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public benefit, like the free public library which he established here in his native town. And in these last years I have seen him clothed in that gentle mist of divine patience, visible, through his natural buoyancy of spirits, only to loving eyes, with which he met his increasing loss of sight.

So will that life he lived always exist in one form or another upon the earth. Thus living here, how much more shall there always be life for him in some happy sphere above and beyond. It is these great and good souls that quiet our doubting minds, that prove to us this truth of immortal life. To be forever with him we need only to be like him. Always, now and forever, we are with, one with, in heart, mind, and soul, those whom we are alike; no height, nor depth, nor distance, nor time, can ever separate such as these.

Now, as companions and travelers, we part for a little with our friend, who has finished one stage of the journey and taken on another. Sweet, generous, gentle spirit, hail, but not farewell! rather let us whisper our loving "good-night" till we all meet at the dawn of the great morning.

I wage not any feud with Death,

For changes wrought on form and face;

No lower life that earth's embrace
May breed with him can fright my faith.

Eternal process moving on,

From state to state the spirit walks ;
And these are but the shatter'd stalks,
Or ruin'd chrysalis of one.



About two weeks after Dr. Philbrick's funeral, the New England Journal of Education published a memorial number, consisting of eulogistic letters from all parts of the country. These letters, perhaps, indicate as clearly as anything can the estimate in which Dr. Philbrick was held by the educators of America, and the warm place he filled in their hearts. Below are given many of these letters. Explanatory of the purpose of publishing these letters, there appeared in the memorial number of the Journal, under date of Feb. 18, 1886, the following


It was our purpose to give a liberal share of the JOURNAL this week to tributes to the memory of Mr. Philbrick; but, so generous and prompt have been the responses, and so valuable are the reminiscences, reviews, and estimates of his life, that we most cheerfully surrender our editorial, as well as other pages, to the words of high esteem and noble affection which flow from so many pens. It is most worthy of record that these contributions are not fulsome eulogies, nor unbecoming praises of Mr. Philbrick. All bear, in their deepest meaning, honest and heartfelt testimonies to some trait, quality, or service, which are established by the mouths of many


ready witnesses.

We had intended to add our own humbler word to these, but must withhold it for another opportunity, preferring that the brethren, who speak so truly and eloquently, should express their sentiments of appreciative affection. Their contributions to his worth form a monument as enduring as can be built, having for its foundation, a noble, devoted, generous, Christian manhood. We shall be greatly surprised, if our readers in all parts of our country do not welcome these tokens of regard, which are not only personal to Mr. Philbrick as a man and an educator, but are of greater moment to the whole body of teachers, as the recognition of a professional spirit and devotion, which are the best evidence that his life had a purpose, and that it was crowned with most gratifying success. With Mann and Agassiz and Page and Philbrick among our worthies, we certainly have some reason to be proud of our calling, and of all who bear the name of Teacher.


The death of the noble Philbrick has touched me more deeply than that of any other New England educator since the death of Horace Mann, and Mr. Mann, as you know, spent his last years in Ohio as president of Antioch College, thus adding to my high esteem for him the felicity of a personal acquaintance.

I first met Dr. Philbrick in the superintendent's office in Boston, the city so long and so highly honored by his professional labors, and the acquaintance there formed grew with passing years into an intimate friendship;


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