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Teacher.-Now recollect for a moment, what we conversed about yesterday.

Henry. We said that we would consider the place and state of Heaven: that we believe there is such a place because it is written in the Bible, and that those who are changed go to heaven when they die.

T.-Repeat this all together.

We said that we would consider, &c. T.-What more did we say, William? William-We said that we must be changed from sin to holiness, but that we do not go to Heaven because we are holy, but because Jesus Christ died.

T-All together.

Did we say any thing else, Thomas?
Thomas.-I do not remember.

T-Did we say nothing about the happiness of Heaven?

Thomas-Yes: we said that in Heaven, people will never die any more; that they will never know sickness, or sorrow, or pain

T.-And did we say any thing about the reason of this, Francis?

Francis.-Yes: we said that Sin is the cause of sorrow and death upon earth, that in Heaven there will be no more sin, therefore there will be no more pain, or sorrow, or death.

C.-I have learned the text we read-and Iand I-and I.

T-Do not crowd one before another, my dear Children, or be in haste to say it first. What does St. Paul say, Rom. xii. the latter part of the 10th verse ?—" In honor preferring one another.”

Must children who are preparing for Heaven mind this? Yes: we have much to think of, if we are really preparing for Heaven.

Now repeat one by one the verse which you have learned.

C.-Rev. xxi. 4.

T.-Can you tell me any thing of the inhabitants of Heaven? Who are in Heaven, Mary?


T-Do you read about angels in Scripture? Mary.-Yes: they are much spoken of in Scripture.

T.-And who are in Heaven besides, Susan?

T.-Can you find any thing in the Bible about Seraphim?

Susan.-Yes: in the 6th chapter of Isaiah. T.-Find the chapter, and read in turn the three first verses.

Susan." I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple."

Mary." Above it stood the Seraphims;

each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly."

Fanny." And one cried unto another, and said, "Holy, Holy, Holy is the LORD of Hosts, the whole earth is full of his glory."

T.-Now read these beautiful verses all together.

We also read of another order of blessed spirits in Scripture. Do you know where

Cherubim are spoken of?

Henry.-Yes: after the fall of man, Cherubim were placed at the east of Eden to keep way of the tree of life.


T-And there is a glorious description of the appearance of the Cherubim in Ezekiel. William look for the 10th chapter, and read the 5th and 19th verses.

Thomas.-We hear about Cherubim and Seraphim in church every Sunday.

T-What do you hear about them? Thomas.-The Clergyman and people, each take a part in saying "To thee Cherubim and Seraphim continually do cry, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Sabaoth."

T-Repeat this all together, and try to say it from your hearts.

C. To thee Cherubim," &c.

T-Is it not very blessed thus to praise God? Should you like to join in the song of the happy spirits? Begin it my dear Children, upon earth

-you may often speak to God in your hearts and say Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts, Heaven and earth are full of thy glory.

We learn from Scripture then, that there are different kinds or orders of happy spirits, and that they all unite in praising God. Praise is one of the chief employments of Heaven. What did I last say, Lucy?

Lucy-We learn from Scripture, &c.

T-All together. If the happy spirits in Heaven, love to praise God, what ought we to love, Henry?

Henry. To praise God.

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T-Do you love to praise God, children? perhaps you do a little, but should you not seek to love it more?

There are above, Angels, Cherubim, Seraphim, and an innumerable multitude of heavenly beings, of different degrees. William, can you tell me of any other Inhabitants of Heaven? Think. Where do those who love Jesus Christ go when they die?

William.-To Heaven.

T-Are there not then souls of men, in Heaven?

Children all together.-Yes; there are souls of men in Heaven.

T. These are "the spirits of just men made perfect." Thomas, through whom are they made perfect?

Thomas.-Through Jesus Christ.

T.-Let us repeat all together-There are in Heaven the spirits of just men made perfect through Jesus Christ.

And if your souls are taken to Heaven, through whom will they be there? Children-Through Jesus Christ.



Teacher.-Lucy, can you tell me what we spoke of yesterday?

Lucy-We spoke of the Inhabitants of Heaven.

T.—And who did we say they are?

Lucy-Angels, Cherubim, Seraphim, and other heavenly beings of different kinds, and the Spirits of just men made perfect.

T.-Repeat this all together.

And what more did we say, Fanny?

Fanny. We said that Praise is one of the chief employments of Heaven.

Mary. And we said something else. We said that the spirits of just men are made perfect through Jesus Christ.

T.-Yes: all the happy spirits enjoy their blessedness through Jesus Christ.

Let us repeat together, "All the happy spirits," &c.

Shall we now read something more about the

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