obtain them?

Does our Saviour see in you no dispositions which are unfit for His Kingdom? Read Matt. xiii. 41.

Who has sown these dispositions in you? (ver. 39.)

My dear children, you could not be happy in Heaven with pride, selfishness, disobedience, deceit, in your heart. Do you not know such dispositions are unfit for Heaven ?

If Jesus were still on earth, would you go to Him, and beg Him to take away your evil dispositions, and give you heavenly ones?

Would you have liked to have been taken in His arms and blessed?

But though you cannot see Him, will He not receive your prayers?

We said that Satan has sown evil dispositions in you; he would now hinder you from going to Jesus. Should you yield to him?


No: go and tell Jesus Christ what evil dispositions you feel, and beg Him to take them away. Say "O thou Lord of my heart, thou merciful Saviour, root out of my soul every unholy disposition; plant in me thine own heavenly graces: make me humble, meek, contrite, pure in heart."

If you try thus to pray, every day, you will become a better child. You can surely pray to Him when you rise, and before you lie down; and you should often, at other times, pray in your heart.

You may now and then offer a little prayer like one of these:

O Holy Jesus! thou didst suffer the little children to come to Thee-help me, a little child, to come to Thee, to be made Thy little child.


Give me thy meek and lowly spirit. Lord, thou didst say "of such is the Kingdom of Heaven"-make me thy heavenly

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Make me one of the little ones of thy Kingdom. Amen!

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