ཝཱ does beat the same with your breathing; you breathe continually, but you seldom think about it, far less does your own power contribute to it. The least derangement in the state of any one organ may cause you exquisite suffering, yet you have no power to remedy the mischief till God is pleased to do it. And who has given your limbs the power of life and activity? Did you ever see a person who had lost the use of his limbs ? You see then that the power of using our limbs is in God's hands. Who gave you eyes, ears, and all the organs of sense? Who gives you health? What must He possess who can do all these things? And must not your body die? And who has power over death? We have been considering the power of God with respect to your body, but have you nothing more than a body? Have you not a soul endowed with various faculties and affections? Can you not perceive, understand, remember? And who gave you the faculties of perception, memory, and understanding? Could you create or preserve any of these faculties? And do you not will and love, hope, fear, grieve, rejoice? Who made your soul capable of these powers and feelings? Who can employ them in His service? And is not your soul, with all its powers, formed to live for ever? Must not He who has created your body and soul, with all their faculties, and has formed you for an eternal existence, be an Almighty Being?* We have chiefly taken a view of the Almighty power of God, but if God were not infinitely good, we should have reason to tremble at his Almighty power. It is our inexpressible consolation that God is Love."— (1 John iv. 16.] སྙ "Now tell me how you should particularly improve your knowledge of the Almighty: should your knowledge of the divine Being lead you to a blessed fear of God? [Prov. xiv. 27; Mal. iv. 2; Luke xii. 5.] 1 **The Teacher may take other opportunities of explaining to the children, that all these various faculties and affections were created perfect; that each was directed to its appropriate end, and all were harmoniously united in the love of God; that since the fall they have been disordered, perverted, turned from the only source of good to evil--that God can shew His Almighty power in restoring the soul and its faculties to their original state. We would not now introduce this view, because we should avoid presenting too much matter at once to the youthful mind. And as the power of God is united with infinite love, should you not trust in Him? Is there any want which the power of God cannot supply? And what is your chief want? Do you want an Almighty Saviour? Jesus Christ is the Almighty Saviour. Do you want to be made holy, and prepared for God's heavenly presence? The holy Spirit is Almighty, and is ready to do this for you. The Almighty Being manifested in three persons, is able to do for you all that you can need. We said that the Scriptures revealed to us the power of God in our Redemption. We thought of the work of God for man, but there must also be a work of God in man: though you know of a Saviour who died for you, must not your heart be brought to believe in Him, and love Him? You cannot believe in Him and love Him of yourself; therefore the Almighty power of God is necessary to enable you to believe in and love your Saviour. For this end, God has bestowed the gift of the Holy Spirit. Pray for the Holy Spirit. We have considered the Almighty work of God in our creation and preservation; and, above all, in our Redemption. You have seen that God has done all that can be done for you; from this time forth, seek that His Almighty ANGELS OF GOD. QUESTIONS. 1. You have heard of angels: what have you heard about them? 2. And what kind of beings do you think they are? 3. Do they live in this world? 4. Have they been seen on earth? 5. Do angels watch over children? 6. Mention some of the many passages, where angels are spoken of in the Bible? 7. What was the vision Jacob saw? 8. To what vision of angels does our Saviour allude in speaking to Nathaniel? 9. What does St. Paul say of the office of angels? 10. To whom are they sent forth to minister? 11. Who announced the birth of Christ? 12. And after he had spoken to the Shepherds, who were suddenly seen with him? 13. How were the blessed multitude employed? 14. What was their heavenly song? |