His operations upon the hearts of men are manifold and wonderful. To mention the most important-the Holy Spirit convinces of Sin, leads us to Christ, and reveals Him in the soul -He enlightens, cleanses, purifies, renews, transforms-imparts spiritual life and heavenly graces. [Read John xvi. 7, 8, &c.; vii. 38, 39; with Acts i. 5, 8; Rom. viii. 1-27; 1 Cor. xii. 13; Gal. v. 22, 23.] In whose Name are we baptized? [Matth. xxviii. 19.] Why are we baptized in the name of the blessed Trinity? It is sufficient for us to know that our Saviour has commanded that we should be baptized "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost;" but we may think of some reasons why it is particularly suitable that we should be baptized in this name.-We thereby pay an act of homage to each person in the Trinity, and acknowledge the Unity— we are reminded, that we are intimately concerned in, and may be admitted to near relationship with, each person. God the Father is our Creator and Preserver; He is in a peculiar manner the Father of the regenerate. (Rom. viii. 15; Gal. iv. 6.) God the Son, redeems us from death; He is the Word made flesh. -God, the Holy Ghost, sanctifies `us :—and the regenerate Soul may be considered as a temple, in which the blessed Trinity is pleased to dwell. (John xiv. 23; 1 Cor. iii. 16; 2 Cor. 1 vi. 16.) The water in Baptism, may ibecan emblem of the cleansing of this temple, that it may be prepared for the indwelling of the Spirit, and the invocation of the three Persons may be an earnest of the mercies and privileges to be obtained from them. When you see children baptized, should you not think of what was done at your own Baptism? [The Teacher may refer to the baptismal service, and endeavor to impress: some of the passages upon the minds of the children.] What obligations are laid upon us in Baptism? Should you think of them, now that you are ́ ́able to understand them? What are you called upon to renounce? My dear children, these are very solemn obligations-you are to renounce the devil and all his works. Have you never yielded to tempers and pas"sions proceeding from the evil spirit? Have you considered what it is to renounce "the vain pomp and glory of the world, with all covetous desires of the same?" Do you know that whenever you wish for improper dress, you depart from this obligation ? And when you wish to be before others, or richer or greater than they are? And when you indulge your bodies more than is necessary for their health and support, what are you following? Are you not following the desires of the flesh? And have you" obediently kept God's holy will and commandments?" Do you not then, greatly need the forgiveness of God? What would become of you without a Saviour? Let these considerations induce you to seek earnestly for pardon through Christ, and for the grace of the Holy Spirit. We will now join in offering some petitions, which I recommend you frequently to use in private. "O merciful God, grant that the old Adam in me, may be so buried, that the new man may be raised up in me. "Grant that all carnal affections may die in me, and that all things belonging to the Spirit live and grow in me. may "Grant that I may have power and strength to have victory, and to triumph against the devil, the world, and the flesh," for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. BIBLE. Do you know the meaning of the word Bible? [Bible signifies Book.] Why do we call the holy Scriptures the Bible? [The Bible is the book of books, or the Book of God.] Do you know how it was written? What does St. Peter say of the writings in the Bible? [Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 2 Pet. i. 21.] And see 2 Tim. iii. 16. Is the Holy Spirit then the true Author of the Bible? And who must be the true interpreter of the Bible? Can men rightly understand the Bible without the help of the Holy Spirit? Ought His words to be precious to you? If you could hear Him speak with your outward ears, do you think you should be very attentive? Ought you not then to be attentive to His words in the Bible? Does God observe when you read the Bible? Does God observe how you read the Bible? Who knew the Holy Scriptures from a child? 2 Tim. iii. 15. May not you know them early? What effects are we told the Book of God's E law produced on king Josiah? 2 Kings xxii. xxiii. What is the man called who delights in the law of the Lord, and meditates in it day and night? Ps. i. 1, 2. And what did Jesus say of those who “hear the word of God, and keep it?" Luke xi. 28. In what Psalm has David particularly expressed his delight in the law of God? Ps. cxix. Did David possess the whole Bible? Did he value that part of it which he possessed? Ps. cxix. 97. Have you more of the Holy Scriptures than David had? Do you love them like David? Did David often pray that he might understand and keep God's law? See many verses of the cxixth Psalm? And what should you do? What prayer do you find in the 18th verse of the cxixth Psalm. This is a prayer which you may secretly use whenever you open the Bible. What were the principal divisions of the Old Testament amongst the Jews? [The law of Moses, the Psalms, (including the book of Proverbs, &c.) and the Prophets.] To whom do these Scriptures point? Does our Saviour tell us that they point to Himself? Read Luke xxiv. 44; John v. 39. [And |