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considerations we may rise to God, who is the POWER of the heart, and of all life.

At another time, the Instructor might write the word "Breathing," and attempt to explain something of this wonderful action of the body, by which animal life is preserved. He might also take the powers of the mind in the same manner; for instance, PERCEPTION-the manner in which the mind perceives through the five senses, which are its media of communication with the outward world.

MEMORY-its functions-its use, &c. &c. From the reflections such subjects will suggest, we shall be led to adore the Being who made man in his threefold nature of body, soul, and spirit,—with all their various faculties, which at the creation of man were each directed to their appropriate object, and were harmoniously united in the Divine Love. And we may be led more earnestly to aspire after the RESTORATION of this blessed harmony in a regenerate state. It is true our knowledge is very limited, but if all would use aright even the portion they already possess, they would find continual cause for wonder, adoration, and love.


[This Lesson to be divided according to the discretion of the Teacher.]

Have you not heard of the Almighty ?
Have you thought of God under this name?
Why do you call God the Almighty?

Is there any thing too great for Him to do? From whence may you learn the Almighty power of God?

[There are three great sources from which we may derive our knowledge of the Almighty power of God; from the wonders of creation which we see around us; from what is revealed to us in His written word; and from the experience of this power in the life and functions both of body and soul. If the Teacher enter into these ideas, he will the more easily bring such a view before the children.]

Who made the trees, the plants, the flowers? Could you make one single leaf, or blade of grass ?

Can any man do this?

No: : man can form things from materials already created, but he can create nothing; he cannot create the smallest particle of matter. He may also make representations,-but he cannot give life to his representations.

And who made all the animals, the beasts on the earth, the fishes in the sea, the birds of the air?

Who preserves them, and provides them with food?

Who made the beautiful firmament we see, the sun, the moon, the stars?

Who causes the sun to shine, the rain to descend, the winds to blow?

Who gives to the earth its fertility?

In whose power is the daily, hourly existence of every thing upon the earth? Consider all that grows upon it, from every tree in the world, to every single blade of grass; think of all the animals, from the greatest living creature, to the smallest insect. Can any one of these be lost? [Read Matt. x. 29.]

And must not every one of the creatures of God be nourished and supported? Every ani mal and insect? Every single tree? Every single plant, every blade of grass in the world. How many must there be! And all in their various orders deriving every moment life from God!

Who only can remember, and take care of them all?

And who made man ?

Who made you?

Can man uphold his own being?

Can man preserve life in another?

Who alone can give and preserua life 2

Now, my dear children, He who can do, and is continually doing such things, may well be called Almighty.

You observe numberless proofs of Almighty power in every thing around you; from what other source may we learn many acts of Almighty power?

What is that Book which reveals to us much of the nature of God?

And does the Bible give us instances of His Almighty power?

What is the first?

And can you

tell me any farther instances?

[After dwelling on the wonders of creation, let the Teacher remind the children of some of the most striking acts of Almighty power recorded in Scripture, as the deluge, the confusion of tongues, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah-let him especially lead them to take a view of those instances in which the Almighty power and goodness are united, as in the miracles wrought for the Israelites, &c. If this suppose a greater knowledge of Scripture than the children possess, he may dwell on such facts as they already know, and tell them that as they read more of the Bible, they will find new examples of the power of God.]

But can you tell me what is the greatest instance of the Almighty power of God united with Almighty Love?

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Do you know that man is not in the state in which God created him?

And what has God done to recover man from his fallen state?

As you grow up, you will become more conscious how far you are fallen from the image of God, in which man was made. The more you know and feel about yourself, the more you will know how great a deliverance God has wrought-the more you will feel that nothing but Almighty Power and Love could have redeemed you.

We have spoken of those proofs of the Almighty power which may be gathered from what you see around you, and of those of which we read in Scripture; now think of yourselves— we said that God made you, that God preserves you: consider the wonderful structure of your own body.

Can you make your heart beat, or your blood circulate?

Or the air pass into your lungs, which enables you to breathe?

Consider that all this is going on within you, without any care or thought of your's: your heart has continued to beat ever since you were born, and will do so till the time of your death-Does your own power contribute to this?

No it is not often you even reflect that it

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