DAY. & What day of the week is this? What day of the month? What day of the year? What day of your life? Can you tell that you shall see another day? Read Prov. xxvii. 1; James iv. 13, 14. Into how many hours is the day divided? Ought every day to be well spent? Can any day be recalled ? What are we commanded to do six days? [Exod. xx. 9.] May your heart be with God, while your hands are employed ? What are you to do on the seventh day? What daily state of mind does Solomon recommend? Prov. xxiii. 17. And what does St. Paul say, Heb. iii. 13? For what is each successive day given us? What is the great work we have to do? Read Phil. ii. 12, 13; with John vi. 29; ix 4.] What is the first thing you should do every day? Read what is said of Jesus, Mark i. 35. What should you last do? What are you taught to pray for every day? [Matt. vi. 11.] And what is said, Matt. vi. 33? [Observe that in the same prayer we are taught first to ask that the kingdom of God may come: were we every day fervently to desire this mercy, we need not doubt that other things should be added unto us. We are daily to trust in God for bread. And when we pray for the bread of the body, let us also pray for the Bread of Life.] Whose eye is upon us by day and by night? Who spent every day according to the divine will? To what does every day bring us nearer ? This great day is spoken of under different names. What day is spoken of 2 Cor. vi. 2? And Eph. iv. 30?-Phil. i. 6?-1 Thes. v. 2?-2 Pet. iii. 10, 12? My dear children, this is the day of Salvation; soon the great day, the last day of Time will come. What will be the last day to you? How may you see in peace the last day of your life; how may the Day of Judgment be to you the day of holy triumph ? ETERNITY. Can you think of Eternity? Can your thoughts measure Eternity ? Had Eternity a beginning? Will it have an end? How then may we describe Eternity? Should the thought of Eternity be deeply impressed upon your mind? How may it be so? Ought you to meditate upon eternal things? Is it difficult to you to meditate upon them? Why is it difficult? [Not to mention the difficulty those must experience, the general tenor of whose lives is at variance with a preparation for Eternity, it is in the beginning difficult to all; but through the sweetness God imparts, it at length becomes delightful. It is in the beginning difficult, because Satan opposes every effort for our eternal good: it is difficult on account of our powerful habits-we have been unaccustomed to meditate upon eternal things : it is difficult because our daily conversation leads us too much to dwell in the senseswhereas the contemplation of Eternity would elevate us above the senses. It is difficult because our souls partake of the nature of this world. The associations we form, the ideas we acquire, the spiritual atmosphere we breathe, are too often in direct contrariety with the associations and atmosphere of Heaven.] Though you cannot always be actually thinking of Eternity, the prospect of Eternity should influence your daily actions, your heart should be ever turned toward Heaven. What does the name JEHOVAH signify? Read Exod. iii. 14; vi. 3; with John viii. 58. The name Jehovah expresses eternal existence. In what is God said to dwell, Isaiah Ivii. 15 ? Is any thing in man eternal? Shall men ever inhabit eternity? In what state? Shall all be happy when they die? May you partake of eternal happiness? May you fall short of it? [Heb. iv. 1.] How may you be made partaker of eternal happiness? How may you fall short of it? Can any earthly thing, could the whole world compensate for eternal loss? Matt. xvi. 26. You said the soul of man is of an eternal nature; has man also a dying nature? How should a dying creature live in the prospect of Eternity? How should you live? FATHER. Have you a Father ? Is he dear to you? What does he do for you? What are your duties to him? Which is called "the first commandment with promise?" [Eph. vi. 2.] What is the promise? [Ex. xx. 12; Deut. v. 16.] Where are we told that God peculiarly blessed filial obedience? Jer. xxxv. 18, 19. Who enables your earthly father to do for you what he does? Is God your heavenly Father? Does He do more for you than your earthly parent? What did He first do for you? What does He do for you every day? When you receive His gifts, ought you not to think of Him? When you see the sun shine, may you not think it is your heavenly Father's sun? And when you see the flowers bloom, of whose goodness should you think? Who causes the corn to grow for your food? Who preserves your life and health ? Could your earthly father give you food and |