consider Matt. xii. 39, 40; xvi. 4; xxi. 42; xxvi. 54; Luke iv. 21. There are abundant passages which shew that the Scriptures of the Old Testament were fulfilled in Jesus Christ.] Did our Saviour often refer to the Scriptures? Can you tell me one memorable occasion on which he did so? Matt. iv. 4—10. We should feel that, by our Lord's frequent references to the Scriptures, He put a great honour upon them. What use does St. Paul tell us to make of the Scriptures against temptation? Eph. vi. 17. Of what uses does he speak, 2 Tim. iii. 16, 17? And what does St. John say, John xx. 31? Tell me the most glorious truth we learn from the Bible. [That Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners.] How are you concerned in this truth? Did holy men of old know this mercy as plainly as you know it? [Matt. xiii. 17; Heb. i. 1, 2: 1 Pet. i. 12.] But will knowing the whole Bible profit you, unless you love Jesus Christ? Should you not earnestly pray, that the Bible may lead you to love our Saviour? My dear children, you have seen and heard the words of the Bible. Angels desire to look into the mystery of redemption. Many prophets and righteous men desired to see the things which you see, and did not see them. Many thousands of the heathen have died without seeing the Bible. What a privilege have you! How do you improve it? Have you found the Pearl of great price, which is hidden in the Bible? When you read the Bible, do you read with prayer; praying God to open your mind and heart to understand and obey it?—Do not let your best days pass without studying the Scriptures. Set apart a time to read them daily. Never leave your room without reading a few verses: and what you read pray over, reflect upon, and seek to practise every day. Prayer: O my God, may the Bible, Thy blessed Word, be the Book of my heart! May it be the means of my everlasting good!— Teach me by Thy Holy Spirit. Lead me in the way of Salvation, through Jesus Christ. CITY OF GOD. I. Is there a city of God? Is it like the cities of men? Where do you read about it? Who saw the heavenly City in the spirit? Rev. xxi. 10. Whose glory has it? v. 11. To what is its light compared? v. 11. How many foundations has the wall of the city? v. 14. What is said of the building of the wall, and of the whole city? v. 12 and 18. Name particularly, the precious stones of which the twelve foundations are composed? v. 19, 20. Of what material do the twelve gates consist? v. 21. And what is each gate? What is said of the brightness of the material of which the city, and streets are formed? v. 18, 21. Did you ever see or hear of any thing so glorious in this world? [No: the descriptions here given, exceed every thing that can be conceived upon earth. What then must the realities be!] You have thought what we have read very glorious tell me the source and cause of all this glory. What temple has the heavenly city? Rev. xxi. 22. From whence has the city its transcendent light? xxi. 23. Observe that if God and the Lamb are the source of all the glory and happiness of the heavenly Jerusalem, we may be certain there is no other source of true glory and happiness upon earth. If God were not present in the Holy City, it would have no light, beauty, joy, or blessedness. Whenever a single ray of His pure light penetrates into our dark souls, what joy does it produce! But how much greater happiness will the immediate presence of God create, when we shall see Him" face to face," and know even as we are known. (1 Cor. xiii. 12; 1 John iii. 2.) These things indeed 66 eye hath not seen, nor ear heard." Now read the remaining verses of the chapter, (v. 24-27.) Here we will pause for the present. Meditate upon what has been said. The subject is an eternal reality. Often think of the fulness of joy in the presence of God. II. We spoke of the City of God, and we saw that it must be a habitation of glory and joy. Tell me who has opened its everlasting gates. Who of all mankind shall dwell in it? Turn to Rev. v. 9; and vii. 9; and read the 24th verse of the 21st chapter. How are the nations saved, who "walk in the light of it?" By whose blood are they redeemed? Who has given to them their white robes? What may the white robes signify? Consider Matt. xxii. 11, 12; Rev. vii. 14; xix. 8. [They may signify the perfect righteousness of Christ which is given to the believer-His justifying righteousness wrought out for the soul; His sanctifying righteousness wrought in the soul. See 1 Cor. i. 30; vi. 11; 2 Cor. v. 21. It is in the blood of the Lamb that our robes must be washed and made white.-The pure righteousness of Christ adorns and beautifies the soul, and it is also the ornament of the heavenly body-by it not only the souls, but the bodies of men are restored-by virtue of the righteousness of Christ, the believer receives his glorified body emancipated from the ruins of the fall, shining with heavenly brightness.] What new song do the redeemed sing? [Rev. v. 9; xiv. 3; xv. 3.] These happy souls have received all their |