LESSONS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PERSONS. THE following subjects were originally selected for Sunday Schools-the lessons may suggest Hints to Teachers in different situations, particularly to the heads of a family. They may furnish materials for conversation and instruction on Sunday Evenings. Whenever references are made to Scripture, the children should carefully read the passages. We offer a specimen of a lesson as it may be given to children in a Class. See Introduction, p. 5. We will suppose a class consisting of eight children. Children of similar knowledge and capacity, should, as far as possible, be classed together. We shall be excused for giving the example of the lesson minutely. HEAVEN. I. Teacher.-Now my dear children, what shall we converse about to-day? shall we converse about Heaven? (The Children will probably answer, yes :) Then I will write the word HEAVEN upon the board. (See Introd. p. 3.) T-What have I written? Children.-Heaven. T-I have written the word Heaven: we may consider Heaven as a place and a state. How may we consider Heaven, Henry? Henry. We may consider Heaven as a place and a state. T.-Repeat that all together. C.-We may consider Heaven, &c. T-William, do you believe there is such a place as Heaven? Why do you believe it? William.-Because it is written in the Bible. 7.-And do you know that every thing written in the Bible is true? Now tell me, all together, what has been last said. Teacher and Children.-We believe there is such a place as Heaven, because it is written in the Bible and we know that every thing written in the Bible is true. : T-May we learn from the Bible, any thing further about Heaven, Thomas? What may we learn about it? Thomas.-We may learn that we shall go there when we die. T-Shall all go there when they die? Thomas.-Those who are good. T.-And who are good? Are you Thomas? and you Francis? and you? and you? Children.-Not always. T.-But do you hope to go to Heaven when you die? Can you go to Heaven as you are? Must you not be changed before you can go to Heaven? Let us repeat all together. Children and Teacher We must be changed before we can go to Heaven? Again. T.-Those who are changed then will go to Heaven when they die. from sin to holiness. They must be changed When we think of Hea ven, we are apt to think of the place more than of the state-but if we would be in Heaven, we must be prepared for that holy place—our state must be that of Heaven. What must our state be, if we would be in Heaven? Children.-If we would be in Heaven, our state must be that of Heaven. T-And what is the state of Heaven? Can you tell, Lucy? Lucy. It must be a holy state. T-And do you all wish to be in the state of Heaven? Children.-Yes: we wish to be in the state of Heaven. T-You must pray then for the Holy Spirit to change your sinful state into a heavenly state. What did I last say, Francis? &c. Francis. We must pray for the Holy Spirit, T-Repeat that all together. And we must seek now to follow what the Holy Spirit tells us; to set our affections upon heavenly things, and to lead a holy life. But will persons go to Heaven because they are holy, Susan? Susan.-No: Because Jesus Christ has died for us. T-Tell me all together, on what account we go to Heaven. All.-We go to Heaven, &c. Again. T-We have said that those who are changed from sin to holiness go to Heaven when they die, and that they go there because Jesus Christ has died for us,-Fanny, tell me something more about Heaven. Fanny. It is a very happy place; people will never die any more, they will never know sickness, or sorrow, or pain. T-Can you tell me of any Scripture text about this, Fanny? Fanny.-Yes: I remember one in the Reve lations. T-Look for it, and read it. Fanny.-Rev. xxi. 4. " And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." T-Now read the verse all together. Is not this very blessed? Do we have sorrow and pain in this world, Mary? Mary.-Yes: in this world we have sorrow and pain. T.-Why? Mary. Because of Sin. T-Then why will there be no more sorrow and pain in Heaven, Lucy? Lucy.-Because there will be no more sin. T-Repeat all together with me: We have sorrow and pain in this world on account of sin-in Heaven there will be no more sin, therefore there will be no more sorrow or pain. Think of what has been said, and if we live till to-morrow, we will converse more about Heaven. Lift up your hearts for a moment in silence, and say, "O God prepare us for that world, where there shall be no more sin-no more sorrow-for Jesus Christ's sake." |