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Thomas.I felt very happy while we were conversing about heaven.

T.-Think then how happy those must be who are in Heaven!

And can you tell me the way to be happy now?

Did we say any thing about a heavenly state? C.-Yes: we said that those who go to Heaven must be in a heavenly state.

T.-Then, my dear children, the way to be happy now, is to seek to be in a heavenly state. Repeat this all together.*

C.-The way to be happy, &c.

T-Would you like to learn something more about the way of going to Heaven? Open your Bibles, and read all together, John xiv. 6.

Children." Jesus saith-I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

T.-Again. Again. Whenever you think about Heaven, think of these words also.

Can you at all tell me how Jesus Christ is the way to Heaven? Could we go to Heaven without Jesus Christ?

Children all together-No: we could never go to Heaven without Jesus Christ.

* We are aware the frequent repetitions may appear tedious, but in order to give a more complete idea of the plan suggested in the Introduction, we have thought it best to insert them. Experience teaches that repetitions are necessary for children; if we would impress any truth upon their minds, we must not lightly pass over it.

T.Why not, Francis?

Francis.-Because we are sinners.

T.-And what has Jesus Christ done for sinners?

Francis. He has died for sinners?

T.-Let us repeat all together.

C. and T-Jesus Christ has died for sinners. Again."

Think then, my dear children, how very much you ought to love Jesus Christ.

We have said that Jesus Christ died for sinners what made him suffer?

Was it the Cross alone which gave him pain? Each of our sins must have caused Him bitter suffering.-When you are proud, think that your pride has made Him suffer. When you are disobedient, think,Jesus suffered for my disobedience. When you are disposed to be obstinate, say to yourselfJesus endured long hours of pain to atone for my evil dis positions. Shall I then yield to them? If you are tempted to lie, think that such sins were to the Soul of Jesus more painful than the nails to his body. Think that He suffered to destroy the evil of our hearts.

Was it then our sins which caused Jesus Christ to suffer?

All together-Yes: it was our Sins that caused Jesus Christ to suffer.

T-We often hear that Jesus Christ died for our sins, but we are too apt to disregard the evil of sin. Every sin you have ever com

mitted, increased the weight of our Lord's sufferings. Should you not then be very sorry when you think of all your sins?

Should you not be very thankful that Jesus

died to open to you the way to Heaven?

There are many passages in Scripture which tell us how we may be saved by Jesus Christ. Do you know of one, Mary?

Mary. Yes in the 3d chapter of St. John. T-Read the 14th and 15th verses.

Mary." As Moses lifted up the Serpent in the Wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up: that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but have eternal life."


T.-Now read these verses all together.
Read also the 16th verse, Susan.

Susan.-"For God so loved the world that gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life."

T.-All together.—Again.

We will refer to one more; Fanny, read 1 Timothy, 1st chap. 15th ver.

Fanny." This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.".

T.-All together.

Learn these texts for the next time, my dear children: they will be a comfort to you through life; they will be precious to you upon a dying bed.

Jesus Christ is the way to Heaven, because He has died for sinners. Let us repeat all together.

C. and T.-Jesus Christ is the way to heaven, because He has died for sinners.

Jesus Christ is also the way to heaven because He cures us of sin-He not only forgives our sins, but He takes them away.

Read the three following passages, each a verse in turn, Matth. i. 21.-Gal. i. 4.-1 John iii. 5.

Is your heart sinful, Lucy?

Lucy.-Yes; I know my heart is sinful. Children.-You have often told us we have evil hearts.

T-Yes; but I do not wish you to believe it only because I have told you so.

Mary-I think if our hearts were not evil we should never say or do wrong things.

T-A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit. But we said, we could not go to Heaven unless our state were heavenly. Thomas, are you in

a state to go to Heaven? be changed?

Must not your heart

Thomas.-Yes: when we were speaking about Heaven, we said that we must be changed from Sin to Holiness.

T.-Through Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit is sent to change our hearts, and to make us holy. Jesus Christ is the way to Holiness. Repeat this all together.

Now William, read what our Saviour says, John x. 27.

William." My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me."

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T-And you, Francis, turn to Isaiah xl. v. 11.

Francis." He shall feed his flock like a Shepherd he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom.”

T-Observe then, Jesus Christ not only shews us the way to Heaven, but he leads us in it. Let us repeat..

C. and T.-Jesus Christ leads us in the way to Heaven.

We might say much more upon this subject, but you have heard sufficient for the present. Remember that


He is the way to Heaven, because He died for sinners.

He is the way to Heaven, because He is the way to holiness.

He is the way to Heaven, because He leads us *thither.

Henry, how did I say, first, that Jesus is the way to heaven?

Henry.-Jesus is the way to heaven, because he died for sinners.

T. All together.
And further, Thomas?

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